Name | Creator |
| Dano13 |
| Orion117 |
(RIG) (Fonrit) Evukindu | byrde1 |
(RIG) (Fonrit) Garangordos & 17 Glorious Ones | byrde1 |
(RIG) (Fonrit) Hanjethulut | byrde1 |
(RIG) (Fonrit) Orjethulut | byrde1 |
(RIG) (Fonrit) Urgantan Sorcery School | byrde1 |
(RIG) (Fonrit) Zindaulo Sorcery School | byrde1 |
1Empire of The Isles | deal |
6 Aetherials - Orayna Acolyte | McPataloons |
6 Aetherials - Orayna Initiate | McPataloons |
6 Aetherials - Orayna Priest | McPataloons |
7 Mothers - Irrippi Ontor Acolyte | hkokko |
7 Mothers - Irrippi Ontor Initiate | hkokko |
7 Mothers - Irrippi Ontor Priest | hkokko |
7 Mothers - Jakaleel the Witch Acolyte | hkokko |
7 Mothers - Jakaleel the Witch Initiate | hkokko |
7 Mothers - Jakaleel the Witch Priest | hkokko |
7 Mothers - She Who Waits Acolyte | hkokko |
7 Mothers - She Who Waits Devotee | hkokko |
7 Mothers - She Who Waits Initiate | hkokko |
7 Mothers Queen Deezola Acolyte | hkokko |
7 Mothers Queen Deezola Initiate | hkokko |
7 Mothers Queen Deezola Priestess | hkokko |
7 Mothers Teelo Norri Acolyte | hkokko |
7 Mothers Teelo Norri Initiate | hkokko |
7 Mothers Teelo Norri Priestess | hkokko |
a | edw888 |
Abjurements of Ybion - Adept (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Abjurements of Ybion - Archmage (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Abjurements of Ybion - Mage (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Abjurements of Ybion Sorcery Order - Apprentice ( | hkokko |
Adept in Blessing of Set | hkokko |
Adept in Order of Iron Serpent | hkokko |
Adept in Venom of Set | hkokko |
Adept of Codex Diabolis | hkokko |
Adept of Marsh and Mist | hkokko |
Adept of Smokeless, Scorching Fire | hkokko |
Adept of Waves and Depths | hkokko |
Air/Storm god (Theistic) | skoll |
Aldrya Gardener Acolyte | hkokko |
Aldrya Gardener Initiate | hkokko |
Aldrya Gardener Priest | hkokko |
Aldrya High Shaman | hkokko |
Aldrya Shaman | hkokko |
Aldrya Wood Lord Acolyte | hkokko |
Aldrya Wood Lord Initiate | hkokko |
Aldrya Wood Lord Priest | hkokko |
Ankun-za, Acolyte | damonjynx |
Ankun-za, High Priest | damonjynx |
Ankun-za, Initiate | damonjynx |
Ankun-za, Priest | damonjynx |
Annilla Acolyte | hkokko |
Annilla Initiate | hkokko |
Annilla Priest | hkokko |
Anya | LoamySoils |
Apprentice in Blessing of Set | hkokko |
Apprentice in Order of Iron Serpent | hkokko |
Apprentice in Venom of Set | hkokko |
Apprentice of Smokeless, Scorching Fire | hkokko |
Apprentice of Waves and Depths | hkokko |
Aranea Acolyte | hkokko |
Aranea Initiate | hkokko |
Aranea Priest | hkokko |
Ardor de Sagg'og | Chewier6 |
Argan Argar Acolyte | hkokko |
Argan Argar Devotee | hkokko |
Argan Argar Initiate | hkokko |
Asrelia Acolyte | hkokko |
Asrelia Initiate | hkokko |
Asrelia Priestess | hkokko |
Augustine of Hippo | Thiudans |
Babeester Gor Acolyte | hkokko |
Babeester Gor Initiate | hkokko |
Babeester Gor Priestess | hkokko |
Bacchus devotee | bearnt |
Bagog Acolyte | hkokko |
Bagog Devotee | hkokko |
Bagog Spirit Society - High Shaman | hkokko |
Bagog Spirit Society - shaman | hkokko |
Bagog Spirit Society - Spirit Worshipper | hkokko |
Balazaring Brother Dog Follower | Gagarin |
Balazaring Brother Dog Spirit Worshipper | Gagarin |
Baraku Acolyte | hkokko |
Baraku Initiate | hkokko |
Baraku Runelord | hkokko |
Basmol Acolyte | hkokko |
Basmol Initiate | hkokko |
Basmol Priest | hkokko |
Betrayer Cult of Anomios | Tertius |
Bindings of Khutnar - Adept (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Bindings of Khutnar - Apprentice (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Bindings of Khutnar - Mage (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Bindings of Khutnar- Archmage (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Black Sun Acolyte | hkokko |
