**Haragala** - Greeting: "Venperha’s Blessings upon you".
Routinely take half the cargo of any ship they catch and then release.
**Appearance:** Tall and dusky with dark hair. Long mustaches or pointed/forked beards. Typical 'pirate' clothing.
Kingroups own the ships.
**Traits:** Courageous, Individualistic, Proud, Tolerant.
**Common ship types:** Paramaba, tall ship.
Tallship has oars, tall tower mast and triangular sails that resemble butterfly's wings. The mast has magic crystal with mirror that makes a sorcerous sunscope. Tallships are used with archery and devastating sun magic from sunscope. Crew 12 to 20 crew, 15 holies, 5 servants.
**Typical religion:** Dormal the Foreigner. Men of the Sea pg 28
**Kareeshtu** - "“We are slaves of Ompalam and his slave the Great Tond, whose power has enslaved even Dormal.”
Restrict the worship of Dormal and collect tribute. Crew often wear little armor. Names have XXX-owned where xxx is the owner's name.
**Traits:** hate Afadjanni, Servile, Obedient.
**Common ship types:** Warsail, xebec, yacht.
Warsail deep keels and special rigging that allows 50% more speed when traveling upwind. Crew 10 to 15 sailors, 12 to 20 marines, 6 arbalest operators.
**Common religion:** The Stolen Secrets of Dormal the Bonded.
Men of the Sea pg 32
**Malki Coast (Umathela):** “You are welcome in the land of the heirs of the oceans.” They are born to caste for life.
Magic: wizardry.
**Personality traits:** Ambitious, Fear Aldryami, Fear God Learners, Hate Vadeli, Tolerate Other Religions.
**Common religion:** Dormal the Forerunner.
**Common ships:** Cog, xebec, dromond. In Garzanz war galley.
Dromond a sailed galley with two masts with triangular sail. Two steering oars and a platform for archers. Can hold several catapults. 50 rowers, 10 rigging sailors, 6 catapult operators, 20 crossbowmen or marines, 7 officers. Men of the Sea pg 34.
**Maslo** - Greeting: The beautiful waters of Maslo and the magic of Miirdek make us sailors beyond compare!“
**Appearance:** tall and dark skinned with blond or red hair. Suspicious of supernatural.
**Common ship:** outrigger canoes and Maslo Catamaran with 50 rowers, 10 rigging sailors and captain.
**Traits:** Curious, Easygoing, Energetic, Family-oriented. Common tactics: missile fire (ballista), boarding and ramming. Men of the sea pg 30.
**Ozur Bay (Fronela)** - Greeting: Hrestol’s blessing upon you, stranger. Does the harbormaster know of your arrival?”
**Appearance:** Westerners of cold areas.
**Traits:** Fear Dragons, Hard Working, Know Your Place, Loyal.
**Magic:** Hrestoli wizardry.
**Common ship types:** cog, knorr, longship.
Knorr - flat bottomed, single mast with a square sail plus oars. half decks bore and aft. Crew 5 to 12. Men of the Sea pg 36
**Quinpolic League:** Seshnelan sailors. Greeting: “Hail stranger, may the blessing of Saint Deliam and the mighty protection of the Doge guide you.”
**Appearance:** Long boots, long sleeved long shirts, colorful belts. Westerner appearance.
Fear Dragons, Loyal, Pious.
**Common ship types:** Cog or trireme. Ship is usually a trireme with 160 crewmen plus 14 to 20 marines.
**Common religion** - The Little Saints, Saint Dormal, Captain of the New Helm
Men of the Sea pg 22
**Rightarm Islands in Choralinthor Bay:** Greeting: "“People of the islands, lovers of the Sea, wanderers of the marsh, friends of the Ludoch are we.”
**Appearance:** Intricately tattooed, loin cloth, clamshells in dark long hair, unique carved wood equipment.
**Common Religions:** Dormal the Sailor
**Common ship types:** Canoe, Coracle, Kyranae, Galley, Rowboat. See Men of the Sea pg 24
**Suam Chow.** Greeting: “Everlasting Prosperity, Eternal Peace, and Bounteous Order are upon us.”
**Appearance:** Kralorelan, tattooed left hands, outlandish earrings. Many learn the Hopping Sea Crane martial art.
**Common ship type:** Dhow, Xebec or Junk, warships are oared turtle-barges with zombie or convict rowers.
Dhow has a crew of 5 to 10 and oceangoing can be more than 30 meters long with lateen or triangular sail.
Ancient ritual of Order of Sea Dragon replaces Dormal opening.
**Personality traits:** Nationalist, Obsequious to Higher Authority, Pious, Polite, Xenophobia.
Men of the Sea pg 26