
NotesUse cults to add predefined sets of spells to your enemy templates.



Hit locations

Range startRange endNameArmorHP Modifier


(RIG) (Fonrit) Evukindubyrde1
(RIG) (Fonrit) Garangordos & 17 Glorious Ones byrde1
(RIG) (Fonrit) Hanjethulutbyrde1
(RIG) (Fonrit) Orjethulutbyrde1
(RIG) (Fonrit) Urgantan Sorcery Schoolbyrde1
(RIG) (Fonrit) Zindaulo Sorcery Schoolbyrde1
1Empire of The Islesdeal
6 Aetherials - Orayna AcolyteMcPataloons
6 Aetherials - Orayna InitiateMcPataloons
6 Aetherials - Orayna PriestMcPataloons
7 Mothers - Irrippi Ontor Acolytehkokko
7 Mothers - Irrippi Ontor Initiatehkokko
7 Mothers - Irrippi Ontor Priesthkokko
7 Mothers - Jakaleel the Witch Acolytehkokko
7 Mothers - Jakaleel the Witch Initiatehkokko
7 Mothers - Jakaleel the Witch Priesthkokko
7 Mothers - She Who Waits Acolytehkokko
7 Mothers - She Who Waits Devoteehkokko
7 Mothers - She Who Waits Initiatehkokko
7 Mothers Queen Deezola Acolytehkokko
7 Mothers Queen Deezola Initiatehkokko
7 Mothers Queen Deezola Priestesshkokko
7 Mothers Teelo Norri Acolytehkokko
7 Mothers Teelo Norri Initiatehkokko
7 Mothers Teelo Norri Priestesshkokko
Abjurements of Ybion - Adept (Sorcery)hkokko
Abjurements of Ybion - Archmage (Sorcery)hkokko
Abjurements of Ybion - Mage (Sorcery)hkokko
Abjurements of Ybion Sorcery Order - Apprentice (hkokko
Adept in Blessing of Sethkokko
Adept in Order of Iron Serpenthkokko
Adept in Venom of Sethkokko
Adept of Codex Diabolishkokko
Adept of Marsh and Misthkokko
Adept of Smokeless, Scorching Firehkokko
Adept of Waves and Depthshkokko
Air/Storm god (Theistic)skoll
Aldrya Gardener Acolytehkokko
Aldrya Gardener Initiatehkokko
Aldrya Gardener Priesthkokko
Aldrya High Shamanhkokko
Aldrya Shamanhkokko
Aldrya Wood Lord Acolytehkokko
Aldrya Wood Lord Initiatehkokko
Aldrya Wood Lord Priesthkokko
Ankun-za, Acolytedamonjynx
Ankun-za, High Priestdamonjynx
Ankun-za, Initiatedamonjynx
Ankun-za, Priestdamonjynx
Annilla Acolytehkokko
Annilla Initiatehkokko
Annilla Priesthkokko
Apprentice in Blessing of Sethkokko
Apprentice in Order of Iron Serpenthkokko
Apprentice in Venom of Sethkokko
Apprentice of Smokeless, Scorching Firehkokko
Apprentice of Waves and Depthshkokko
Aranea Acolytehkokko
Aranea Initiatehkokko
Aranea Priesthkokko
Ardor de Sagg'ogChewier6
Argan Argar Acolytehkokko
Argan Argar Devoteehkokko
Argan Argar Initiatehkokko
Asrelia Acolytehkokko
Asrelia Initiatehkokko
Asrelia Priestesshkokko
Augustine of HippoThiudans
Babeester Gor Acolytehkokko
Babeester Gor Initiatehkokko
Babeester Gor Priestesshkokko
Bacchus devoteebearnt
Bagog Acolytehkokko
Bagog Devoteehkokko
Bagog Spirit Society - High Shamanhkokko
Bagog Spirit Society - shamanhkokko
Bagog Spirit Society - Spirit Worshipperhkokko
Balazaring Brother Dog FollowerGagarin
Balazaring Brother Dog Spirit WorshipperGagarin
Baraku Acolytehkokko
Baraku Initiatehkokko
Baraku Runelordhkokko
Basmol Acolytehkokko
Basmol Initiatehkokko
Basmol Priesthkokko
Betrayer Cult of AnomiosTertius
