
NameSpider, Iaru, Adult
NotesA spider can spin cables of silk of the strength described in the Mythras rules (6 AP, hit points equal to ½ the spider’s SIZ, optionally with a stickiness equal to the spider’s Endurance) up to a length in meters equal to double its SIZ in a day, or small threads (of the sort the player may be more personally familiar with) equal to fifty times that length.


STR 1d3+11
CON 1d3+12
SIZ 1d6+14
DEX 1d3+17
INT 2d6+6
POW 3d6
CHA 3d6

Hit locations

Range startRange endNameArmorHP Modifier
1 2 Right Rear leg 3 -1
3 4 Left Rear Leg 3 -1
5 6 Mid Right Leg 3 -1
7 8 Mid Left Leg 3 -1
9 10 Fore Right Leg 3 -1
11 12 Fore Left Leg 3 -1
13 14 Abdomen 3 2
15 16 Front Right Leg 3 -1
17 18 Front Left Leg 3 -1
19 20 Cephalothorax 3 1


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