Black Sun Initiate | hkokko |
Black Sun Priest | hkokko |
Blackfang Acolyte | hkokko |
Blackfang Initiate | hkokko |
Blackfang Shaman | hkokko |
Bloody Tusk Acolyte | hkokko |
Bloody Tusk Devotee | hkokko |
Bloody Tusk Initiate | hkokko |
Bogle Magic | hkokko |
Bolongo Acolyte | hkokko |
Bolongo Initiate | hkokko |
Bolongo Priest | hkokko |
Borderlands, Bloody Tusk Acolyte | Bilharzia |
Brass Mostali Grimoire | hkokko |
Burayha Xolani Acolyte | hkokko |
Burayha Xolani Initiate | hkokko |
Burayha Xolani Priest | hkokko |
Buserian Priest | Godlearner |
Cacodemon Acolyte | hkokko |
Cacodemon Initiate | hkokko |
Cacodemon Priest | hkokko |
Caladra & Aurelion Acolyte | hkokko |
Caladra & Aurelion Initiate | hkokko |
Caladra & Aurelion Priest | hkokko |
Calari the Hunter Acolyte | hkokko |
Calari the Hunter Devotee | hkokko |
Calari the Hunter Initiate | hkokko |
Catholic Priest | Paulkwk |
Celtic Animism | yngeld |
Celtic Boar Spirit Magic | yngeld |
Celtic Horse Spirit Magic | yngeld |
Celtic Plant Cult | yngeld |
Chalana Arroy Acolyte | hkokko |
Chalana Arroy Initiate | hkokko |
Chalana Arroy Priest | hkokko |
Chosen of Aasrad-Afan (cedar lion) | bturner |
Cleric 1 (Thaogg Axefang) | N1k0 |
College of the Heurists | babbytutel |
Comfort of Silence: Void: Empty Circle | tzunder |
Constable, Octallan | greggjake |
Constable, Octallan, Jr | greggjake |
Copy of Garangordos The Cruel Initiate | raleel |
Copy of Humakt Sword | eugeniovergel |
Crafter God (Theistic) | skoll |
Crimson Bat Acolyte | hkokko |
Crimson Bat Initiate | hkokko |
Crimson Bat Priest | hkokko |
Cristiani | malato |
Cryptical Weavings of Xeeth - Adept (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Cryptical Weavings of Xeeth - Apprentice (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Cryptical Weavings of Xeeth - Archmage (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Cryptical Weavings of Xeeth - Mage (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Cult of Nemlura Acolyte | greggjake |
Cult of Nemlura Initiate | greggjake |
Cult of Odin | mr.sigz |
Cult of Vora | greggjake |
Cult of Vora | greggjake |
Cult of Zaitog Acolyte | greggjake |
Cult of Zaitog Acolyte | greggjake |
Cult of Zaitog Initiate | greggjake |
Cult Template 10123 | Capl |
Cult Template 10275 | darksaberak |
Cult Template 10381 | GullyBurns |
Cult Template 10404 | SerotoninRonin |
Cult Template 10668 | Myrmex |
Cult Template 10703 | Madpig |
Cult Template 10709 | The_Crawling_Chaos_ |
Cult Template 10928 | Suleiman |
Cult Template 11146 | cov |
Cult Template 11455 | GullyBurns |
Cult Template 11456 | GullyBurns |
Cult Template 11477 | Orkboy6 |
Cult Template 11596 | Arlon1990 |
Cult Template 11602 | haakonlade |
Cult Template 11659 | Kytrya |
Cult Template 11802 | Ohthere_of_Dale |
Cult Template 11890 | tranney1 |
Cult Template 11996 | uzuz |
Cult Template 12075 | greggjake |
Cult Template 12082 | greggjake |
Cult Template 12237 | Thankor |
Cult Template 12404 | Warp |
Cult Template 12448 | Bakali |
Cult Template 12449 | DZebs48 |
Cult Template 1777 | hkokko |
Cult Template 2151 | hkokko |
Cult Template 2466 | Devercia |
Cult Template 2661 | Marduk |
Cult Template 2699 | Chorpa |
Cult Template 3138 | Bilharzia |
Cult Template 3194 | MisterFluffykins |
Cult Template 3488 | Gareth |
Cult Template 3520 | CallMeProphet |
Cult Template 4002 | hkokko |
Cult Template 4108 | hkokko |
Cult Template 4582 | Tymophil |
Cult Template 4622 | BirdMan |
Cult Template 4763 | bearnt |
Cult Template 4900 | BrianEye |
