Slime Broo - Swollen (Priest of Pocharngo)

(Generated 86 times)
Namelist None
Rank Master
Race Broo
Cult rank Overseer
Notes Dorastor pg 44. Shoots entangling intestines that cause acidic damage. If intestine causes damage victim is exposed to all of the diseases broo carries.
STR 20+1d8
CON 15+1d3
SIZ 2d6+6
DEX 2d6+6
INT 2d6+6
POW 12+1d6
CHA 1d4
D20Hit locationArmor
01-03 Right leg 11
04-06 Left leg 11
07-09 Abdomen 11
10-12 Chest 11
13-15 Right arm 11
16-18 Left arm 11
19-20 Head 11
Movement 5
Natural armor Yes


Amount: 1
Pocharngo Shambler 10

Additional features

Chaotic feature POW+POW+POW% View items
Chaotic feature POW+POW+POW% View items
Chaotic feature POW+POW+POW% View items
Disease POW+POW+POW+POW+POW% View items

Non-random features

Chaotic feature Disturbing - Creature is covered with unsettling forms, such as miniature arms, multiple eyes or mouths, writhing pseudopods, etc. Viewers must succeed in an unopposed Willpower test or be helpless with horror until they can make the roll successfully.
Chaotic feature Stench - Releases nauseating odours that sicken inhalers, who must succeed in an unopposed Endurance roll to avoid uncontrollable vomiting for 1d3 Combat Rounds.
Chaotic feature Entangle - Restricts the movements of those within melee range, who must succeed in an unopposed Brawn roll to avoid being rendered physically helpless each round.
Ability ***Faerie Stealth*** Faeries with this ability blend into their surroundings, becoming nearly invisible to regular observation. However, Faerie Stealth is only effective when the faerie is in a suitable environment. For example, a gwarchell (page 6), which shuns light and lives underground, could only use it in darkness. As long as the faerie affected by this power remains motionless, crouched, or pressed against the ground, they cannot be detected by standard visual Perception checks. If they move, an attentive observer might notice the constant changing patterns on their body. Under these circumstances, when an observer tries to interact with the faerie — whether to locate, attack, defend against, etc. — the difficulty of their tests increases by one level. Creatures with other primary senses or magical perception are unaffected by this power.
Disease ***Soul Waste*** Application: Contact. Potency: 5xCON Resistance: Willpower Onset Time: 1d6+6 turns Duration: 1d6+6 Days. Spirit Intensity required: 3 Condition & Effects Victim suffers weakness losing 1 point of POW per week if chronic, per day if acute and per hour if terminal. Condition is permanent and requires one month per point of full-time care to recover.
Disease ***Brain Fever*** - Application: Contact. Potency: 5xCON Resistance: Willpower Onset Time: 1d6+6 turns Duration: 1d6+6 Days. Spirit Intensity required: 3 Condition & Effects Victim suffers weakness losing 1 point of INT per week if chronic, per day if acute and per hour if terminal. Condition is permanent and requires one month per point of full-time care to recover.
Disease ***Creeping Chills*** -. Application: Contact. Potency: 5xCON Resistance: Endurance Onset Time: 1d6+6 turns Duration: 1d6+6 Days. Spirit Intensity required: 3 Condition & Effects The victim is wracked by shivers that no degree of heat can alleviate. Victim suffers weakness losing 1 point of CON per week if chronic, per day if acute and per hour if terminal. Condition is permanent and requires one month per point of full-time care to recover.

Standard skills

Athletics STR+DEX+20+D10+D10 Brawn STR+SIZ+20+D10+D10+10 Endurance CON+CON+20+D10+D10
Evade DEX+INT+20+D10+D10 Perception INT+POW+20+D10+D10 Stealth DEX+INT+20+D10+D10
Unarmed STR+DEX+20+D10+D10 Willpower POW+POW+20+D10+D10

Magic skills

Devotion POW+CHA+D40+D10 Exhort INT+CHA+D40+D10 Folk Magic POW+CHA+60+D10+D10+10

Combat styles

Beastly Broo BashSTR+DEX+INT+25+D10+10

Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 3
Broadsword (1)
Battleaxe (1)
Falchion (1)
Knife (1)
Mace (1)
Main Gauche (1)
Scimitar (1)
Shortspear (1)
Broo headbutt (10)

2-handed weapons

Amount: 1
Great Club (1)
Halberd (1)
Longspear (1)

Ranged weapons

Amount: 1
Light crossbow (1)
Sling (1)
Spit Intestine (acid + entangle + disease) (1)


Amount: 1
Heater Shield (1)
Peltast Shield (1)
Viking Shield (1)

Custom weapons

Name Type Damage Size Reach Range SpecialFX Dam.
Broo headbutt 1h-melee d6 L T - Y N 5 0
Spit Intestine (acid + entangle + disease) ranged 0 M M 6 Y N 5 0

Folk spells

Amount: 1D5
SpellProb.   SpellProb.   SpellProb.   SpellProb.   
Alarm 3 Avert 4 Bladesharp 3 Chill 3
Curse 3 Demoralise 2 Fanaticism 3 Find 2
Ironhand 3 Might 2 Mobility 3 Pet 1
Protection 3 Repugnance 2 Sleep 2 Spiritshield 2
Tire 3

Theism spells

Amount: 0
SpellProb.   SpellProb.   SpellProb.   SpellProb.   
Consecrate 1 Corruption 2 Dismiss Magic 2 Fear 1
Reflection 2 Shield 1 Sneeze 1

Sorcery spells

Amount: 1d3-1
SpellProb.   SpellProb.   SpellProb.
Chaos : Acidic 1 Chaos: Alluring 1 Chaos: Asymmetric 1
Chaos: Boneless 1 Chaos: Brainless 1 Chaos: Burning 1
Chaos: Chameleon 1 Chaos: Climbing 1 Chaos: Climbing 1
Chaos: Contagious 1 Chaos: Corroding 1 Chaos: Dampener 1
Chaos: Deathly 1 Chaos: Disturbing 1 Chaos: Domineering 1
Chaos: Draining 1 Chaos: Droning 1 Chaos: Entangle 1
Chaos: Frightening 1 Chaos: Icy 1 Chaos: Intangible 1
Chaos: Leaper 1 Chaos: Levitating 1 Chaos: Mimic 1
Chaos: Mournful 1 Chaos: Mutated 1 Chaos: Nerveless 1
Chaos: Neutralising 1 Chaos: Obfuscating 1 Chaos: Oversized 1
Chaos: Paralysing 1 Chaos: Perceptive 1 Chaos: Poisonous 1
Chaos: Polymorph 1 Chaos: Projector 1 Chaos: Quick 1
Chaos: Reflecting 1 Chaos: Regenerating 1 Chaos: Roaring 1
Chaos: Scintillating 1 Chaos: Shadowy 1 Chaos: Shocking 1
Chaos: Silent 1 Chaos: Slimy 1 Chaos: Stench 1
Chaos: Sticky 1 Chaos: Teleporter 1 Chaos: Transmuter 1
Chaos: Vampiric 1 Chaos: Warded 1 Chaos: Weakening 1