***Armoured Poise*** The user has mastered fighting in their armour, enabling them to effectively prioritise possible threats and respond accordingly. When subjected to a special effect from an attack which did no damage due to their armour, any resulting opposed rolls (such as Trip, Disarm Weapon etc) are one grade easier.
***Assassination*** Allows the user access to the normally restricted 'Kill Silently' special effect.
***Batter Aside*** If the fighter’s Damage Modifier is two or more steps greater than his opponent’s, his weapon is considered one size larger for the purposes of bypassing parries Mythras pg 89
***Batter Down***– If the fighter’s Damage Modifier is one or more steps greater than his opponent’s, his Damage Modifier roll is counted as double solely for the purposes of calculating Knockback.
***Berserker*** The style emphasises entering into a violent frenzy where personal safety and pain are disregarded. At the beginning of a fight, or upon taking an injury, a berserker may attempt to roll his POW x5 to enter a frenzy. When in a frenzy:
- Damage modifier is increased by one step.
- Parrying or Evading attacks are one step more difficult.
- Endurance rolls for resisting the effects of injury are one step easier.
- Effects of Fatigue are ignored.
After the fight any deferred Fatigue levels plus one additional level are applied."""
***Blade Grappler*** When fighting with a weapon of the combat style and a free hand on medium or shorter reach, the Entangle special effect is available as if they were using an entangling weapon.
***Blind Fighting (Weird of Hali)*** Allows user to ignore any penalties imposed due to poor lighting or temporary blinding.
***Blind Fighting*** Allows user to reduce any penalties imposed due to poor lighting or temporary blinding to be reduced by one difficulty grade. Mythras pg 89
***By Any Means Necessary*** Beyond the weapons listed, at the Games Master’s discretion the character may use any hand-to-hand weapon effectively, particularly impromptu ones like broken chairs, heavy ropes, smashed masonry, etc. The character never suffers a penalty grade worse than Hard for being unfamiliar with a close-combat weapon. None of this applies to ranged weapons.
***Cautious Fighter*** Can use the Change Range action to automatically withdraw from engagement with no need to roll Mythras pg 89
***Claymore*** Use a longsword with two hands (add 1 to damage and one level to weapon Force). This weapon and technique were only used by Scotsmen at the time
***Cloak Defense*** Your cloak provides one point of armor as long as you are not engaged in melee
***Concealing Weapons*** It is often necessary to conceal weapons to avoid attention from guards or would-be targets. Characters can attempt to conceal weapons by a standard Conceal check for small weapons, with medium weapons being at Hard difficulty. Larger weapons are impossible to disguise like this.
***Create Opening*** This technique for wielders of two weapons involves pushing aside an enemy’s defenses with one weapon and following up with the other. The Style allows usage of the ‘Flurry’ Special Effect for dual-wielders; the follow-up attack must be with a different weapon. Two weapons Only.
***Cross Parry***
A wielder of two weapons can choose to attempt a cross-parry. This increases the difficulty of a parry by one grade, but increases the size of the parry to one size larger than the larger of the parrying weapons.
Two Size M or smaller weapons Only.
***Crowd Control*** Through continuous whirls and flurries, a practitioner with this trait can hold a mob at bay or secure an alleyway. When fighting with a weapon with reach of Long or more, the user of this trait can oppose the Change Range combat action to keep an opponent at distance (Mythras page 107) without spending AP.
***Dagger Prowess*** Permits the user to treat his knfie and dagger blocks and parries as ‘Medium’ sized, enabling him to better defend himself from armed opponents.
***Daredevil*** May use Evade to dodge blows in hand to hand combat without ending up prone. Mythras pg 89
***Defensive Minded*** Increases the Size of your weapon when parrying by one step, provided no offensive action is taken that round. Mythras pg 89
***Defensive Posture*** When fighting at Medium reach or above, the user of this trait can use good posture and positioning to passive block the head and both arms with the buckler. This passive block only works against melee attacks.
***Do or Die*** Allows dual weapon combinations to use the Flurry special effect, provided that each subsequent attack utilises the alternating weapon. Mythras pg 89
***Dodge*** Dodge. This Combat Style can be used to dodge incoming blows with the effectiveness of a parry (Size S), without going prone as when Evading.
***Dragon Sense*** Allows user to reduce any penalties imposed due to poor lighting or temporary blinding to be reduced by one difficulty grade.
***Dragon Slam*** allows use of bash special effect with all weapons in combat style
***Dragon Tail*** opponent’s resistance to Trip special effect is one difficulty grade harder.
***Excellent Footwork*** When fighting on slippery, wobbling surfaces the user can ignore the skill cap placed on combat rolls by the Acrobatics skill. Mythras pg 89
***Exsanguinate*** " Bleeding effects inflicted by razors are resisted at hard difficulty."
***First Strike*** If carried or concealed appropriately, weapons of the Combat Style can be readied as a free action.
***Flamboyance*** Any uses of the combat style to pose impressively and beautifully are one difficulty grade easier than normal. This trait is often found in societ- ies where actual combat is rare and the intent is to use the combat style more as a highly stylised dance than as an actual fighting technique.