Cult Template 5388 | Rune77 |
Cult Template 5921 | Kolarsep |
Cult Template 6004 | HeadmasterTA |
Cult Template 6028 | superheronecromancer |
Cult Template 6386 | Dragon |
Cult Template 6389 | Joona |
Cult Template 6449 | toomuchghb |
Cult Template 6639 | Vargrsen |
Cult Template 6826 | WhiteAura |
Cult Template 6875 | HeadmasterTA |
Cult Template 6885 | CromTheConqueror |
Cult Template 6889 | ToferC |
Cult Template 7139 | Cultistable |
Cult Template 7320 | two_fishes |
Cult Template 7529 | Celebdel |
Cult Template 7700 | Greshbolt |
Cult Template 7735 | adevenney |
Cult Template 8007 | Cultistable |
Cult Template 8483 | akerbeltz |
Cult Template 8516 | Inncubi1 |
Cult Template 8642 | mindflayer |
Cult Template 8692 | ChainedMoth |
Cult Template 9105 | Moosekowski |
Cult Template 9196 | Doktorb |
Cult Template 9352 | GusRPG |
Cult Template 9371 | Kalvarho |
Cult Template 9374 | GullyBurns |
Cult Template 9394 | N1k0 |
Cult Template 9638 | Inncubi1 |
Cult Template 9801 | VinnieSift |
Cult Template 9810 | HeadmasterTA |
Cult Template 9864 | sumerin |
Cult Template 9877 | Artorias |
Cult Template 9912 | sumerin |
Culto de Erastil | uruk06 |
Culto keerjala | Anibal |
Dabblings of the Lotus Eaters | azrooh |
Danfive Xaron Acolyte | hkokko |
Danfive Xaron Devotee | hkokko |
Danfive Xaron Initiate | hkokko |
Dark Eater Acolyte | hkokko |
Dark Eater Initiate | hkokko |
Dark Eater Priest | hkokko |
Dark Moon, Acolyte | towergazer |
Dark Moon, High Priest | towergazer |
Dark Moon, Priest | towergazer |
Dashatan Initiate | hkokko |
Dashatan Lay Member | hkokko |
Death god (Theistic) | skoll |
Death Rune | hkokko |
Dedicated of Lolth | raleel |
Dendara Acolyte | hkokko |
Dendara Initiate | hkokko |
Dendara Priestess | hkokko |
Dictates of Tzarkand - Adept (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Dictates of Tzarkand - Apprentice (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Dictates of Tzarkand - Mage (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Dictates of Tzarkand- Archmage (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Disciple of the Way of The Land | hkokko |
Disciple, Mountain Temple | hkokko |
Disciple, Path of Deceit | hkokko |
Disciple, Path of Silken Death | hkokko |
Disciple, School of Impenetrable Silence | hkokko |
Donandar Acolyte | hkokko |
Donandar Devotee | hkokko |
Donandar Initiate | hkokko |
Dorasta Acolyte | hkokko |
Dorasta Initiate | hkokko |
Dorasta Priestess | hkokko |
Dormal Acolyte | hkokko |
Dormal Devotee | hkokko |
Dormal Initiate | hkokko |
Dracula Template 7433 | Dano13 |
Dwarven Deep Delvers (Common) | Ratfink |
Earth initiate | bearnt |
Earth warrior | bearnt |
Ebon Words of Zaruthra - Adept (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Ebon Words of Zaruthra - Apprentice (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Ebon Words of Zaruthra - Mage (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Ebon Words of Zaruthra- Archmage (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Eiritha Acolyte | hkokko |
Eiritha Bison Spirit Society - High Shaman | hkokko |
Eiritha Bison Spirit Society - Shaman | hkokko |
Eiritha Bison Spirit Society - Spirit Worshipper | hkokko |
Eiritha Impala Spirit Society - High Shaman | hkokko |
Eiritha Impala Spirit Society - Shaman | hkokko |
Eiritha Impala Spirit Society - Spirit Worshipper | hkokko |
Eiritha Initiate | hkokko |
Eiritha Priest | hkokko |
Eiritha Rhino Spirit Society - High Shaman | hkokko |
Eiritha Rhino Spirit Society - Shaman | hkokko |
Eiritha Rhino Spirit Society - Spirit Worshipper | hkokko |
Eiritha Spirit Society - High Shaman | hkokko |
Eiritha Spirit Society - Shaman | hkokko |