Bindings of Khutnar - Adept (Sorcery)hkokko
Bindings of Khutnar - Apprentice (Sorcery)hkokko
Bindings of Khutnar - Mage (Sorcery)hkokko
Bindings of Khutnar- Archmage (Sorcery)hkokko
Black Sun Acolytehkokko
Black Sun Initiatehkokko
Black Sun Priesthkokko
Blackfang Acolytehkokko
Blackfang Initiatehkokko
Blackfang Shamanhkokko
Bloody Tusk Acolytehkokko
Bloody Tusk Devoteehkokko
Bloody Tusk Initiatehkokko
Bogle Magichkokko
Bolongo Acolytehkokko
Bolongo Initiatehkokko
Bolongo Priesthkokko
Borderlands, Bloody Tusk AcolyteBilharzia
Brass Mostali Grimoirehkokko
Burayha Xolani Acolytehkokko
Burayha Xolani Initiatehkokko
Burayha Xolani Priesthkokko
Buserian PriestGodlearner
Cacodemon Acolytehkokko
Cacodemon Initiatehkokko
Cacodemon Priesthkokko
Caladra & Aurelion Acolytehkokko
Caladra & Aurelion Initiatehkokko
Caladra & Aurelion Priesthkokko
Calari the Hunter Acolytehkokko
Calari the Hunter Devoteehkokko
Calari the Hunter Initiatehkokko
Catholic PriestPaulkwk
Celtic Animismyngeld
Celtic Boar Spirit Magicyngeld
Celtic Horse Spirit Magicyngeld
Celtic Plant Cultyngeld
Chalana Arroy Acolytehkokko
Chalana Arroy Initiatehkokko
Chalana Arroy Priesthkokko
Chosen of Aasrad-Afan (cedar lion)bturner
Cleric 1 (Thaogg Axefang)N1k0
College of the Heuristsbabbytutel
Comfort of Silence: Void: Empty Circletzunder
Constable, Octallangreggjake
Constable, Octallan, Jrgreggjake
Copy of Garangordos The Cruel Initiateraleel
Copy of Humakt Swordeugeniovergel
Crafter God (Theistic)skoll
Crimson Bat Acolytehkokko
Crimson Bat Initiatehkokko
Crimson Bat Priesthkokko
Cryptical Weavings of Xeeth - Adept (Sorcery)hkokko
Cryptical Weavings of Xeeth - Apprentice (Sorcery)hkokko
Cryptical Weavings of Xeeth - Archmage (Sorcery)hkokko
Cryptical Weavings of Xeeth - Mage (Sorcery)hkokko
Cult of Nemlura Acolytegreggjake
Cult of Nemlura Initiategreggjake
Cult of Odinmr.sigz
Cult of Vora greggjake
Cult of Voragreggjake
Cult of Zaitog Acolytegreggjake
Cult of Zaitog Acolytegreggjake
Cult of Zaitog Initiategreggjake
Cult Template 10123Capl
Cult Template 10275darksaberak
Cult Template 10381GullyBurns
Cult Template 10404SerotoninRonin
Cult Template 10668Myrmex
Cult Template 10703Madpig
Cult Template 10709The_Crawling_Chaos_
Cult Template 10928Suleiman
Cult Template 11146cov
Cult Template 11455GullyBurns
Cult Template 11456GullyBurns
Cult Template 11477Orkboy6
Cult Template 11596Arlon1990
Cult Template 11602haakonlade
Cult Template 11659Kytrya
Cult Template 11802Ohthere_of_Dale
Cult Template 11890tranney1
Cult Template 11996uzuz
Cult Template 12075greggjake
Cult Template 12082greggjake
Cult Template 12237Thankor
Cult Template 12404Warp
Cult Template 12448Bakali
Cult Template 12449DZebs48
Cult Template 1777hkokko
Cult Template 2151hkokko
Cult Template 2466Devercia
Cult Template 2661Marduk
Cult Template 2699Chorpa
Cult Template 3138Bilharzia
Cult Template 3194MisterFluffykins
Cult Template 3488Gareth
Cult Template 3520CallMeProphet
Cult Template 4002hkokko
