


STR 2d6+6
CON 1d6+12
SIZ 2d6+6
DEX 3d6
INT 2d6+6
POW 3d6
CHA 2d6

Hit locations

Range startRange endNameArmorHP Modifier
1 3 Right leg 0 0
4 6 Left leg 0 0
7 9 Abdomen 0 1
10 12 Chest 0 2
13 15 Right arm 0 -1
16 18 Left arm 0 -1
19 20 Head 0 0


1 Broo priestdrycanthra
Avatar of Chaos, Chieftain of Ragnaglarhkokko
Bear Broohkokko
Beastman, masterMaakso
Bestienmensch (Mutant)Keplast
Bestienmensch (Untot)Keplast
Bison BrooPruneau
Bison Broo - Thed Initiatehkokko
Bison Broo, Malia Initiate1hkokko
Broo - Stronghkokko
Broo - Base Pre Chaoshkokko
Broo - Desert Raiderhkokko
Broo - Devotee of Primal Chaoshkokko
Broo - Drool of Krarshthkokko
Broo - Pre Chaos Feature Primehkokko
Broo - Ragnaglar Acolytehkokko
Broo - Ragnaglar Initiatehkokko
Broo - Ragnaglar Initiatehkokko
Broo - Ragnaglar Priesthkokko
Broo - Raw Desert Raiderhkokko
Broo - Replicanthkokko
Broo - Thed High Shamanhkokko
Broo - Thed Initiatehkokko
Broo - Thed Initiate, Stronghkokko
Broo - Thed Shamanhkokko
Broo Berserkerskoll
Broo Raider, GreaterPruneau
Broo RuntSFLucid
Broo ShamanPruneau
Broo Template 3163blacktoad
Broo Template 5930Bilharzia
Broo Template 6228Bilharzia
Broo Warrior Novicehkokko
Broo, BurlyPruneau
Broo, Goathkokko
Broo, LieutnantMaakso
Broo, Malia High Shamanhkokko
Broo, Malia Initiatehkokko
Broo, Malia Shamanhkokko
Broo, MurderSFLucid
Broo, Thanatari Outcasthkokko
Broo, WeakPruneau
broo.info 'Cannibal Herd-Man'touristupdatenola
broo.info 'Senior Tribal Broo'touristupdatenola
broo.info 'Tribal Broo' Ctouristupdatenola
broo.info 'Tribal Broo' Dtouristupdatenola
Bull Broohkokko
Bull Broo - Thed Initiatehkokko
Chaos FociCol_D
Chaos Hybridhkokko
Chicken Broohkokko
Clifftoad Broo Shaman of Thed and Primal Chaosmanfriday
Copy of Broo - Thed Initiatehkokko
Copy of Broo, Malia InitiateDano13
Copy of Broo, Malia Initiateazrooh
Copy of Broo, Malia Shamanazrooh
Copy of Malia Initiate, Revenge of MuriahBilharzia
Copy of Novice BrooFANGtheDELECTABLE
Copy of Novice BrooFANGtheDELECTABLE
Copy of Rat Broohkokko
Copy of Scrappy Broo, Revenge of MuriahBilharzia
Copy of Scrappy Broo, Revenge of MuriahBilharzia
Copy of Wild Hill Brookshrapnell
Crocodile Broo - Thed Initiatehkokko
Dog Broohkokko
Dorastor Broo WeakSpegelfagel
Elephant BrooPruneau
Flesh huntersNirkhuz
High Llama Broohkokko
Horse Broo - Thed Initiatehkokko
Initiate of Krasht (Assassin)touristupdatenola
Malia Initiate, Revenge of MuriahBilharzia
Mistress Devourerazrooh
My brooSurnameer
Nasty Broo, Thed InitiatePruneau
Novice Broogloranphile
Pig Broohkokko
Rabbit Broohkokko
Rat Broohkokko
Reaper Beast Ravagersuperheronecromancer
Reaper Beast Shamansuperheronecromancer
Rhino Broo - Thed Initiatehkokko
Scrappy Broo, Revenge of MuriahBilharzia
Shadow Satyrslittlemute
Shadowcat Broohkokko
Sheep Broohkokko
Skinless Broobearnt
Slime Broo - Stinkinghkokko
Slime Broo - Swollen (Priest of Pocharngo)hkokko
Sohn der BestienmutterKeplast
Stag Broohkokko
Stegosaurus Broo - Thed Initiatehkokko
Styracosaurus Broo - Thed & Mallia Initiatehkokko
Sword Troop Broo - Nysalor Illuminatehkokko
Thanatar Lay Member (Broo, Thanic Aspect)hkokko
Toadface, Broo Shaman of Thed and Primal Cmanfriday
Triceratops Broo - Primal Chaos Initiatehkokko
Tyrannosaurus Broohkokko
Weasel Broohkokko
Wild Hill BrooCol_D
Wild Hill Broo ShamanCol_D
www.broo.info -- Broo Initiated TMtouristupdatenola
www.broo.info -- Broo Initiated War Chieftouristupdatenola
www.broo.info -- Broo LM TMtouristupdatenola
www.broo.info -- Feral Broo Outcasttouristupdatenola
Zombie Bison Broohkokko
Zombie Broohkokko