Eiritha Spirit Society - Spirit Worshipper | hkokko |
El-Jazuli - Sister Witch - High Witch | hkokko |
El-Jazuli - Sister Witch Acolyte | hkokko |
El-Jazuli - Sister Witch Devotee | hkokko |
El-Jazuli - Sister Witch Initiate | hkokko |
Ernalda Acolyte | hkokko |
Ernalda Initiate | hkokko |
Ernalda Priestess | hkokko |
Escuela de Calor | Patrullero |
Etyries Acolyte | hkokko |
Etyries Initiate | hkokko |
Etyries Priest | hkokko |
Eurmal Acolyte | hkokko |
Eurmal Initiate | hkokko |
Eurmal Priest | hkokko |
Evukindu Acolyte | hkokko |
Evukindu Initiate | hkokko |
Evukindu Runelord | hkokko |
Example Rank 0 Cantrips | hkokko |
Example Rank 1 sorcerer | hkokko |
Farbanners | Greshbolt |
Fathach The Gorger | ShawnLStroud |
Fida'ls Acolyte | hkokko |
Fida'ls Initiate | hkokko |
Fida'ls Priest | hkokko |
Fire Cult | MoodyMac |
Fire Heart - Adept | bturner |
Fire Heart - Apprentice | bturner |
Flamal Acolyte | hkokko |
Flamal Priest | hkokko |
Flintnail Acolyte | hkokko |
Flintnail Initiate | hkokko |
Flintnail Priest | hkokko |
Foundchild Acolyte | hkokko |
Foundchild Devotee | hkokko |
Foundchild High Shaman | hkokko |
Foundchild Initiate | hkokko |
Foundchild Shaman | hkokko |
Foundchild Spirit Follower | hkokko |
FR_Amaunator the Sun | ShawnLStroud |
FR_Tiamat, The Dragon Queen | ShawnLStroud |
Gagarth Acolyte | hkokko |
Gagarth Devotee | hkokko |
Gagarth Initiate | hkokko |
Garangordos The Cruel Acolyte | hkokko |
Garangordos The Cruel Initiate | hkokko |
Garangordos The Cruel Priest | hkokko |
Gark the Calm Acolyte | hkokko |
Gark the Calm Devotee | hkokko |
Gark the Calm Initiate | hkokko |
Gark the Calm Lay Member | hkokko |
Gemistos | Tanper |
Geolok Acolyte | hkokko |
Geolok Initiate | hkokko |
Geolok Priest | hkokko |
Gloomshark Acolyte | hkokko |
Gloomshark Initiate | hkokko |
Gloomshark Priest | hkokko |
Gorakiki Bee Acolyte | hkokko |
Gorakiki Bee Imago | hkokko |
Gorakiki Bee Initiate | hkokko |
Gorakiki Beetle Acolyte | hkokko |
Gorakiki Beetle Imago | hkokko |
Gorakiki Beetle Initiate | hkokko |
Gorakiki Locust Acolyte | hkokko |
Gorakiki Locust Imago | hkokko |
Gorakiki Locust Initiate | hkokko |
Gorakiki Mantis | toomuchghb |
Gorakiki Moth Acolyte | hkokko |
Gorakiki Moth Imago | hkokko |
Gorakiki Moth Initiate | hkokko |
Grain Goddess Acolyte | hkokko |
Grain Goddess Initiate | hkokko |
Grain Goddess Priestess | hkokko |
Gray Guards | rklingler |
grome cult | tankred |
Guardian | bearnt |
Gynosphix Sorcery | raleel |
Half-Fae | Iaith |
Hanjethulut Acolyte | hkokko |
Hanjethulut Devotee | hkokko |
Hanjethulut Initiate | hkokko |
Hanuman (Dedicated) | raleel |
Hanuman (Novice) | raleel |
Hanuman (Proven) | raleel |
Heler Acolyte | hkokko |
Heler Initiate | hkokko |
Heler Priest | hkokko |
Hidden Leaf Mystics | greggjake |
High Shaman Gyaosi Spirit Society | hkokko |
Himile Acolyte | hkokko |
Himile Initiate | hkokko |
Himile Priest | hkokko |
Horned Man Spirit Society - Shaman | hkokko |
Humakt Acolyte | hkokko |
Humakt Initiate | hkokko |
Humakt Sword | hkokko |
Hungry Ghost High Shaman | hkokko |
Hungry Ghost Initiate | hkokko |
Hungry Ghost Shaman | hkokko |
Hungry Jack Acolyte | hkokko |
Hungry Jack Initiate | hkokko |
Hungry Jack Priest | hkokko |
Hyena Cult | Bilharzia |
Hykim & Mikyh Acolyte | hkokko |
Hykim & Mikyh Devotee | hkokko |
Hykim & Mikyh Initiate | hkokko |
Ilioth - Priestess | hkokko |
Ilioth Acolyte | hkokko |
Ilioth Initiate | hkokko |
Imperial Guild of Market Inspectors | Nigel_Clarke |
Iqari Mystic | Ratfink |
Iron Mostali Grimoire - Adept | hkokko |
Iron Mostali Grimoire - Apprentice | hkokko |
Iron Mostali Grimoire - ArchMage | hkokko |
