Ancestor Spirit, Grand - Balanced

(Generated 103 times)
Namelist None
Rank Skilled
Race Spirit
Cult rank Dedicated
Notes 5 point ancestor spirit
INT 3d6
POW 24+1d6
CHA 3d6
D20Hit locationArmor
Movement 6
Natural armor No

Additional features

Ancestor Skill 100% View items

Non-random features

Spirit Ability - Ancestor Discorporate - Assuming the spirit is not bound, it may drag the soul of a DESCENDANT from their body into the Spirit World. The spirit has a base Dis- corporate skill of 50%+POW+INT. An unwilling target may resist the attempt in an opposed roll of their Willpower versus the spirit’s Discorporate skill. If they succeed, they cannot be affected by the discorporation ability of that spirit again, until a full day has passed.
Spirit Ability Eternal - The spirit has Recurring trait (page 138), which enables it to return after being dissipated.
Spirit Ability - Ancestor Sagacity -Possesses a skill at a value equal to the spirit’s 100% + (INTx2). See pg 145
Spirit Ability - Ancestor Subjugate - ancestor has a spirit ally of one less Intensity than itself, which appears within 1d3 Combat Rounds of being summoned (assuming the ancestor has the Trance and Bind- ing skills). Allows the spirit the ability to bind one or more other spirits of lesser Intensity, holding them as vassals without the necessity of a fetish. For spirits of the same tradition, this is usually a willing servitude – a mountain spirit holding several lesser earth elemental spir- its, for instance. If the spirits are not associated, the subjugation is more one of forced enslavement. Each lesser spirit held in subjugation reduces the holding spirit’s Magic Points by a value equal to its Intensity as an enduring cost. Subjugation ends if the holding spirit is ever reduced to zero Magic Points.
Spirit Ability - Ancestor Spellcasting - holds knowledge of 1d3 Folk Magic spells (which it can cast assuming the ancestor has the Folk Magic skill). Allows the spirit to either cast magic on behalf of its summoner with a skill of 50%+POW+CHA, or share knowledge of the spells it knows with the holder of its fetish.

Standard skills

Discorporate POW+INT+50 Spectral combat POW+CHA+50 Willpower POW+POW+50

Magic skills

Binding POW+CHA+40+2D10 Folk Magic POW+CHA Trance POW+CON+40+2D10

Custom skills

Lore (Local) INT+INT+100 Culture(Local) INT+INT+100 Ancestor Skill 100+POW+INT

Folk spells

Amount: 2d3
SpellProb.   SpellProb.   SpellProb.   SpellProb.   
Bludgeon 1 Curse 1 Demoralise 1 Disruption 1
Extinguish 1 Heal 1 Heat 1 Ignite 1
Mindspeech 1 Mobility 1 Protection 1 Shock 1
Tire 1 Warmth 1


Amount: 1d3+2
Ancestor Spirit, Large - Balanced 1
Ancestor Spirit, Large - Sage 1
Ancestor Spirit, Large - Shaman 1
Ancestor Spirit, Large - Spellcaster 1
Ancestor Spirit, Large - Spirit Guide 1