Notes | These animated plants grow only in Thickets. They are composed of
densely-packed leaves somewhat like a cabbage, topped with a single
tightly-furled flower bud. A charlock, also known as a Green Man, is
dormant until a Briarlord has a human with which to work; captured or
lured from a nearby settlement. The features of the human are sculpted to them.
Their purpose is to spread Taint. They wait until they are alone with one or
two other people. The bud that takes the place of its head unfurls and the
terrifyingly beautiful inflorescence releases a cloud of Taint-bearing
pollen. Anyone within two metres of the charlock becomes Tainted
(subject to the usual Resistance roll). After blooming, a
charlock dies and its body rapidly returns to the earth.
The resemblance of the charlock to the person it is imitating
is initially good, but from the moment that the plant is uprooted it
begins to wilt and has just 1d6+6 hours before it dies. Throughout this
time, the illusion it has created from petals and leaves starts to
degrade: after half the Green Man’s lifespan has elapsed, it is only
good in partial darkness, and once only a quarter remains it is clearly
a plant although the similitude is noticeable. Charlocks cannot speak
and have the barest intelligence and understanding. |