Cult Template 4108hkokko
Cult Template 4582Tymophil
Cult Template 4622BirdMan
Cult Template 4763bearnt
Cult Template 4900BrianEye
Cult Template 5388Rune77
Cult Template 5921Kolarsep
Cult Template 6004HeadmasterTA
Cult Template 6028superheronecromancer
Cult Template 6386Dragon
Cult Template 6389Joona
Cult Template 6449toomuchghb
Cult Template 6639Vargrsen
Cult Template 6826WhiteAura
Cult Template 6875HeadmasterTA
Cult Template 6885CromTheConqueror
Cult Template 6889ToferC
Cult Template 7139Cultistable
Cult Template 7320two_fishes
Cult Template 7529Celebdel
Cult Template 7700Greshbolt
Cult Template 7735adevenney
Cult Template 8007Cultistable
Cult Template 8483akerbeltz
Cult Template 8516Inncubi1
Cult Template 8642mindflayer
Cult Template 8692ChainedMoth
Cult Template 9105Moosekowski
Cult Template 9196Doktorb
Cult Template 9352GusRPG
Cult Template 9371Kalvarho
Cult Template 9374GullyBurns
Cult Template 9394N1k0
Cult Template 9638Inncubi1
Cult Template 9801VinnieSift
Cult Template 9810HeadmasterTA
Cult Template 9864sumerin
Cult Template 9877Artorias
Cult Template 9912sumerin
Culto de Erastiluruk06
Culto keerjalaAnibal
Dabblings of the Lotus Eatersazrooh
Danfive Xaron Acolytehkokko
Danfive Xaron Devoteehkokko
Danfive Xaron Initiatehkokko
Dark Eater Acolytehkokko
Dark Eater Initiatehkokko
Dark Eater Priesthkokko
Dark Moon, Acolytetowergazer
Dark Moon, High Priesttowergazer
Dark Moon, Priesttowergazer
Dashatan Initiatehkokko
Dashatan Lay Memberhkokko
Death god (Theistic)skoll
Death Runehkokko
Dedicated of Lolthraleel
Dendara Acolytehkokko
Dendara Initiatehkokko
Dendara Priestesshkokko
Dictates of Tzarkand - Adept (Sorcery)hkokko
Dictates of Tzarkand - Apprentice (Sorcery)hkokko
Dictates of Tzarkand - Mage (Sorcery)hkokko
Dictates of Tzarkand- Archmage (Sorcery)hkokko
Disciple of the Way of The Landhkokko
Disciple, Mountain Templehkokko
Disciple, Path of Deceithkokko
Disciple, Path of Silken Deathhkokko
Disciple, School of Impenetrable Silencehkokko
Donandar Acolytehkokko
Donandar Devoteehkokko
Donandar Initiatehkokko
Dorasta Acolytehkokko
Dorasta Initiatehkokko
Dorasta Priestesshkokko
Dormal Acolytehkokko
Dormal Devoteehkokko
Dormal Initiatehkokko
Dracula Template 7433Dano13
Dwarven Deep Delvers (Common)Ratfink
Earth initiatebearnt
Earth warriorbearnt
Ebon Words of Zaruthra - Adept (Sorcery)hkokko
Ebon Words of Zaruthra - Apprentice (Sorcery)hkokko
Ebon Words of Zaruthra - Mage (Sorcery)hkokko
Ebon Words of Zaruthra- Archmage (Sorcery)hkokko
Eiritha Acolytehkokko
Eiritha Bison Spirit Society - High Shamanhkokko
Eiritha Bison Spirit Society - Shamanhkokko
Eiritha Bison Spirit Society - Spirit Worshipperhkokko
Eiritha Impala Spirit Society - High Shamanhkokko
Eiritha Impala Spirit Society - Shamanhkokko
Eiritha Impala Spirit Society - Spirit Worshipperhkokko
Eiritha Initiatehkokko
Eiritha Priesthkokko
Eiritha Rhino Spirit Society - High Shamanhkokko
Eiritha Rhino Spirit Society - Shamanhkokko
