*** Batter Aside *** If the fighter’s Damage Modifier is two or more steps greater than his opponent’s, his weapon is considered one size larger for the purposes of bypassing parries
*** Create Opening *** This technique for wielders of two weapons involves pushing aside an enemy’s defenses with one weapon and following up with the other. The Style allows usage of the ‘Flurry’ Special Effect for dual-wielders; the follow-
up attack must be with a different weapon. Two weapons Only.
*** Intimidating Scream *** Style encourages frequent yells and bellows in combat to intimidate foes, making any psychological resistance rolls inflicted on an opponent one grade harder.
*** Sea Legs *** Practitioners of this Combat Style are used to fighting on the unstable surface of a sea-faring ship. They may ignore the penalty for ‘Fighting while on unstable ground’ in this situation.