*** Block and catch *** allows for the use of the Grip special effect as a defensive special effect.
*** Body Slam *** After taking a turn of movement, you can engage an opponent with a crashing blow with your arm or shoulder. Make an opposed Athletics roll versus the defender’s Brawn or Evade. If you win, then the defender is automatically knocked down with you astride them. He suffers his own Damage Modifier (if any) in damage to a random location from the fall. If your Athletics fails, the defender has weathered or sidestepped the impact. If you win one or more levels of success you may select suitable Special Effects as per normal combat (Bash and Flurry are both popular). Mythic Constantinople
*** Chokehold *** If you have established a grapple against an opponent's head, you may choose to apply 1d2 levels of fatigue instead of damage. These levels of fatigue recover very quickly (healing rate per round) once the grapple is broken. Does not generally work on Undead.
*** Daredevil *** May use Evade to dodge blows in hand to hand combat without ending up prone.
*** Grappler *** treat as the Mancatcher combat style trait, but with unarmed. The style grants its user an advantage when entangling or immobilising opponents, making a foe’s opposed rolls to evade or break free one difficulty grade harder. Rq6 pg 135
*** Ground Fighter *** while prone and fighting against another prone opponent, you suffer a Hard penalty instead of a Formidable one.
*** Immobilise *** When you have someone grappled or entangled, in lieu of damage you may use your action to try to immobilise the hit location you are grappling. Roll your Combat Style opposed by your target’s Endurance; if successful, adjudicate like the Stun Location Special Effect (Mythras page 99), but this does not need a level of success to employ and only lasts for as long as you maintain the grapple.Mythic Constantinople
*** Iron holds *** This unarmed style teaches techniques to maintain holds on an opponent. Any opposed rolls to escape from the Grip Special Effect or Grappling are one
step harder. Unarmed Only.
*** Joint lock *** if you have established a grapple against an opponent’s limb (as determined by the GM), step up your damage mod one step when applying grappling damage. Does not work on things without bones.
*** Kick training *** you can make kick attacks. For your attack, your unarmed damage and reach increases by one step. If a defender uses the trip special effect against you for this attack, your roll to resist is Hard.
*** Knockout *** This unarmed style emphasises powerful blows to the head to knock the opponent unconscious. When using the Stun Location special effect on the enemy’s head, the roll to resist is one grade more difficult. Unarmed Only. Human (or human-like) opponents only.
*** Sacrifice throw *** when performing a Trip special effect, the character attempting may impose a Formidable penalty to his opponents attempt to resist. If the resistance roll fails, both end up prone.
*** Take Down *** Unarmed Combat - Using leg sweeps or throws that use the opponent’s weight against him, rolls to resist your Trip Special Effect are made at one difficulty grade harder. Mythic Constantinople
*** Unarmed Prowess *** Permits the user to treat his Unarmed blocks and parries as ‘Medium’ sized, enabling him to better defend himself from armed opponents.
*** Unarmed throws *** This unarmed style teaches techniques to use an opponent’s weight against him and drop him prone. When using the Trip Opponent Special Effect the Brawn, Evade or Acrobatics roll to avoid falling prone is one step harder.
Unarmed Only.