Iron Mostali Grimoire - Mage | hkokko |
Issaries Acolyte | hkokko |
Issaries Devotee | hkokko |
Issaries Initiate | hkokko |
Kangi Spirit Society - High Shaman | hkokko |
Kangi Spirit Society - Shaman | hkokko |
Kangi Spirit Society - Spirit Worshipper | hkokko |
Karkisso Acolyte | hkokko |
Karkisso Initiate | hkokko |
Karkisso Priest | hkokko |
Keer'Jaala | Anibal |
Kingdom o War Animism - Ironblood | byrde1 |
Kingdom o War Animism - Vermin | byrde1 |
Kingdom o War Mysticism - Blindeye | byrde1 |
Kingdom of War Sorcery - Unloyal | byrde1 |
Kingdom of War Theism - Blueskull | byrde1 |
korovulian inqisitoy legion | torvak |
Krarsht Acolyte | hkokko |
Krarsht Devotee | hkokko |
Krarsht Initiate | hkokko |
Krjalk Acolyte | hkokko |
Krjalk Initiate | hkokko |
Krjalk Priest | hkokko |
Kumongi Spirit Society - Shaman | hkokko |
Kyger Litor Acolyte | hkokko |
Kyger Litor Devotee | hkokko |
Kyger Litor Initiate | hkokko |
Kyger Litor Priest | thischarmingmanc |
Lamsabi Disciple | hkokko |
Lamsabi Master | hkokko |
Lamsabi Student | hkokko |
Lanbril Acolyte | hkokko |
Lanbril Initiate | hkokko |
Lanbril Priest | hkokko |
Lanis (Thennla) | Simulacrum |
Lemure Acolyte | hkokko |
Lemure Initiate | hkokko |
Lemure Priest | hkokko |
Lhankor Mhy Acolyte | hkokko |
Lhankor Mhy Initiate | hkokko |
Lhankor Mhy Sage | hkokko |
Livonian Pagan Common | malato |
Livonian Pagan Dedicated | malato |
Livonian Pagan Overseer | malato |
Livonian Pagan Proven | malato |
Lloth | Microkrin |
Lodril Acolyte | hkokko |
Lodril Initiate | hkokko |
Lodril Priest | hkokko |
Lokarnos Acolyte | hkokko |
Lokarnos Initiate | hkokko |
Lokarnos Priest | hkokko |
Loskalm Sorcery - Black Book of the Army | byrde1 |
Loskalm Sorcery - Blue Book of the Army | byrde1 |
Loskalm Sorcery - Red Book of the Army | byrde1 |
Luiton - Airy Spirit | hkokko |
Luiton Elf Magic | hkokko |
Lumavoxoran Acolyte | hkokko |
Lumavoxoran Initiate | hkokko |
Lumavoxoran Priest | hkokko |
Lunar Folk Magic (Provincial) | hkokko |
Maenad | bearnt |
Magasta Acolyte | hkokko |
Magasta Devotee | hkokko |
Magasta Initiate | hkokko |
Mage in Order of Iron Serpent | hkokko |
Mage of Military Order | hkokko |
Mage of Dark Forces Order | hkokko |
Mage of Marsh and Mist | hkokko |
Mage of Metamorphosis Order | hkokko |
Mage of Necromantic Order | hkokko |
Mage of Shadows in Darkness Order | hkokko |
Mage of Smokeless, Scorching Fire | hkokko |
Mage of The Lich Way | hkokko |
Mage of Transmutation Order | hkokko |
Mage of Unremitting Truth | hkokko |
Mage of Waves and Depths | hkokko |
Malfoi Magic | hkokko |
Malformations of Maldweeb - Adept (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Malformations of Maldweeb - Apprentice (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Malformations of Maldweeb - Archmage (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Malformations of Maldweeb - Mage (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Malia Acolyte | hkokko |
Malia High Shaman | hkokko |
Malia Initiate | hkokko |
Mandahi Spirit Society - High Shaman | hkokko |
Mandahi Spirit Society - Shaman | hkokko |
Mandahi Spirit Society - Spirit Worshipper | hkokko |
Manifest Creations of Yeiber - Adept (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Manifest Creations of Yeiber - Archmage (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Manifest Creations of Yeiber - Mage (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Manifest Creations of Yeiber -Apprentice (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Maran Gor Acolyte | hkokko |
Maran Gor Initiate | hkokko |
Maran Gor Priestess | hkokko |
Marok the Salt Forged, Acolyte | hkokko |
