Black Dragon, Young Adult (51-100)

(Generated 266 times)
Namelist None
Rank Master
Race Dragon
Cult rank None
Notes **this one is for Classic Fantasy** These are typically the most bad tempered and abusive of dragon kind, quick to anger and resentful of intrusion. They are not as intelligent as other dragons, although still more so than the white sub-species and can be far more cruel. They are both cunning and malevolent, preferring to lair in bleak landscapes or the darkness offered by heavy vegetation. They prefer to strike from hiding using their surroundings as cover, often springing from a deep pool or swamp to catch their prey unaware. Like all dragons, black dragons are motivated by the urge to horde treasure. The breath weapon of the black dragon is a stream of highly corrosive acid that can reduce an opponent to bone in little time; they themselves are immune to acid. Black dragons are born with the ability to breathe underwater. Speak/Sleep: Black dragons have a 30% chance of being able to speak and a 50% chance of being found asleep. Magic Skills: Black dragons that can speak are able to cast Arcane spells once the requisite skills equal or exceed 50%. This includes cantrips. Black dragons may not cast Arcane spells in excess of Rank 1 regardless of skill. Extra Abilities: Breath Weapon (Line of Acid): A black dragon’s acid shoots out in a line 3 metres wide for a range equal to the dragon’s CON x3 in metres. All opponents in the line of effect are subject to acid damage. They can try to Evade, and halve damage if they do. The acid does 2D6+2 points of damage to each of the target’s hit locations: Armour does protect against this damage, but is eaten away by it. Once the armour is gone, the acid will start attacking the HP. The acid will last for 1D3 turns or until washed off. There is a chance equal to the damage rolled x5%, of the attack producing an acidic gas that may be inadvertently inhaled. If inhaled, match the dragon’s CON x5 against the victim’s Endurance, if overcome they begins taking 1d2 points of damage directly to their chest hit location as the gas begins to burn their lungs. This is in addition to any damage to the chest from the acid. Once they vacate the area of effect, the damage to the lungs ceases. The gas, even if not inhaled, causes burning of the eyes, nose and mouth, the effects of which is a 1 grade penalty to all skill rolls for the entirety of time exposed to the gas, and 1d3+1 minutes later. Infravision. Black dragons see into the infrared spectrum. The maximum distance is 18 metres (60 ft) unless specified otherwise. Immunity to Acid: Black dragons are completely immune to damage caused by acid. Darkness: 3 times a day, the black dragon can cause darkness as per the spell, in a 3m radius per 1/10th Willpower
STR 2d6+18
CON 2d6+18
SIZ 4d6+32
DEX 2d6+12
INT 2d6+9
POW 2d6+9
CHA 2d6+9
D20Hit locationArmor
01-02 Tail 5
03-04 Right leg 5
05-06 Left leg 5
07-08 Hindquarters 5
09-10 Right Wing 5
11-12 Left Wing 5
13-14 Forequarters 5
15-16 Right Front Leg 5
17-18 Left Front Leg 5
19-20 Head 5
Movement 6m, 15m flying, 6m Swimming
Natural armor Yes

Non-random features

Ability ***Cold-blooded*** One meal a week. Below 15C Strike Rank -6, - 1 AP per round. Below 5C catatonic.
Ability ***Swimmer*** Automatically succeeds in everyday moving and manoeuvring whilst swimming unless attempting an unusually difficult task. May substitute the Swim skill for Athletics and Evade rolls whilst in water (Mythras Core 214-218)
Ability ***Diving Strike*** Increases both the Size of the attack and the creature’s Damage Modifier by one step, for this attack only. Once per round. Must be at least one full round of Movement above its target (or possibly below if submerged) in order to use the diving strike.
Ability ***Engulfing*** The max size of victim is figured as half the creature’s own SIZ, but may be less than this depending on the creature’s physiology. Engulfed victim suffers at least one damage roll based on the creature’s bite attack before being swallowed – the time spent chewing depends on the creature and how sensitive its innards are. If still alive a swallowed victim will begin to suffocate. Often victim lacks the mobility to move inside the digestive tract or the creature is so large that he will die long before he can cut its way out.
Ability ***Flyer*** May substitute the Fly skill for Evade whilst fighting aloft. Only rolls Fly skill when attempting unusually difficult task
Ability ***Formidable Natural Weapons*** - Can actively parry or deflect attacks using its natural weapons. (Mythras Core 214-218)
Ability ***Amphibious*** Can breathe both underwater and on dry land
Ability ***Terrifying*** Unopposed Willpower roll. Success -- - shaken for one round and cannot act offensively. Failure - flee in terror. Fumble collapse unconscious from the shock. Critical success - act unhindered. Once per encounter.
Ability ***Trample*** - Roll on Athletics to trample beings with up to half its SIZ. Damage = 2x creature’s base Damage Modifier. Increases the Size of the attack by one step. If immobile may trample a prone opponent by using an Action Point. Trample is Free Action if moving or charging over an opponent

Standard skills

Athletics STR+DEX+20 Brawn STR+SIZ+40 Deceit INT+CHA+40
Endurance CON+CON+20 Evade DEX+DEX+20 Insight INT+POW+40
Locale INT+INT+20 Perception INT+POW+40 Unarmed STR+DEX
Willpower POW+POW+40

Custom skills

Fly STR+DEX+40 Swim STR+CON Lore (Dragon) INT+INT+20
Teach INT+CHA Arcane Casting INT+POW+30 Arcane Knowledge INT+INT+30

Combat styles

Draconic Death and Destruction (Bite, Claws, Tail Sweep)STR+DEX+40

Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 0
Bite (1)
Claw (1)
Tail Slap (1)
Trample (1)
Acid Breath (1)

2-handed weapons

Amount: 0

Ranged weapons

Amount: 0


Amount: 0

Custom weapons

Name Type Damage Size Reach Range SpecialFX Dam.
Bite 1h-melee 1d12 C L - None Y Y 0 0 Head
Claw 1h-melee 1d10 C L - None Y Y 0 0 Leg
Tail Slap 1h-melee 1d10 C VL - None Y Y 0 0 Tail
Trample 1h-melee 1d8+1d6 C T - None Y Y 0 0
Acid Breath 1h-melee 2d6+2 - - CONx3 100%, not further modified by range, skill, visibility, etc. N Y 0 0