** Dragon Perception** Dragons have excellent senses of sight, smell, and hearing. Because of this, any hiding or invisible opponents within a number of feet equal to the dragon’s Willpower / 3 can be detected with an Easy Perception roll, and if successful, the dragon may attack or otherwise confront the target without penalty.
*** Telepathy*** places the practitioner in mind-to-mind contact with another sapient being, allowing for normal levels
of communication. Telepathy eliminates the requirement that the practitioner know the language spoken by the subject. The target of
Telepathy must be within line-of-sight (range is of no consequence) unless well-known by the practitioner. If the practitioner knows the
subject well, contact can be established as long as both the subject and practitioner occupy the same plane of existence and are within a distance of no greater than 300,000 kilometres (186,000 miles/1 light second); line-of-sight is obviously irrelevant.
***Acidic Blood*** Acidic blood sprays out over an attacker within hand-to-hand range. It inflicts 1d3 damage for 1d3 rounds to a random Hit Location. The acid will eat through armor first before affecting flesh.
***Adhering*** Can move on vertical surfaces and even on a ceiling at half normal Movement rate.
***Allergy to Salt and Iron*** If exposed to the substance it suffers 1d6 damage per Combat Round to those locations in contact. Worn armour blocks if not fully drenched , natural protection does not.
***Allergy*** If exposed to the substance it suffers 1d6 damage per Combat Round to those locations in contact. Worn armour blocks if not fully drenched , natural protection does not.
***Amphibious*** Can breathe both underwater and on dry land
***Appear human*** The ability to distort the senses of other beings through telepathic hypnosis, in order to disguise themselves as a human or some other type of being. This ability functions even if unconscious or asleep. This ability is usually associated with serpent folk.
***Aquatic*** Breathes water. If taken out of water and their breathing organs allowed to dry out, begin to suffocate after their CON in minutes if remaining passive or half that time if moving or fighting. (Mythras Core 214-218)
***Area Attack*** Creature or plant of suitable size can sweep or stomp multiple foes, its attack roll being simultaneously applied to everyone within reach of the body part used to make the attack.
***Artful Dodger*** The creature possesses fast reflexes when wearing
nothing more restrictive than light armor. They can
use the Evade skill to dodge a melee attack without falling
prone. Against a ranged attack, it only ends up prone
if it fails the roll. If wearing heavier armor, they lose
this ability and must reduce their Evade skill by 10%.
***Asphyxiation*** Target can hold their breath for a seconds x Endurance if prepared, if not then halved in passive or 20% if strenuous activity. After holding: Endurance crit no change. successful 1 Fatigue level. Fail 1d2 Fumble 1d3
***Autonomous*** Can lose or self sever an appendage without suffering the Major Wound effects. Can be done for limbs, tails or wings.
***Bad Omen*** Encountering a creature with the Bad Omen ability results an immediate temporary loss of 1d4 purity.
***Being with Mana*** Being or thing with Mana. Losing a Mana differential contest (MP pg 43). If a being or thing is said to have no Mana then automatic loss with rank 0. Tapu intensity level afflicted is levels of success + winner's rank - loser's rank. Mana in Mythras is setting specific game mechanism.
***Berserk Rage*** Once battle has started, there is a 10% cumulative
chance per Round of the creature going into a Berserk - It is overcome with bloodlust, causing him
to disregard its own safety in exchange for being imbued with tre-
mendous stamina and toughness. Damage Modifier is increased by two steps, the Size
of weapon counts as one step larger for the purpose of penetrat-
ing parries, and the is immune to all the detrimental effects of Seri-
ous Wounds and Fatigue. A Major wound will still incapacitate him.
In return it may not Parry, Evade or cast any magic
while under the influence of Berserk. However the berserker auto-
matically succeeds in resisting any Special Effect used against him.
***Blinding*** Evade or Weapon style if using shield. If fail then Blindness (Herculean modifier) for 1d3 turns.
***Blood Drain*** Victim suffers from either internal bleeding or surface haemorrhaging which leads to the effects described in the Blood Loss section on page 71. At the start of each Combat Round the recipient loses one level of Fatigue, until they collapse and possibly die.