Marok the Salt Forged, Initiate | hkokko |
Marok the Salt Forged, Lay Member | hkokko |
Mars | bearnt |
Maruiko the Bow | ShawnLStroud |
Mastakos Acolyte | hkokko |
Mastakos Devotee | hkokko |
Mastakos Initiate | hkokko |
Master of the Way of The Land | hkokko |
Master, Mountain Temple | hkokko |
Master, Path of Deceit | hkokko |
Master, School of Impenetrable Silence | hkokko |
Medicine Spirit Cult | yngeld |
Mee Vorala Acolyte | hkokko |
Mee Vorala Initiate | hkokko |
Mee Vorala Priest | hkokko |
Mereas | Tanper |
Military Order (Sorcery) | skoll |
Moon worship cult | Bobthebuilder |
Moorgarki Acolyte | hkokko |
Moorgarki Devotee | hkokko |
Moorgarki Initiate | hkokko |
Mordiggoth Acolyte | hkokko |
Mordiggoth Initiate | hkokko |
Mordiggoth Priest | hkokko |
Myceras Lay Member | raleel |
Mystic Ghouls | azrooh |
Necronomic Order (Sorcery) | skoll |
Nergal (Dedicated) | raleel |
Nergal (Overseer) | raleel |
Ngalo Priesthood - High Priest | towergazer |
Niente magia | malato |
NIght Fang | JInkyz |
Numi del Peccato | inavyre |
Oakfed Spirit Society - High Shaman | hkokko |
Oakfed Spirit Society - Shaman | hkokko |
Oakfed Spirit Society - Spirit Worshipper | hkokko |
Odayla Acolyte | hkokko |
Odayla Devotee | hkokko |
Odayla Initiate | hkokko |
Ojahl Acolyte | hkokko |
Ojahl Initiate | hkokko |
Ojahl Priest | hkokko |
OMG Acolyte | hkokko |
OMG Initiate | hkokko |
OMG Priest | hkokko |
Ompalam Acolyte | hkokko |
Ompalam Initiate | hkokko |
Ompalam Priest | hkokko |
Order of Kappa-PI-Alpha | Nigel_Clarke |
Orjethulut Acolyte | hkokko |
Orjethulut Devotee | hkokko |
Orjethulut Initiate | hkokko |
Orlanth Acolyte | hkokko |
Orlanth Devotee | hkokko |
Orlanth Initiate | hkokko |
Orlanth Initiate, Lower Rank | hkokko |
Orthodox Church (Patriarchate of Constantinople) | Nigel_Clarke |
Ouphalus Tablets - Mage (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Ouphalus Tablets Sorcery Order - Adept (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Ouphalus Tablets Sorcery Order - Archmage (Sorcery | hkokko |
Ouphalus Tablets-Apprentice (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Pamalt Acolyte | hkokko |
Pamalt Initiate | hkokko |
Pamalt Priest | hkokko |
Pamalt Spirit Society - High Shaman | hkokko |
Pamalt Spirit Society - Shaman | hkokko |
Pamalt Spirit Society - Spirit Worshipper | hkokko |
Path of Immanent Mastery Devotee | hkokko |
Pavis Acolyte | hkokko |
Pavis Initiate | hkokko |
Pavis Priest | hkokko |
Pnachotic Protections - Adept (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Pnachotic Protections - Mage (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Pnachotic Protections- Archmage (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Pnachotic Protections-Apprentice (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Pocharngo Acolyte | hkokko |
Pocharngo Initiate | hkokko |
Pocharngo Shambler | hkokko |
Praxian Folk Magic | hkokko |
Primal Chaos Devotee | hkokko |
Prognostications of Nugsoth - Adept (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Prognostications of Nugsoth - Mage (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Prognostications of Nugsoth -Apprentice (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Prognostications of Nugsoth- Archmage (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Psionics (Clairsentience) | edw888 |
Psionics (Kinesis) | edw888 |
Psionics (Metabolism) | edw888 |
Psionics (Metapsionics) | edw888 |
Psionics (Telepathy) | edw888 |
Psionics (Teleportation) | edw888 |
Pyromancy | raleel |
Quatochill Acolyte | hkokko |
Quatochill Initiate | hkokko |
Quatochill Priest | hkokko |