Eiritha Rhino Spirit Society - Spirit Worshipperhkokko
Eiritha Spirit Society - High Shamanhkokko
Eiritha Spirit Society - Shamanhkokko
Eiritha Spirit Society - Spirit Worshipperhkokko
El-Jazuli - Sister Witch - High Witchhkokko
El-Jazuli - Sister Witch Acolytehkokko
El-Jazuli - Sister Witch Devoteehkokko
El-Jazuli - Sister Witch Initiatehkokko
Ernalda Acolytehkokko
Ernalda Initiatehkokko
Ernalda Priestesshkokko
Escuela de CalorPatrullero
Etyries Acolytehkokko
Etyries Initiatehkokko
Etyries Priesthkokko
Eurmal Acolytehkokko
Eurmal Initiatehkokko
Eurmal Priesthkokko
Evukindu Acolytehkokko
Evukindu Initiatehkokko
Evukindu Runelordhkokko
Example Rank 0 Cantripshkokko
Example Rank 1 sorcererhkokko
Fathach The GorgerShawnLStroud
Fida'ls Acolytehkokko
Fida'ls Initiatehkokko
Fida'ls Priesthkokko
Fire CultMoodyMac
Fire Heart - Adeptbturner
Fire Heart - Apprenticebturner
Flamal Acolytehkokko
Flamal Priesthkokko
Flintnail Acolytehkokko
Flintnail Initiatehkokko
Flintnail Priesthkokko
Foundchild Acolytehkokko
Foundchild Devoteehkokko
Foundchild High Shamanhkokko
Foundchild Initiate hkokko
Foundchild Shamanhkokko
Foundchild Spirit Followerhkokko
FR_Amaunator the SunShawnLStroud
FR_Tiamat, The Dragon QueenShawnLStroud
Gagarth Acolytehkokko
Gagarth Devoteehkokko
Gagarth Initiatehkokko
Garangordos The Cruel Acolytehkokko
Garangordos The Cruel Initiatehkokko
Garangordos The Cruel Priesthkokko
Gark the Calm Acolytehkokko
Gark the Calm Devoteehkokko
Gark the Calm Initiatehkokko
Gark the Calm Lay Memberhkokko
Geolok Acolytehkokko
Geolok Initiatehkokko
Geolok Priesthkokko
Gloomshark Acolytehkokko
Gloomshark Initiatehkokko
Gloomshark Priesthkokko
Gorakiki Bee Acolytehkokko
Gorakiki Bee Imagohkokko
Gorakiki Bee Initiatehkokko
Gorakiki Beetle Acolytehkokko
Gorakiki Beetle Imagohkokko
Gorakiki Beetle Initiatehkokko
Gorakiki Locust Acolytehkokko
Gorakiki Locust Imagohkokko
Gorakiki Locust Initiatehkokko
Gorakiki Mantistoomuchghb
Gorakiki Moth Acolytehkokko
Gorakiki Moth Imagohkokko
Gorakiki Moth Initiatehkokko
Grain Goddess Acolytehkokko
Grain Goddess Initiatehkokko
Grain Goddess Priestesshkokko
Gray Guardsrklingler
grome culttankred
Gynosphix Sorceryraleel
Hanjethulut Acolytehkokko
Hanjethulut Devoteehkokko
Hanjethulut Initiatehkokko
Hanuman (Dedicated)raleel
Hanuman (Novice)raleel
Hanuman (Proven)raleel
Heler Acolytehkokko
Heler Initiatehkokko
Heler Priesthkokko
Hidden Leaf Mysticsgreggjake
High Shaman Gyaosi Spirit Societyhkokko
Himile Acolytehkokko
Himile Initiatehkokko
Himile Priesthkokko
Horned Man Spirit Society - Shaman hkokko
Humakt Acolytehkokko
Humakt Initiatehkokko
Humakt Swordhkokko
Hungry Ghost High Shamanhkokko
Hungry Ghost Initiatehkokko
Hungry Ghost Shamanhkokko
Hungry Jack Acolytehkokko
Hungry Jack Initiatehkokko
Hungry Jack Priesthkokko
Hyena CultBilharzia
Hykim & Mikyh Acolytehkokko
Hykim & Mikyh Devoteehkokko
Hykim & Mikyh Initiatehkokko
Ilioth - Priestesshkokko
Ilioth Acolytehkokko
Ilioth Initiatehkokko
Imperial Guild of Market InspectorsNigel_Clarke