***Blood Sense*** Traces of blood can be sensed at a distance of half its INS in kilometers.(Mythras Core 214-218)
***Body of Wood*** Immune to bludgeoning weapons and take half damage from piercing weapons; but fire damage is doubled. +3Armor points
***Breathe Flame***
The flame covers a cone CON in metres. width of the cone is one quarter of the CON. Any in the flame suffers fire-based damage to all hit locations, Evade halves. Armour Points count as normal unless otherwise noted.
A creature can only breathe flame once in a specified time period (usually once per hour or once per day). Further attempts to breathe flame within this time require the creature to pass Endurance rolls with each roll becoming one grade harder, or suffer a level of Fatigue.
***Burrower*** Can tunnel through the specified ground type at its normal Movement rate
***Camouflaged*** Attempts to spot suffer a penalty to Perception of two difficulty grades.
***Chaos Aura*** Tainted by the Chaos rune and other Chaotic creatures can sometimes recognise this. When encountering a creature of Chaos, it can attempt a Willpower roll. If successful, the creature will not be attacked by its enemy, so long as it does not take any hostile action.
***Characteristics Drain***
Drain temporary Characteristic points from the target
***Chilling Touch*** In addition to wounding the victim, this attack drains
their strength. Like Energy Drain, this imposes one or
more levels of Fatigue on the target with no
Resistance roll possible. However, this Fatigue loss is
temporary, returning at the normal rate of Fatigue
gain. Armor has no effect on Chilling Touch.
***Cold-blooded*** One meal a week. Below 15C Strike Rank -6, - 1 AP per round. Below 5C catatonic.
***Communal Mind*** Though a single creature of this type has only a low INT, a large group of them together possess a vastly improved intellect, poten- tially achieving sapience.
***Constrict*** The first attack against a surprised or helpless target (if it generates a Special Effect) will target the chest or abdomen. No damage is inflicted but the attack automatically establishes a grapple. On the snake’s next turn, it inflicts its Damage Modifier by tightening its coils applying the damage to the Chest or Abdomen area directly: armour does not protect against this constriction damage.
***Construct*** Immune to fatigue effects. No detrimental effects of serious and major wounds even though can lose locations. Major Wound to head or chest (choose) will destroy the construct. Require no breath, food, water or any other requirement of life to function. No Willpower skill- immune to any form of mental or emotional domination. (Mythras Core 214-218)
***Corrosive*** Any attack that penetrates armour causes 1d6 damage to weapon or attacking limb
***Covert Possession*** Adversaries with this talent can secretly possess a character. While the character is awake it has no control over its functions or thoughts, leaving the character in charge. However, when the character is asleep the possessing adversary can take charge, allowing it to move and speak of its own accord without the host's knowledge.
***Dark Sight*** ' see’ normally in any level of limited light, even its complete absence.
***Death Sense***
In tune with the powers of death, the crea- ture can sense the death of living things and dead flesh at a range of up to half its INT or INS in kilometres.
***Disease of Zombie** If damage by Zombie POT 80 vs Endurance Rotting 1 characteristics point per hour. After 1d6 hours they die. Can only be cured my magical means. If they die without cure - they turn to zombie with the disease in 1d6 minutes
***Diving Strike*** Increases both the Size of the attack and the creature’s Damage Modifier by one step, for this attack only. Once per round. Must be at least one full round of Movement above its target (or possibly below if submerged) in order to use the diving strike.
***Dominant Possession*** The adversary will attempt to brutally take over a character's mind or body. The character's INT, POW, and CHA are pushed into the depths of the character's mind to be replaced by the dominating adversary's. The character may know what is going on while the adversary is in control, but they can do nothing to stop it. The possessing adversary does not have any of the character's memories, skills, or abilities.
***Domination*** Willpower vs Willpower or totally dominated. Once per day new attempt.
***Earth Sense*** Perfect sense of direction, depth and orientation beneath ground and suffers no penalties to Perception rolls for underground environments.
***Echolocation*** Can perceive others that may be either motionless or hidden making stealth roll two grades more difficult
***Elasticity*** Can stretch body parts to unusual proportions
***Elf Sense*** Touch detects the health and emotional state of the target and whether or not it is stressed, diseased or in pain. Also gives details about soil's nutrient, moisture and overall quality
***Engulfing by Elemental*** Evade or suffer the rolled damage to every location simultaneously.
If no escape automatically gets the engulfment damage every round.
