***Lightning Storm***
Lightning rains down across the island in a tempestuous display, the bolts striking near anywhere temple ruins, hidden tombs, and so on. Anyone caught near one of these magically attracted lightning bolts suffers the equivalent of the Sunspear Miracle at an Intensity of 1d6. MI pg 118
An unknown instinct causes the creatures to migrate either increasing or reducing the chance of an encounter and the number involved, depending on location. The urge lasts for only 1d8+6 days but may cause inhabitants of abandoned areas a temporary shortage of food, whereas the inhabitants near the target region will become cut off by dangerously concentrated numbers of beasts. MI pg 118
Dead Arise - The doors to the spirit world open, allowing the dead to return for a single day and night. Unless blessed or entombed within a sealed container, all dead bodies and dismembered body parts across the area rise as Undeath Spirit-infested zombies with an Intensity of 1d3. MI pg 118
Insect Plague - Some ecological imbalance causes the over-breeding of a species of insect which runs wild for 1d3+4 days until the indigenous species consume the glut. Unless taking cover within hermetically sealed chambers deep underground, or using some form of magic, everyone on the area suffers 1d3 damage per day to each Hit Location from accumulated bites, stings or toxins – potentially life threatening for sick or injured people – and driving creatures with thin skins mad with irritation. MI pg 118