Iqari Mystic Ratfink
Iron Mostali Grimoire - Adepthkokko
Iron Mostali Grimoire - Apprenticehkokko
Iron Mostali Grimoire - ArchMagehkokko
Iron Mostali Grimoire - Magehkokko
Issaries Acolytehkokko
Issaries Devoteehkokko
Issaries Initiatehkokko
Kangi Spirit Society - High Shaman hkokko
Kangi Spirit Society - Shaman hkokko
Kangi Spirit Society - Spirit Worshipperhkokko
Karkisso Acolytehkokko
Karkisso Initiatehkokko
Karkisso Priesthkokko
Kingdom o War Animism - Ironbloodbyrde1
Kingdom o War Animism - Verminbyrde1
Kingdom o War Mysticism - Blindeyebyrde1
Kingdom of War Sorcery - Unloyalbyrde1
Kingdom of War Theism - Blueskullbyrde1
korovulian inqisitoy legion torvak
Krarsht Acolytehkokko
Krarsht Devoteehkokko
Krarsht Initiatehkokko
Krjalk Acolytehkokko
Krjalk Initiatehkokko
Krjalk Priesthkokko
Kumongi Spirit Society - Shaman hkokko
Kyger Litor Acolytehkokko
Kyger Litor Devoteehkokko
Kyger Litor Initiatehkokko
Kyger Litor Priestthischarmingmanc
Lamsabi Disciplehkokko
Lamsabi Masterhkokko
Lamsabi Studenthkokko
Lanbril Acolytehkokko
Lanbril Initiatehkokko
Lanbril Priesthkokko
Lanis (Thennla)Simulacrum
Lemure Acolytehkokko
Lemure Initiatehkokko
Lemure Priesthkokko
Lhankor Mhy Acolytehkokko
Lhankor Mhy Initiatehkokko
Lhankor Mhy Sagehkokko
Livonian Pagan Commonmalato
Livonian Pagan Dedicatedmalato
Livonian Pagan Overseermalato
Livonian Pagan Provenmalato
Lodril Acolytehkokko
Lodril Initiatehkokko
Lodril Priesthkokko
Lokarnos Acolytehkokko
Lokarnos Initiatehkokko
Lokarnos Priesthkokko
Loskalm Sorcery - Black Book of the Armybyrde1
Loskalm Sorcery - Blue Book of the Armybyrde1
Loskalm Sorcery - Red Book of the Armybyrde1
Luiton - Airy Spirithkokko
Luiton Elf Magichkokko
Lumavoxoran Acolytehkokko
Lumavoxoran Initiatehkokko
Lumavoxoran Priesthkokko
Lunar Folk Magic (Provincial)hkokko
Magasta Acolytehkokko
Magasta Devoteehkokko
Magasta Initiatehkokko
Mage in Order of Iron Serpenthkokko
Mage of Military Orderhkokko
Mage of Dark Forces Orderhkokko
Mage of Marsh and Misthkokko
Mage of Metamorphosis Orderhkokko
Mage of Necromantic Orderhkokko
Mage of Shadows in Darkness Orderhkokko
Mage of Smokeless, Scorching Firehkokko
Mage of The Lich Wayhkokko
Mage of Transmutation Orderhkokko
Mage of Unremitting Truthhkokko
Mage of Waves and Depthshkokko
Malfoi Magichkokko
Malformations of Maldweeb - Adept (Sorcery)hkokko
Malformations of Maldweeb - Apprentice (Sorcery)hkokko
Malformations of Maldweeb - Archmage (Sorcery)hkokko
Malformations of Maldweeb - Mage (Sorcery)hkokko
Malia Acolytehkokko
Malia High Shamanhkokko
Malia Initiatehkokko
Mandahi Spirit Society - High Shaman hkokko
Mandahi Spirit Society - Shaman hkokko
Mandahi Spirit Society - Spirit Worshipper hkokko
Manifest Creations of Yeiber - Adept (Sorcery)hkokko
Manifest Creations of Yeiber - Archmage (Sorcery)hkokko
Manifest Creations of Yeiber - Mage (Sorcery)hkokko
Manifest Creations of Yeiber -Apprentice (Sorcery)hkokko
Maran Gor Acolytehkokko