Opposed roll of Acrobatics, Brawn or Evade against the Brawn skill lets escape
***Engulfing with Darkness (Spirit Being)*** Equal to or less than its SIZ; must be evaded not parried. Victims remain engulfed. Breaking free: an opposed Brawn vs Brawn
Engulfed victim is targeted to be paralysed with despair/terror. The darkling attacks with its Combat Style vs Willpower; failure reduces the victim’s POW by the darkling's rolled damage. Its victims can free themselves from the darkling’s grasp with the Withdraw Special Effect or disengaging with the Change Range Action. Once the creature reaches a POW of zero it loses all independent will. POW recovers at Healing Rate per week unless surrounded by joy and beauty, in which case it recovers at Healing Rate per day.
***Engulfing with Fire (Spirit Being)*** Equal to or less than its SIZ; must be evaded not parried. Victims remain engulfed. Breaking free: an opposed Brawn vs Brawn
Anyone within a willawen suffers the creature's damage to all Hit Locations simultaneously on its turn.
***Engulfing with Mist and Silence (Spirit Being)*** Equal to or less than its SIZ; must be evaded not parried. Victims remain engulfed. Breaking free: an opposed Brawn vs Brawn
While within the body of the quist, the victim is both deaf and blind; they are also silent and invisible to anyone outside of the quist. A quist’s body has insufficient substance to force a person to stay inside, but the spirit-being just moves itself to keep the victim blindly stumbling about. A person can walk for days stuck within a quist.
***Engulfing with Water (Spirit Being)*** Equal to or less than its SIZ; must be evaded not parried. Victims remain engulfed. Breaking free: an opposed Brawn vs Brawn
Hyslops can manifest a body made of water. This form constantly changes from one moment to the next, copying creatures and individuals that the hyslop has seen. This form is immune to piercing damage and takes half damage from slashing weapons. Damage inflicted by fire ignores their AP. Engulfing: while engulfed, the victim begins immediately to drown (see page 250)
***Engulfing*** The max size of victim is figured as half the creature’s own SIZ, but may be less than this depending on the creature’s physiology. Engulfed victim suffers at least one damage roll based on the creature’s bite attack before being swallowed – the time spent chewing depends on the creature and how sensitive its innards are. If still alive a swallowed victim will begin to suffocate. Often victim lacks the mobility to move inside the digestive tract or the creature is so large that he will die long before he can cut its way out.
***Entangling*** Restricts the movements of those within melee range, who must succeed in an unopposed Brawn roll to avoid being rendered physically helpless each round.
***Envelope*** Spread over 1d6 adjacent hit locations.
***Faerie Magic*** the Folk Magic percentage. One turn is enough to cast a power or spell. Faeries don't need to speak or perform gestures to cast a power or spell. *Magnitude:* By default, all powers and spells cast with the Faerie Magic skill have a *magnitude of 4*.
*Permanent:* The effect lasts until the power's target is killed or destroyed, or the power is dispelled
*Zone:* The power affects all targets within the specified radius.
Faerie powers operating at a distance don't use the At a *Distance* trait; they can be cast as long as the target is in the faerie's *line of sight*. This is specified in the descriptions.
*Recovery:* Faeries recover their magic points autonomously (page 112 of Mythras) at a rate of 1 point per hour.
Source: Bestiaire Faerique
***Faerie Resistance***
Faeries with this capability take only half the damage from natural weapons or materials other than iron. Additionally, the difficulty of their magical resistance tests decreases by one level.
***Faerie Stealth*** Faeries with this ability blend into their surroundings, becoming nearly invisible to regular observation. However, Faerie Stealth is only effective when the faerie is in a suitable environment. For example, a gwarchell (page 6), which shuns light and lives underground, could only use it in darkness. As long as the faerie affected by this power remains motionless, crouched, or pressed against the ground, they cannot be detected by standard visual Perception checks. If they move, an attentive observer might notice the constant changing patterns on their body. Under these circumstances, when an observer tries to interact with the faerie — whether to locate, attack, defend against, etc. — the difficulty of their tests increases by one level. Creatures with other primary senses or magical perception are unaffected by this power.
