
NameLakooma (The Grabbing Hand)
Movement8m Scuttling and swimming
NotesAbilities (Aquatic, Earth Sense, Leaper) (RQ6: pg 312-316) MI pg 235 Lunges forth with blinding speed from water. Stays near the water and only attacks if it feels it would have surprise. Establishes a Grip on the victim and Bashing others away. will go back to water if it fails to grab a target on the first round. If it grabs goes back with the victim on the second round and after that starts to crush. Calls all blood relatives of the victim over the months.


STR 2d6+9
CON 2d6+12
SIZ 4d6+9
DEX 2d6+18
INT 2d6+7
POW 2d6

Hit locations

Range startRange endNameArmorHP Modifier
1 4 Tail/Wrist 4 1
5 10 Body/Palm 4 2
11 12 Finger 1 4 0
13 14 Finger 2 4 0
15 16 Finger 3 4 0
17 18 Finger 4 4 0
19 20 Finger 5 4 0


Lakooma (The Grabbing Hand)hkokko