Ragnaglar Acolyte | hkokko |
Ragnaglar Initiate | hkokko |
Ragnaglar Priest | hkokko |
Rank 1 Magic User (Evoker) | raleel |
Rannagul Animist Practitioner | bturner |
Rannagul Shaman | bturner |
Rasout Acolyte | hkokko |
Rasout Devotee | hkokko |
Rasout Initiate | hkokko |
Redalda | Sven |
Renamos the Rising Storm | azrooh |
Roxor Priesthood - Priest | towergazer |
Sagacious Scrolls of Soleks - Adept (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Sagacious Scrolls of Soleks - Mage (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Sagacious Scrolls of Soleks - Archmage (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Sagacious Scrolls of Soleks-Apprentice (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Sage, Mountain Temple | hkokko |
Saxon Animism | yngeld |
School of Dazerius, Adept | towergazer |
School of Dazerius, Initiate | towergazer |
School of Dazerius, Mage | towergazer |
School of Nolasara, Adept | towergazer |
School of Nolasara, Initiate | towergazer |
School of Nolasara, Leader | towergazer |
School of Nolasara, Pre-Initiate | towergazer |
Sea Witch Initiate | Ratfink |
Sedalpist Adept | hkokko |
Sedalpist Adept2 | hkokko |
Sedalpist Apprentice | hkokko |
Sedalpist ArchMage | hkokko |
Sedalpist Mage | hkokko |
Sedalpist Mage2 | hkokko |
Selarn Acolyte | hkokko |
Selarn Devotee | hkokko |
Selarn Initiate | hkokko |
Sergeant Constable, Octallan | greggjake |
Seseine Acolyte | hkokko |
Seseine Initiate | hkokko |
Seseine Priestess | hkokko |
Shakun Berserker Initiate | accipiterHawk |
Shakun Berserker Proven | accipiterHawk |
Shakun Witch Initiate | accipiterHawk |
Shaman Gyaosi Spirit Society | hkokko |
Shurang State Sorcery | greggjake |
Sidana Acolyte | hkokko |
Sidana Priest | hkokko |
Sith | drycanthra |
Sith | drycanthra |
Sith Empire Order - Acolyte | robertp |
Sith Empire Order - Adept | robertp |
Sith Empire Order - Apprentice | robertp |
Skandr Wizard of Ravens Aprentice | accipiterHawk |
Skysisters devoted | bearnt |
Skysisters priest | bearnt |
Snake Spirit Society - High Shaman | hkokko |
Snake Spirit Society - Shaman | hkokko |
Snake Spirit Society - Spirit Worshipper | hkokko |
Spider Spirit Society - High Shaman | hkokko |
Spider Spirit Society - Shaman | hkokko |
Spider Spirit Society - Spirit Worshipper | hkokko |
Spirit Worshipper Gyaosi Spirit Society | hkokko |
Storm Bull Acolyte | hkokko |
Storm Bull Initiate | hkokko |
Storm Bull Khan | hkokko |
Storm Bull Spirit Society - High Shaman | hkokko |
Storm Bull Spirit Society - Shaman | hkokko |
Storm Bull Spirit Society - Spirit Worshipper | hkokko |
Student of the Way of The Land | hkokko |
Student, Mountain Temple | hkokko |
Student, Path of deceit | hkokko |
Student, School of Impenetrable Silence | hkokko |
Subere Acolyte | hkokko |
Subere Initiate | hkokko |
Subere Priest | hkokko |
Telmor Acolyte | hkokko |
Telmor Devotee | hkokko |
Telmor Initiate | hkokko |
Testing My Cult AVA | Avaruussaha |
Thanatar Doom Seeker | hkokko |
Thanatar Doom Seeker - Hand of Than | hkokko |
Thanatar Doom Seeker - Horn of Atyar | hkokko |
Thanatar Doomed - Breath of Thanatar | hkokko |
Thanatar Doomed - Hand of Than | hkokko |
Thanatar Doomed - Horn of Atyar | hkokko |
Thanatar Priest - Breath of Thanatar | hkokko |
Thanatar Priest - Hand of Than | hkokko |
Thanatar Priest - Horn of Atyar | hkokko |
Thargorgos Acolyte | hkokko |
Thargorgos Initiate | hkokko |
Thargorgos Priest | hkokko |
Thasaidon Acolyte | hkokko |
Thasaidon Initiate | hkokko |
Thasaidon Priest | hkokko |
The Cult of Rak'thal | dustxstorm |
The Jewel: The Mask (Fioracitta) | alex_greene |
The Vagnarr Elucidations - Adept (Sorcery) | hkokko |