***Fatigue Drain*** Drains a level of Fatigue from victims
***Fearshock*** Only on first attack when fully engulfed. Attack vs Willpower. If fail then
01-05 Victim dies of fear if not succeed in Endurance roll.
06-35 Victim collapses for 20-CON full turns. Must roll Endurance or less or die as above.
36-65 Collapses for 20-CON melee rounds.
66-95 Victim cowers in fear for 20-CON melee rounds,
acting in all other ways as demoralized.
96-00 Victim runs in fear for home for 20-CON melee rounds. Will attack fanatically if no place to run to.
***Flock*** Affects every Hit Location of a target which fails to Evade, Fly or Swim clear. Immune to Melee weapons. If Area weapon that can attack a volume of objects - attack against the hit points to disperse.
***Flora*** Immune to the side effects of Fatigue and severe injuries. Whilst a Serious Wound prevents the limb or location from functioning, the plant does not suffer any other debility. Likewise a Major Wound does not incapacitate.
***Flyer*** May substitute the Fly skill for Evade whilst fighting aloft. Only rolls Fly skill when attempting unusually difficult task
***Formidable Natural Weapons*** - Can actively parry or deflect attacks using its natural weapons. (Mythras Core 214-218)
***Freeze*** If Engulf is not evaded then all hitlocs are damaged by same damage. If not escaped - damage continues next round. Escaping requires evade, acrobatics or brawn against elementals' brawn. Freeze opponent solid.
***Frenzy*** When wounded or exposed to a particular substance Willpower roll or enter a frenzy. Duration = CON rounds. Combat actions only on attack or move towards combat - no spells, parries,evades. No fatigue, immune to mental control, no detrimental effects of Serious Wounds, although a Major Wound will still incapacitate.Press Advantage has no effect on it. If still alive, once the frenzy finishes the creature automatically gains a fatigue level of Exhausted.
***Gas Cloud***
The Gas Cloud covers a cone CON / 2 in metres. width of the cone is one quarter of the CON. Any in the cone will suffer the effect.
A creature can only emit gas cloud once in a specified time period (usually once per hour or once per day). Further attempts to emit within this time require the creature to pass Endurance rolls with each roll becoming one grade harder, or suffer a level of Fatigue. Gas cloud can be corrosive or poisonous. If poisonous then roll roll Endurance vs Endurance or breathes the poison.
***Gaze Attack(Domination)*** Direct eye contact (Willpower contest). Victim failure - remain motionless, unable to react or save themselves. Willpower vs Willpower or totally dominated. Although this power requires direct eye contact and the investment of a Magic Point, which the vampire does not recover until he lets the domination drop, until that time the victim can be controlled anywhere within a range of the vampire’s POW in kilo- metres. Whilst the victim may remain at the beck and call of its master, the vampire must actually concentrate to the exclusion of all else to actively control one of its servitors.
***Gaze Attack(Mesmerism)*** Direct eye contact (Willpower contest). Victim failure - remain motionless, unable to react or save themselves.
***Gaze Attack*** Gaze may be active (the creature must consciously spend an Action Point on its turn to use it on a foe) or passive (anyone looking at the creature is affected)
***Ghoulish Bite*** If a bite penetrates armour the victim must make an unopposed Endurance roll to resist infection. Failing the roll means the victim is infected with the spirit curse that will create a new ghoul upon death.
***Good Omen*** Coming across a creature regarded as a Good Omen grants an immediate gain of one point of temporary Purity. Killing or harming a creature with the Good Omen ability, however, turns good luck to bad; the one doing the harm incurs a temporary loss of 1d8 purity. (Mythic Babylon)
***Grappler*** Successful attack = Grapple + damage. Parried attack = Grip vs opponent limb or Pin Weapon on weapon. Uses brawn to resist victim breaking free. (Mythras Core 214-218)
***Hate the Sunlight*** Demoralised under sunlight - all skill rolls are one grade harder.
***Hive Mind*** What single creature knows - all others know immediately
***Hold Breath*** The creature can hold its breath for extended periods of time. If prepared and remaining fairly static the creature can hold its breath for a number of minutes equal to its CON. This period is halved if the creature is active, such as when swimming or fighting.