Maran Gor Initiatehkokko
Maran Gor Priestesshkokko
Marok the Salt Forged, Acolytehkokko
Marok the Salt Forged, Initiatehkokko
Marok the Salt Forged, Lay Memberhkokko
Maruiko the BowShawnLStroud
Mastakos Acolytehkokko
Mastakos Devoteehkokko
Mastakos Initiatehkokko
Master of the Way of The Landhkokko
Master, Mountain Templehkokko
Master, Path of Deceithkokko
Master, School of Impenetrable Silencehkokko
Medicine Spirit Cultyngeld
Mee Vorala Acolytehkokko
Mee Vorala Initiatehkokko
Mee Vorala Priesthkokko
Military Order (Sorcery)skoll
Moon worship cultBobthebuilder
Moorgarki Acolytehkokko
Moorgarki Devoteehkokko
Moorgarki Initiatehkokko
Mordiggoth Acolytehkokko
Mordiggoth Initiatehkokko
Mordiggoth Priesthkokko
Myceras Lay Memberraleel
Mystic Ghoulsazrooh
Necronomic Order (Sorcery)skoll
Nergal (Dedicated)raleel
Nergal (Overseer)raleel
Ngalo Priesthood - High Priesttowergazer
Niente magiamalato
NIght FangJInkyz
Numi del Peccatoinavyre
Oakfed Spirit Society - High Shamanhkokko
Oakfed Spirit Society - Shamanhkokko
Oakfed Spirit Society - Spirit Worshipperhkokko
Odayla Acolytehkokko
Odayla Devoteehkokko
Odayla Initiatehkokko
Ojahl Acolytehkokko
Ojahl Initiatehkokko
Ojahl Priesthkokko
OMG Acolytehkokko
OMG Initiatehkokko
OMG Priesthkokko
Ompalam Acolytehkokko
Ompalam Initiatehkokko
Ompalam Priesthkokko
Order of Kappa-PI-AlphaNigel_Clarke
Orjethulut Acolytehkokko
Orjethulut Devoteehkokko
Orjethulut Initiatehkokko
Orlanth Acolytehkokko
Orlanth Devoteehkokko
Orlanth Initiatehkokko
Orlanth Initiate, Lower Rankhkokko
Orthodox Church (Patriarchate of Constantinople)Nigel_Clarke
Ouphalus Tablets - Mage (Sorcery)hkokko
Ouphalus Tablets Sorcery Order - Adept (Sorcery)hkokko
Ouphalus Tablets Sorcery Order - Archmage (Sorceryhkokko
Ouphalus Tablets-Apprentice (Sorcery)hkokko
Pamalt Acolytehkokko
Pamalt Initiatehkokko
Pamalt Priesthkokko
Pamalt Spirit Society - High Shamanhkokko
Pamalt Spirit Society - Shamanhkokko
Pamalt Spirit Society - Spirit Worshipperhkokko
Path of Immanent Mastery Devoteehkokko
Pavis Acolytehkokko
Pavis Initiatehkokko
Pavis Priesthkokko
Pnachotic Protections - Adept (Sorcery)hkokko
Pnachotic Protections - Mage (Sorcery)hkokko
Pnachotic Protections- Archmage (Sorcery)hkokko
Pnachotic Protections-Apprentice (Sorcery)hkokko
Pocharngo Acolytehkokko
Pocharngo Initiatehkokko
Pocharngo Shamblerhkokko
Praxian Folk Magichkokko
Primal Chaos Devoteehkokko
Prognostications of Nugsoth - Adept (Sorcery)hkokko
Prognostications of Nugsoth - Mage (Sorcery)hkokko
Prognostications of Nugsoth -Apprentice (Sorcery)hkokko
Prognostications of Nugsoth- Archmage (Sorcery)hkokko
Psionics (Clairsentience)edw888
Psionics (Kinesis)edw888
Psionics (Metabolism)edw888
Psionics (Metapsionics)edw888
Psionics (Telepathy)edw888
Psionics (Teleportation)edw888
Quatochill Acolytehkokko
Quatochill Initiatehkokko
Quatochill Priesthkokko
Ragnaglar Acolytehkokko
Ragnaglar Initiatehkokko
Ragnaglar Priesthkokko
Rank 1 Magic User (Evoker)raleel
