*Beast Rune* Attack vs Willpower or changed to a physical form appropriate to the rune
*Chaos Rune* Attack vs Willpower or changed to a physical form appropriate to the rune
*Communication* Attack vs Willpower. Condition of Babble.
*Darkness Rune* Inflicts physical damage equal to dragon's Damage Modifier taking the form of material suitable to its Runic relationship
*Death* Attack vs Willpower. Weakens or Slays as the Dragon wishes - often in the form of Poison
*Disorder* Attack vs Willpower. Break into argument with each other or distrust each other. In combat attack each other
*Dragonewt Rune* Attack vs Willpower or changed to a physical form appropriate to the rune
*Earth Rune* Inflicts physical damage equal to dragon's Damage Modifier taking the form of material suitable to its Runic relationship
*Fertility* Attack vs Willpower. Grow, multiply, fertilise
*Fire Rune* Inflicts physical damage equal to dragon's Damage Modifier taking the form of material suitable to its Runic relationship
*Harmony* Attack vs Willpower. Pacifies - preventing even berserkers from causing harm
*Illusion* Attack vs Willpower. Hides the true nature or appearance of anything touched by the breath
*Infinity* Attack vs Willpower. Ages the target or its possessions, moves then into different age of Glorantha or calls allies from past or future to aid the dragon
*Magic* Attack vs Willpower. Removes all magic.
*Man Rune* Attack vs Willpower or changed to a physical form appropriate to the rune
*Mastery* Attack vs Willpower. Inflicts a skill penalty of 1d3 grades on victims
*Movement* Attack vs Willpower. Blasts the victims as far away as dragon wishes.
*Plant Rune* Attack vs Willpower or changed to a physical form appropriate to the rune
*Spirit Rune* Attack vs Willpower or changed to a physical form appropriate to the rune
*Stasis* Attack vs Willpower. Slows or freezes victims in place.
*Storm Rune* Inflicts physical damage equal to dragon's Damage Modifier taking the form of material suitable to its Runic relationship
*Truth* Forces all illusions to be dispelled as well as preventing any dishonest words to be uttered
*Water Rune* Inflicts physical damage equal to dragon's Damage Modifier taking the form of material suitable to its Runic relationship