The Vagnarr Elucidations - Archmage (Sorcery) | hkokko |
The Vagnarr Elucidations - Mage (Sorcery) | hkokko |
The Vagnarr Elucidations -Apprentice (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Thed 01062020 | childofentropy |
Thed High Shaman | hkokko |
Thed Shaman | hkokko |
Thed Spirit Worshipper | hkokko |
Torthil Initiate - Korantia | Cedoc |
Torthil of Yarasilba - Acolyte | bturner |
Torthil of Yarasilba - Initiate | bturner |
Torthil of Yarasilba - Lay Member | bturner |
Torthil of Yarasilba - Priest | bturner |
Triolina Acolyte | hkokko |
Triolina Initiate | hkokko |
Triolina Priestess | hkokko |
Tsankth Acolyte | hkokko |
Tsankth Initiate | hkokko |
Tsankth Priest | hkokko |
Ty Kora Tek Acolyte | hkokko |
Ty Kora Tek Initiate | hkokko |
Ty Kora Tek Priestess | hkokko |
Udil Priesthood - Acolyte | towergazer |
Udil Priesthood - Initiate | towergazer |
Udil Priesthood - Priest | towergazer |
Uleria Acolyte | hkokko |
Uleria Initiate | hkokko |
Uleria Priestess | hkokko |
Um-Oradin Acolyte | hkokko |
Um-Oradin Initiate | hkokko |
Um-Oradin Priest | hkokko |
Umathelan Malkioni Mage | hkokko |
Urain Acolyte | hkokko |
Urain Devotee | hkokko |
Urain Initiate | hkokko |
Vadeli Brown Magic | hkokko |
Vadeli Sorcery Mage | hkokko |
Valind Acolyte | hkokko |
Valind Initiate | hkokko |
Valind Priest | hkokko |
Vergamka Acolyte | hkokko |
Vergamka Initiate | hkokko |
Vergamka Priest | hkokko |
Vinga Acolyte | hkokko |
Vinga Devotee | hkokko |
Vinga Initiate | hkokko |
Vivamort Acolyte | hkokko |
Vivamort Devotee | hkokko |
Vivamort Initiate | hkokko |
Volsobia | Monster147sdv |
Voria Initiate | hkokko |
Voria Priestess | hkokko |
Wachaza Acolyte | hkokko |
Wachaza Devotee | hkokko |
Wachaza Initiate | hkokko |
Waha Acolyte | hkokko |
Waha Initiate | hkokko |
Waha Khan | hkokko |
Waha Spirit Society - High Shaman | hkokko |
Waha Spirit Society - Shaman | hkokko |
Waha Spirit Society - Spirit Worshipper | hkokko |
Way of the Hidden Tiger | greggjake |
Wild Talent | edw888 |
Will o the Wisp Magic | hkokko |
Witch Cult - Acolyte | Nigel_Clarke |
Witch Cult - Adept | Nigel_Clarke |
Witch Cult - Mistress of the Dark Arts | Nigel_Clarke |
Witchcraft (Weird of Hali) | hkokko |
Xentha Acolyte | hkokko |
Xentha Initiate | hkokko |
Xentha Priest | hkokko |
Xiola Umbar Acolyte | hkokko |
Xiola Umbar Initiate | hkokko |
Xiola Umbar Priestess | hkokko |
Yanafal Tarsils Acolyte | hkokko |
Yanafal Tarsils Devotee | hkokko |
Yanafal Tarsils Initiate | hkokko |
Yarthraak (Gorathk) | Gryom |
Yelm Acolyte | hkokko |
Yelm Initiate | hkokko |
Yelm Priest | hkokko |
Yelmalio Acolyte | hkokko |
Yelmalio Initiate | hkokko |
Yelmalio Initiate, Lower Rank | hkokko |
Yelmalio Priest | hkokko |
Yelorna Acolyte | hkokko |
Yelorna Initiate | hkokko |
Yelorna Priestess | hkokko |
Ygg of Threestep Acolyte | hkokko |
Ygg of Threestep Initiate | hkokko |
Ygg of Threestep Priest | hkokko |
Yhounkehd Acolyte | hkokko |
Yhounkehd Initiate | hkokko |
Yhounkehd Priest | hkokko |
Yimskar Malignancies - Mage (Sorcery) | hkokko |
Yinkin Acolyte | hkokko |
Yinkin Initiate | hkokko |
Yinkin Priest | hkokko |
Ylila Acolyte | hkokko |
Ylila Initiate | hkokko |
Ylila Priest | hkokko |
Yuklha Acolyte | hkokko |
Yuklha Initiate | hkokko |
Yuklha Priest | hkokko |
Zola Fel Acolyte | hkokko |
Zola Fel Initiate | hkokko |
Zola Fel Riverlord | hkokko |
Zong Acolyte | hkokko |
Zong Initiate | hkokko |
Zong Shaman | hkokko |
Zong Shaman Elder Wilds | thischarmingmanc |
Zorak Zoran Acolyte | hkokko |
Zorak Zoran Death Lord | hkokko |
Zorak Zoran Initiate | hkokko |
Zululun Acolyte | hkokko |
Zululun Initiate | hkokko |
Zululun Priest | hkokko |