Rannagul Animist Practitionerbturner
Rannagul Shamanbturner
Rasout Acolytehkokko
Rasout Devoteehkokko
Rasout Initiatehkokko
Renamos the Rising Stormazrooh
Roxor Priesthood - Priesttowergazer
Sagacious Scrolls of Soleks - Adept (Sorcery)hkokko
Sagacious Scrolls of Soleks - Mage (Sorcery)hkokko
Sagacious Scrolls of Soleks - Archmage (Sorcery)hkokko
Sagacious Scrolls of Soleks-Apprentice (Sorcery)hkokko
Sage, Mountain Templehkokko
Saxon Animismyngeld
School of Dazerius, Adepttowergazer
School of Dazerius, Initiatetowergazer
School of Dazerius, Magetowergazer
School of Nolasara, Adepttowergazer
School of Nolasara, Initiatetowergazer
School of Nolasara, Leadertowergazer
School of Nolasara, Pre-Initiatetowergazer
Sea Witch InitiateRatfink
Sedalpist Adepthkokko
Sedalpist Adept2hkokko
Sedalpist Apprenticehkokko
Sedalpist ArchMagehkokko
Sedalpist Magehkokko
Sedalpist Mage2hkokko
Selarn Acolytehkokko
Selarn Devoteehkokko
Selarn Initiatehkokko
Sergeant Constable, Octallangreggjake
Seseine Acolytehkokko
Seseine Initiatehkokko
Seseine Priestesshkokko
Shakun Berserker InitiateaccipiterHawk
Shakun Berserker ProvenaccipiterHawk
Shakun Witch InitiateaccipiterHawk
Shaman Gyaosi Spirit Societyhkokko
Shurang State Sorcerygreggjake
Sidana Acolytehkokko
Sidana Priesthkokko
Sith Empire Order - Acolyterobertp
Sith Empire Order - Adeptrobertp
Sith Empire Order - Apprenticerobertp
Skandr Wizard of Ravens AprenticeaccipiterHawk
Skysisters devotedbearnt
Skysisters priestbearnt
Snake Spirit Society - High Shamanhkokko
Snake Spirit Society - Shamanhkokko
Snake Spirit Society - Spirit Worshipperhkokko
Spider Spirit Society - High Shamanhkokko
Spider Spirit Society - Shamanhkokko
Spider Spirit Society - Spirit Worshipperhkokko
Spirit Worshipper Gyaosi Spirit Societyhkokko
Storm Bull Acolytehkokko
Storm Bull Initiatehkokko
Storm Bull Khanhkokko
Storm Bull Spirit Society - High Shaman hkokko
Storm Bull Spirit Society - Shaman hkokko
Storm Bull Spirit Society - Spirit Worshipperhkokko
Student of the Way of The Landhkokko
Student, Mountain Templehkokko
Student, Path of deceithkokko
Student, School of Impenetrable Silencehkokko
Subere Acolytehkokko
Subere Initiatehkokko
Subere Priesthkokko
Telmor Acolytehkokko
Telmor Devoteehkokko
Telmor Initiatehkokko
Testing My Cult AVAAvaruussaha
Thanatar Doom Seekerhkokko
Thanatar Doom Seeker - Hand of Thanhkokko
Thanatar Doom Seeker - Horn of Atyarhkokko
Thanatar Doomed - Breath of Thanatarhkokko
Thanatar Doomed - Hand of Thanhkokko
Thanatar Doomed - Horn of Atyarhkokko
Thanatar Priest - Breath of Thanatarhkokko
Thanatar Priest - Hand of Thanhkokko
Thanatar Priest - Horn of Atyarhkokko
Thargorgos Acolytehkokko
Thargorgos Initiatehkokko
Thargorgos Priesthkokko
Thasaidon Acolytehkokko
Thasaidon Initiatehkokko
Thasaidon Priesthkokko
The Cult of Rak'thaldustxstorm
The Jewel: The Mask (Fioracitta)alex_greene
The Vagnarr Elucidations - Adept (Sorcery)hkokko
The Vagnarr Elucidations - Archmage (Sorcery)hkokko
