
NameHuan To
NotesChaos horrors from the mountain footfalls of Kralorela. Heads are huge and bony, nearly as large as their torsos. sinewy limbs with large birdlike talons and fanged mouth. Willing to ally with anyone against kralorela system. GB pg 24 Abilities: Venomous POT 65 poison vs endurance. Victim falls to ground comatose immediately. If not treated within 1 hour rises as a ghoul with no way back.


STR 2d6+9
CON 2d6+9
SIZ 2d6+15
DEX 2d6
INT 2d6+12
POW 2d6+12
CHA 2d6+6

Hit locations

Range startRange endNameArmorHP Modifier
1 3 Right leg 4 0
4 6 Left leg 4 0
7 9 Abdomen 4 1
10 12 Chest 4 2
13 15 Right Arm 4 -1
16 18 Left Arm 4 -1
19 20 Head 6 0


Huan Tohkokko