***Illusion*** project the appearance of normal humanity at a cost of 1 Magic Point per hour but the illusion cannot be maintained if they are forced to use their non human parts in attacking
***Immolation*** Either burst into flames or cause target to burst into flames. Flames are rated as specific Fire Intensity (Mythras Core pg 79). Target will continue to burn until extinguished which takes an action point.
***Immortal*** Never ages - gains tremendous life experience
***Immune to Magic***
***Immunity to bleeding weapons***
***Immunity to disease***
***Immunity to falling***
***Immunity to fire***
***Immunity to impaling weapons***
***Immunity to mind affecting magic***
***Immunity to non magical weapons***
***Immunity To Own Element *** Magical attacks by the same element do not harm
***Immunity to poison*** The creature is immune to all poisons. All creatures without SIZ automatically have this Trait, although it is not specifically listed in their descriptions.
***Immunity to Slashing and piercing weapons***
***Immunity(Pain)*** Always pass their Endurance rolls after taking a Serious Wound and do not lose attack actions because of them. Major Wounds affect them normally.
***Indefatigable*** Immune to detrimental effects of Serious Wounds and any Major Wounds to non-vital Hit Locations. Can be incapacitated by a Major Wound to head, torso or some other significant body part
***Infrared Sense*** Sense warm-blooded living things and other warm objects, such as engines or electronic equipment, in total darkness. This sense has roughly the same range and clarity as human sight, but it does not detect anything that is the same temperature as its surroundings. Cannot sense cold-blooded creatures or doors etc
***Intangible*** can pass through solid objects unhindered. This includes trying to lift or move objects, unless they use their Telekinesis ability Likewise, they are immune to non-magical damage, although they can injure each other using ‘physical’ attacks.
***Intimidate*** May intimidate opponents as a prelude to combat or to avoid it altogether. Unopposed Willpower roll - a failure - spend the next round moving farther from creature. Fumble - flee at max speed. A critical ignore intimidation during that encounter. Continues for as long as the creature continues to act in a threatening manner
***Invisible*** Naturally invisible, but can make themselves visible with conscious effort. Since they can see others of their kind, invisible or not, they require the use of the Stealth skill to sneak past one another.
***Invulnerable*** Weapons pass harmlessly thru it
***Leaper*** The creature uses Leaping attacks as described on page 152 of the Combat chapter, but can combine the leap with a physical attack such as a claw or bite. If the leaping creature wins the opposed leap attack roll, it automatically inflicts damage for one of its natural weapons on the target. This damage cannot be parried except by Passive Blocking.
***Life Sense*** Aware of any form of within a Willpower number of metres. Perception roll and touch - learns injuries, Fatigue level and if poisoned or diseased
***Light Sensitive*** Inability to function in sunlight
***Magic Drain***
Drain temporaryMagic Points or spells from the target
***Magic Sense*** detect magical emanations within a Willpower number of metres. If the creature touches another and makes a successful Perception roll, it learns of the target’s current magic points, carried enchantments and active spells.
***Melammu (Frightening Splendour)*** emanation of cosmic power which causes a creeping of the skin and a feeling of awe in humans. A mortal in the presence of a divine aura feels inclined to cower, or at least avert their eyes, and tastes iron in their mouth. The feeling of awe and fear can be overwhelming. The effect of preventing those of low Purity from entering a temple or approaching a statue or divine object.***Terrifying*** Unopposed Willpower roll. Success -- - shaken for one round and cannot act offensively. Failure - flee in terror. Fumble collapse unconscious from the shock. Critical success - act unhindered. Once per encounter.
Mythic Babylon
***Multi-Headed*** An additional Combat Action per extra head possessed beyond the first. These are lost as each individual head is incapacitated or severed. Provided one head remains active, the creature can still control its shared body. When a multi-headed crea- ture resists spells which affect emotions or intellect, it rolls individual saves for each still intact head.
***Multi-Limbed*** Additional Combat Action per extra pair of limbs (beyond the first) it can bring to bear during combat
***Night Sight*** Partial darkness as illuminated and darkness as partial darkness.(Mythras Core 214-218)
***Paralyzing Shriek*** This ability requires those within 5 meters of the emitter to make an opposed roll between their Willpower and the monster's Paralyzing Shriek skill.Victim is unable physically to move. If it affects the whole body, the character cannot move at all.