The Vagnarr Elucidations - Mage (Sorcery)hkokko
The Vagnarr Elucidations -Apprentice (Sorcery)hkokko
Thed 01062020childofentropy
Thed High Shamanhkokko
Thed Shamanhkokko
Thed Spirit Worshipperhkokko
Torthil Initiate - KorantiaCedoc
Torthil of Yarasilba - Acolytebturner
Torthil of Yarasilba - Initiatebturner
Torthil of Yarasilba - Lay Memberbturner
Torthil of Yarasilba - Priestbturner
Triolina Acolytehkokko
Triolina Initiatehkokko
Triolina Priestesshkokko
Tsankth Acolytehkokko
Tsankth Initiatehkokko
Tsankth Priesthkokko
Ty Kora Tek Acolytehkokko
Ty Kora Tek Initiatehkokko
Ty Kora Tek Priestesshkokko
Udil Priesthood - Acolytetowergazer
Udil Priesthood - Initiatetowergazer
Udil Priesthood - Priesttowergazer
Uleria Acolytehkokko
Uleria Initiatehkokko
Uleria Priestesshkokko
Um-Oradin Acolytehkokko
Um-Oradin Initiatehkokko
Um-Oradin Priesthkokko
Umathelan Malkioni Magehkokko
Urain Acolytehkokko
Urain Devoteehkokko
Urain Initiatehkokko
Vadeli Brown Magichkokko
Vadeli Sorcery Magehkokko
Valind Acolytehkokko
Valind Initiatehkokko
Valind Priesthkokko
Vergamka Acolytehkokko
Vergamka Initiatehkokko
Vergamka Priesthkokko
Vinga Acolytehkokko
Vinga Devoteehkokko
Vinga Initiatehkokko
Vivamort Acolytehkokko
Vivamort Devoteehkokko
Vivamort Initiatehkokko
Voria Initiatehkokko
Voria Priestesshkokko
Wachaza Acolytehkokko
Wachaza Devoteehkokko
Wachaza Initiatehkokko
Waha Acolytehkokko
Waha Initiatehkokko
Waha Khanhkokko
Waha Spirit Society - High Shaman hkokko
Waha Spirit Society - Shaman hkokko
Waha Spirit Society - Spirit Worshipperhkokko
Way of the Hidden Tigergreggjake
Wild Talentedw888
Will o the Wisp Magichkokko
Witch Cult - AcolyteNigel_Clarke
Witch Cult - AdeptNigel_Clarke
Witch Cult - Mistress of the Dark ArtsNigel_Clarke
Witchcraft (Weird of Hali)hkokko
Xentha Acolytehkokko
Xentha Initiatehkokko
Xentha Priesthkokko
Xiola Umbar Acolytehkokko
Xiola Umbar Initiatehkokko
Xiola Umbar Priestesshkokko
Yanafal Tarsils Acolytehkokko
Yanafal Tarsils Devoteehkokko
Yanafal Tarsils Initiatehkokko
Yarthraak (Gorathk)Gryom
Yelm Acolytehkokko
Yelm Initiatehkokko
Yelm Priesthkokko
Yelmalio Acolytehkokko
Yelmalio Initiatehkokko
Yelmalio Initiate, Lower Rankhkokko
Yelmalio Priesthkokko
Yelorna Acolytehkokko
Yelorna Initiatehkokko
Yelorna Priestesshkokko
Ygg of Threestep Acolytehkokko
Ygg of Threestep Initiatehkokko
Ygg of Threestep Priesthkokko
Yhounkehd Acolytehkokko
Yhounkehd Initiatehkokko
Yhounkehd Priesthkokko
Yimskar Malignancies - Mage (Sorcery)hkokko
Yinkin Acolytehkokko
Yinkin Initiatehkokko
Yinkin Priesthkokko
Ylila Acolytehkokko
Ylila Initiatehkokko
Ylila Priesthkokko
Yuklha Acolytehkokko
Yuklha Initiatehkokko
Yuklha Priesthkokko
Zola Fel Acolytehkokko
Zola Fel Initiatehkokko
Zola Fel Riverlordhkokko
Zong Acolytehkokko
Zong Initiatehkokko
Zong Shamanhkokko
Zong Shaman Elder Wildsthischarmingmanc
Zorak Zoran Acolytehkokko
Zorak Zoran Death Lordhkokko
Zorak Zoran Initiatehkokko
Zululun Acolytehkokko
Zululun Initiatehkokko
Zululun Priesthkokko