Afadjann Barbarian Warrior Rabble

(Generated 19 times)
Namelist Glorantha - Orlanthi males and females (View names)
Rank Rabble
Race Human
Cult rank None
Notes These tribal storm worshipping barbarians are allies of the Aldryami. The Orlanthi of the hills are light skirmishers with bows, spears, and axes. Their leaders and champions are often armoured and fight with long, curved, two-handed blades that are devastatingly effective. Typically they come from Kormarkan, Vralos, Orik and Sulayz.
STR 2d6+6
CON 3d6
SIZ 2d6+6
DEX 3d6
INT 2d6+6
POW 3d6
CHA 3d6
D20Hit locationArmor
01-03 Right leg 2
04-06 Left leg 2
07-09 Abdomen 2
10-12 Chest 2
13-15 Right arm 2
16-18 Left arm 2
19-20 Head 2
Movement 6
Natural armor No

Additional features

Appearance - Hair Color POW+POW% View items
Berserk Fighting Style POW+POW% View items

Non-random features

Combat Style Trait- Ranged ***Skirmishing*** The style permits launching ranged attacks whilst at a run (but not whilst sprinting).Mythras pg 89
Level ***Rabble*** ***Cannot use Special Effects***. Once they receive damage - ***they cease fighting***. ***Ignore the location specific hit points*** ***If damage < HP*** they flee cursing or yelling in fear. ***If damage =>HP*** the collapse clutching the wounded location and weeping or screaming in agony. ***If damage is 2x hit points*** they die in a spectacular fashion. Once one third of them are dead or wounded they take flight ***Once one third of them are dead or wounded*** they take flight

Standard skills

Athletics STR+DEX+4D10 Boating STR+CON+4D10 Brawn STR+SIZ+4D10
Endurance CON+CON+4D10 Evade DEX+DEX+4D10 Perception INT+POW+4D10
Ride DEX+POW+4D10 Swim STR+CON+4D10 Unarmed STR+DEX+4D10+20
Willpower POW+POW+4D10

Magic skills

Folk Magic POW+CHA+4D10+20

Professional skills

Navigation INT+POW+4D10 Survival CON+POW+4D10

Custom skills

Lore(Nature) INT+INT+2D10+10 Lore(Tactics) INT+INT+2D10+10

Combat styles

Barbarian Free-for-AllSTR+DEX+30+2D6

Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 3
Battleaxe (1)
Longsword (20)
Shortspear (1)
Fist (1)

2-handed weapons

Amount: 1
Longspear (1)

Ranged weapons

Amount: 1
Long bow (1)
Javelin (1)


Amount: 1
Heater Shield (1)

Custom weapons

Name Type Damage Size Reach Range SpecialFX Dam.
Fist 1h-melee 1d3 M S - Grip Y Y 0 0 Hand

Folk spells

Amount: 3+1d3
SpellProb.   SpellProb.   SpellProb.   SpellProb.   
Bladesharp 1 Demoralise 1 Fanaticism 1 Heal 20
Might 1 Mobility 1 Pierce 1 Speedart 1
Vigour 1