***Passion*** Increase all relevant skills by one grade per 2 points of intensity when the passion is relevant in situation. For example Hate Darjeeni Usurpers spirit provides skill increase only when both parts of the name exist at the same time ("Hate") and "Darjeeni Usurper"
***Perceptive (Hearing) *** extremely perceptive. can roll one Difficulty Grade easier when using perception skill involving sight
***Perceptive (Sight) *** extremely perceptive. can roll one Difficulty Grade easier when using perception skill involving sight
***Perceptive (Smell) *** extremely perceptive. can roll one Difficulty Grade easier when using perception skill involving sight
***Phantasmal*** Can cover solid objects with an illusion disguising their true nature. The main senses which can be fooled are sight, sound and smell; cannot replicate touch. Illusion will vanish rapidly if creator moves away
***Psychic Emanations*** Affect all sapient targets within a radius equal to the plant or creature’s POW x10 in metres. Resisting either with opposed Willpower roll or if attacker no Willpower then with Hard Willpower.
***Reaction to Iron*** Double all damage that penetrates.
***Regenerate*** The creature is able to regenerate Hit Points lost to damage. The speed of regeneration varies depending upon the creature. Default is 1 HP / Location / Round (not turn). Unless specifically noted, regeneration does not replace lost limbs, and the severing of a vital location (head, chest or abdomen) will still result in death
***Resilience*** Max damage after armor from impaling weapons is 1 and from crushing weapons weapon's minimum damage.
***Resistance to Magic*** All resistance rolls against magical effects are done at Easy difficult grade
***Resistant to damage of normal weapons*** Reduce the damage dice of weapons by two steps. Magic affects normally.
***Savage*** If grip succeeds on bite it continues to tear the wound open. Spend an Action Point on its turn to automatically roll damage and also gone any negative damage modifier.
***See Ghosts*** Some creatures can see ghosts and demons invisible to ordinary people in the same way that an exorcist or similar specialist with the Exorcism skill can. They may become alarmed in the presence of such and give calls as warnings. On the other hand, some creatures that can see ghosts are perfectly comfortable in their presence, being already associated with ill omen. Mythic Babylon
***Shape-shifter*** Can shape-shift to named forms. Costs it 1 Magic Point per shift. Cannot change SIZ unless specifically mentioned. Takes 1d6 rounds to complete.
***Skeletal Suspectibility*** Reduce the damage dice of slashing weapons by one step, and thrusting weapons by two steps. Increase crushing weapon damage by one step
***Slippery*** Attempts to grapple, entangle or grip suffer a Formidable difficulty penalty
***Spiny*** Spines automatically inflict the creature’s Damage Modifier against the body part used to strike them with unarmed attacks. Bigger or longer spines can also damage armed attackers, providing the spines are equal to the length of the weapon used. In such cases, it is the limb holding the weapon which gets injured.
***Spirit Being (Lyonesse)*** No physical body unless chooses to form one. Native form is almost invisible. and can only be harmed by magic. Perception roll needs to be made per round to target them unless spirit being is using magic. In native form can only affect physical beings if it has specific power that can do that.
Automatically succeed in any Endurance rolls and do not suffer Fatigue. Can form a body out of physical matter. In this form they can be harmed by physical means but have immunities based on the matter they are able to use These bodies are constructs; they have a single pool of Hit Points rather than separate Hit Locations. Once reduced to zero Hit Points they cannot hold the bodies together and are dissipated. This does not kill the spirit- being, but they cannot reform a physical body until they have regenerated their Hit Points (1d6 per day).
***Spirit Size-shifter*** Can enlarge themselves by a multiple up to their CHA, or similarly shrink by applying the same number as a divisor. Costs it 1 Magic Point per shift. Normal size is approximately human sized. Takes 1d6 rounds to complete.Of course as spirits they possess no true SIZ characteristic so they can be bound into any object such as a ring or lamp, but some jinn like to overawe vie- wers by swelling up to gigantic proportions.
***Spirit Size-shifter*** Can enlarge themselves by a multiple up to their CHA, or similarly shrink by applying the same number as a divisor. Costs it 1 Magic Point per shift. Normal size is human sized. Takes 1d6 rounds to complete.Of course as spirits they possess no true SIZ characteristic so they can be bound into any object such as a ring or lamp, but some jinn like to overawe vie- wers by swelling up to gigantic proportions.