***Flurry*** Any active shield parry can immediately be followed up by a sword blow at the cost of a further Action Point
***Hidden Weapons*** Allows the user to utilise seemingly innocuous objects noted as part of the style as deadly weapons, with no chance of accidental breakage despite apparent delicacy (fans or musical instruments for example). Mythras pg 89
***Hooker*** allows use of Pin Weapon spe- cial effect on a normal success
***Impromptu Weapons*** Treat any objects as club MI pg 41
***Improved Surrender*** You can use the Compel Surrender effect defensively against any opponent of the same religion even when he or she is not at a disadantage. If you win your foe does not surrender but rather feels that you are too holy to harm and most stop attacking you (but not your friends). If you later attack the enemy the effect is negaged
***Intimidating Scream*** Style encourages frequent yells and bellows in combat to intimidate foes, making any psychological resistance rolls inflicted on an opponent one grade harder. Mythras pg 89
***Knockout Blow*** When attacking with surprise treat any Stun Location as lasting minutes instead of turns. Mythras pg 89
***Lunge*** Mastery of the rapier allows for lightning-fast strikes. This style allows usage of the ‘Flurry’ Special Effect. Rapier Only.
***Mancatcher*** The style grants its user an advantage when entangling or immobilising opponents, making a foe’s opposed rolls to evade or break free one difficulty grade harder. Mythras pg 89
***Pavisier*** On the Fly. Reduce ranged attack penalties for a fast moving target by one grade
***Poisoner** The style includes training in using poison on weapons and delivering it effectively to the target. The user of this Combat Style may use a Special Effect to Inject Venom in order to deliver an Injected poison to the target on an unprotected area, ignoring any armour, but forfeiting a damage roll. Inject Poison follows the same rules as Choose Location with regards to usage with ranged weapons. The GM may rule that a sufficiently armoured target has no unprotected areas and is therefore immune to Inject Poison.
***Precision Blows*** This style focusses on precision, focus, and responding to an opponent’s strength and weakness in the binding of swords. When fighting with Pulled Blows (Mythras page 154), all Attack and Parry rolls are one grade easier.
***Pull Blows*** Pull blows as a Special Effect, choosing the extent of the damage he wishes to inflict up to the weapon’s maximum, with a minimum of 1. Using this manoeuvre automatically negates the duellist’s Damage Bonus.
***Sagittan Peltast*** When using a ranged weapon, shift a random Hit Location roll to an adjoining body location.The style permits launching ranged attacks whilst at a run (but not whilst sprinting).
***Sagittan Peltast*** When using a ranged weapon, shift a random Hit Location roll to an adjoining body location.The style permits launching ranged attacks whilst at a run (but not whilst sprinting).
***Shield Splitter*** Permits clubs and axes to roll the weapon’s damage twice and pick the best result, but only when using the Damage Weapon special effect against shields. Mythras pg 89
***Showmanship*** "Cult/Brotherhood gift: the character can make leaping attacks while engaged in melee with an opponent as per the leaper creature trait only leg attacks are permitted to be combined with a leaping attacks Rank II Senpou Leaping Kicks the character gains a free remise special effect on a successful leaping kick "
***Siege Warfare*** The style permits its user to ignore the skill cap placed upon combat rolls by the Athletics skill when making assaults whilst scaling walls or crawling through tunnels. Mythras pg 89
***Small But Vicious*** "This allows the character to disregard penalties to damage due to his small size and modest strength, granting him a damage bonus of 0."
***Solid Stance*** Resist Knockback, Leaping Attacks and Bash as if using the brace action
***Street Fighter*** When opponent tries to change range to get out of your closed range,they may do so at a Hard Difficulty Modifier
***Swashbuckling*** Style allows the user to engage in attacks and evades made whilst jumping or swinging into (or disengaging from) combat, ignoring any skill cap placed on it by the Athletics skill. Mythras pg 89
***Swing In Confined Space*** Suffers one less penalty in fighting in confined space
***Sword Dance*** "Similar to daredevil, except the character’s Athletics skill is capped at their level in Dance, and they do not fall prone on failure (although they will on a fumble)."
***Trained Beast*** Intended for styles which emphasise fighting in close coordination with an animal companion (such as trained birds of prey, pet wolves, and so on), the user may utilise any of his Action Points to defend against attacks launched at his beast. Mythras pg 89
***Trained Beast*** Intended for styles which emphasise fighting in close coordination with an animal companion (such as trained birds of prey, warhorses, pet wolves and so on), the user may utilise any of his Action Points to defend against attacks launched at his beast. Mythras pg 89
***Versatile*** Any ENC 1 single handed weapon can be used with only one grade of difficulty harder
***Water Combat*** The style allows its user to ignore the skill cap placed on combat rolls by the Swim skill.
Mythras pg 89
Sea Legs Practitioners of this Combat Style are used to fighting on the unstable surface of a sea-faring ship. They may ignore the penalty for ‘Fighting while on unstable ground’ in this situation.