***Immobilise*** When you have someone grappled or entangled, in lieu of damage you may use your action to try to immobilise the hit location you are grappling. Roll your Combat Style opposed by your target’s Endurance; if successful, adjudicate like the Stun Location Special Effect (Mythras page 99), but this
does not need a level of success to employ and only lasts for as long as you maintain the grapple.Mythic Constantinople
*Batter Aside* If the fighter’s Damage Modifier is two or more steps greater than his opponent’s, his weapon is considered one size larger for the purposes of bypassing parries
Grappler The style grants its user an advantage when entangling or immobilising opponents, making a foe’s opposed rolls to evade or break free one difficulty grade harder. Rq6 pg 135.
Joint lock if you have established a grapple against an opponent’s limb (as determined by the GM), step up your damage mod one step when applying grappling damage. Does not work on things without bones.
Knockout This unarmed style emphasises powerful blows to the head to knock the opponent unconscious. When
using the Stun Location special effect on the enemy’s head, the roll to resist is one grade more difficult. Unarmed Only. Human (or human-like) opponents only.
Street Fighter When opponent tries to change range to get out of your closed ange,they may do so at a Hard Difficulty Modifier
Street Fighter When opponent tries to change range to get out of your closed ange,they may do so at a Hard Difficulty Modifier
Sucker Punch The style includes trick attacks, and on a Critical Success these gain the benefits of surprise (see Surprise, p. 59).