*** Lunge *** Mastery of the rapier allows for lightning-fast strikes. This style allows usage of the ‘Flurry’ Special Effect. Rapier Only.
*** Showmanship *** This style emphasises exaggerated moves and flourishes intended to impress an audience or taunt an opponent. Using this style in combat allows a combatant to spend an available Special Effect to ‘put on a show’ for all onlookers as a demonstration of prowess, humour or disdain. Roll an appropriate skill (Combat Style, Perform, Dance, other) to determine the effect. If used to impress an audience, a successful roll may sway the audience to the fighter’s favour. If used to enrage or intimidate an opponent, the opponent may resist with a Willpower roll, with a failure leading to a penalty to actions at the GM’s discretion.
Dagger Prowess Permits the user to treat his knfie and dagger blocks and parries as ‘Medium’ sized, enabling him to better defend himself from armed opponents.
Daredevil May use Evade to dodge blows in hand to hand combat without ending up prone
Do or Die Allows dual weapon combinations to use the Flurry special effect, provided that each subsequent attack utilises the alternating weapon.
Precision Blows
This style focusses on precision, focus, and responding to an opponent’s strength and weakness in the binding of swords. When fighting with Pulled Blows (Mythras page 154), all Attack and Parry rolls are one grade easier