***Stony Skin*** Using Weapons against Inanimate Objects*** See RAW pg 123
***Swimmer*** Automatically succeeds in everyday moving and manoeuvring whilst swimming unless attempting an unusually difficult task. May substitute the Swim skill for Athletics and Evade rolls whilst in water (Mythras Core 214-218)
***Telekinesis*** To interact with the physical world spirit can instinctively move objects via telekinesis, providing part of their intangible body is touching it. They have a pseudo STR equal to their POW, though for the expenditure of a Magic Point they can multiply this limit by a factor of five, solely for the purpose of shifting exceptionally heavy objects.
***Terrifying*** Unopposed Willpower roll. Success -- - shaken for one round and cannot act offensively. Failure - flee in terror. Fumble collapse unconscious from the shock. Critical success - act unhindered. Once per encounter.
***Titanic Beyond Mortal Ken*** Immune to the Bleed, Bypass Armour, Press Advantage and Sunder. Their physical manifestations have no weak spots, preventing them from being unduly hindered by massed volleys of missiles, unless the weapons are able to inflict more damage than the 15 Armour Points of their divine flesh, such as a siege engine for example. In such cases they become vulnerable to these particular spe- cial effects once again.
***Trample*** - Roll on Athletics to trample beings with up to half its SIZ. Damage = 2x creature’s base Damage Modifier. Increases the Size of the attack by one step. If immobile may trample a prone opponent by using an Action Point. Trample is Free Action if moving or charging over an opponent
***Trapper** Usually restricted to immobile things or plant-like threats, this ability represents a particular way of attacking prey by use of a one-shot trap.This needs to be evaded rather than parried.
***Undead***: Immune to fatigue effects. No detrimental effects of serious and major wounds even though can lose locations. Major Wound to head or chest (choose) will destroy the undead. (Mythras Core 214-218)
***Uz*** ***Dark Sight*** ' see’ normally in any level of limited light, even its complete absence.
***Earth Sense*** Perfect sense of direction, depth and orientation beneath ground and suffers no penalties to Perception rolls for underground environments.
***Hate the Sunlight*** Demoralised under sunlight - all skill rolls are one grade harder.
***Reaction to Iron*** Increase all damage that penetrates by 50%. If wearing any form of iron skills reduced by one difficulty grade, resisting magic one grade easier, casting one grade harder.
***Vampiric*** Bite drains its victim’s blood, causing an increase in Fatigue levels.
***Venomous*** Has a venomous attack. May use Inject Venom Special effect
***Vulnerable to Death Rune*** Must do a Formidable Willpower roll to approach Death Rune. If someone who is honorable strongly presents a Death Rune and overcomes via Willpower - takes 1d6 damage to random hit location and cannot approach.
***Vulnerable to Iron *** Increase all damage that penetrates by 50%. If wearing any form of iron skills reduced by one difficulty grade, resisting magic one grade easier, casting one grade harder.
***Vulnerable to opposing element*** - double damage from magical attacks of the opposing element
***Vulnerable to running water** Takes 1d3 damage to exposed locations - cannot heal in running water.
***Vulnerable to sunlight** Takes 1d3 damage to exposed locations - cannot heal in sunlight.
***Vulnerable*** The creature’s natural and magical protection cannot mitigate damage caused by a named source.
***Wail*** An opposed roll between their Willpower and her Wail combat style. Those who fumble flee as far away from the banshee as possible for 4 rounds. Those who fail are paralyzed with fear for 2 rounds. Those who succeed are immune to the effects of the scream for 24 hours. Any use of this ability costs one magic point.
Source: Bestiaire Faerique
***Weakness*** Weakness against environment or Rune
***Web*** Touching the web glues limb to strand unless one time Brawn vs stickiness (Spider's Endurance) Has & AP and HP 0.5x spider Size. Attempting to cut free exposes the tool or weapon used to the same process. Web is not flammable.
***Wing Buffet*** The creature is so large it can damage opponents by beating its wings. This requires an Attack Action and does damage equal to its damage bonus to those within 3 metres of the front or side of the creature.