
NameHuge Centipede
NotesCentipedes have long sinuous bodies and a head tipped with a pair of poison claws. The first of its many legs ends in a needle-sharp point equipped with a smaller version of the venom glands found on its head. Centipedes, large or small, are nocturnal predators that hide from the light of the sun in small burrows or shaded places. At night, the centipede comes out to hunt. It is perfectly willing to slip into a fire-lit camp in order to seize likely prey before rushing back to its nest. Centipedes are found in all warm climes, including jungles, deserts and temperate forests, though they prefer to live near a plentiful water source. They are solitary creatures. The centipede is a complex creature, with an equally complex Hit Location system. The body is divided into multiple segments, with each Hit Location covering one or two of these segments. The segments are numbered from one through 18, with segment one being immediately behind the head and segment 18 being the creature’s posterior. If the centipede’s head is reduced to zero Hit Points or lower, it begins to thrash frantically but the fight is over and the creature will soon die. If any of the other segments are brought to zero Hit Points but not destroyed, the centipede will lose 5m from its Movement rate. If enough locations are incapacitated to reduce the creature’s Movement to zero, it will die. However, if one of the centipede’s segments is destroyed, all segments behind that one will be incapacitated and immobile. Meanwhile, all segments ahead of the one destroyed will attempt to run away, carrying the creature’s head with them.


STR 8d6
CON 12d6
SIZ 12d6
DEX 3d6
INT 2d6+2
POW 2d6+3

Hit locations

Range startRange endNameArmorHP Modifier
1 1 Segment 18 4 -12
2 2 Segment 17 4 -10
3 3 Segment 16 4 -10
4 4 Segment 15 4 -10
5 5 Segment 14 4 -10
6 6 Segment 13 4 -10
7 7 Segment 12 4 -10
8 8 Segment 11 4 -10
9 9 Segment 10 4 -10
10 10 Segment 9 4 -10
11 11 Segment 8 4 -10
12 12 Segment 7 4 -10
13 13 Segment 6 4 -10
14 14 Segment 5 4 -10
15 15 Segment 4 4 -10
16 16 Segment 3 4 -10
17 178 Segment 2 4 -10
18 18 Segment 1 4 -10
19 20 Head 4 -8


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