***Abstinence Food*** Exist without one requirement for life RQ pg 291
***Abstinence Water *** Exist without one requirement for life RQ pg 291
***Abstinence*** Exist without one requirement for life, for example air, food, water, sleep. RQ pg 291
***Aggrandise*** Increases the scale of a single carefully crafted illusion so that it can take on enormous proportions, granting its combined Delusion spells a maximum apparent dimension of 100m per point of Intensity and incidentally making it permanent. Using this Gift can conceal an entire town, fill an entire valley with the howls of ghouls, or even create a gargantuan wall of flames across a mountain pass. Each incidence of Aggrandise can only be used once, requiring this Gift to be purchased again to create further artefact scale illusions. MI pg 152 RQ pg 291
***Alacrity*** The character rolls 1d6+6, rather than 1d10, for Strike Rank. RQ pg 291
***Animal Familiar*** The recipient receives the companionship of a natural animal. The familiar obeys simple commands but will not go against its nature. The animal’s Average SIZ cannot exceed the character’s POW. RQ pg 291
***Change Gender*** The character changes from male to female or vice-versa. All characteristics and skills remain the same but the voice and physical functions of the new sex are gained. RQ pg 291
***Change Reality*** Transforms a single illusion into reality, so that whatever it portrayed becomes true and will exist thereafter. Such an alteration of reality comes with risks, so care is necessary to avoid catastrophic disasters. For example, a new type of horrific monster so created might breed uncontrollably or demonstrate an inability to be killed. Change Reality is single use only and cannot be combined with Aggrandise.MI pg 152 RQ pg 291
***Chaotic Blessing*** Roll once on the Chaos features table on pages 441 to 442. RQ pg 291
***Cult Evolution*** The character can add a new spell, miracle, spirit or talent to the cult’s magical tradition. RQ pg 291
***Dimensional Portal*** Grants the knowledge of the secret ritual needed to cre- ate and control a trans-dimensional portal, by the weav- ing together of many different disciplines of sorcery. Spells such as Dedicate Might, Apprehend (Alternate Dimen- sions), Egressing Gateway, Fetter Chattel, Impress Config- uration (Jadestone) and Immure Essence are required to be cast in concert, with the final sacrifice of one sorcerer to be bound into the gateway to control its energies. Whilst this was once possible in the past, the current chances of engi- neering that level of co-operation have long since vanished. MI pg 152 RQ pg 291
***Divination*** Following months of study, meditation and mystical observations, Divination allows the discovery of a long-lost place, or the location of hidden knowledge desired by the user. Although it can be used repeatedly, the cost in time and materials make it unsuitable for casual application. MI pg 152 RQ pg 291
***Elemental*** Gain an elemental helper which may be called once per adventure. RQ pg 291
***Eternal Life*** The recipient will not die of natural causes during the lifetime of the gift, although they are still vulnerable to death through violence. RQ pg 291
***Healthy*** The character’s Healing Rate is doubled. RQ pg 291
***Horde*** Once mastered, this Gift increases the number of tar- gets for a specific spell (chosen when the gift is taken) to all available targets within the limit set by the Range com- ponent. For example, a necromancer who takes Horde (Enkindle Carrion) would be able to raise a skeleton army if the spell is cast on a necropolis, animating every dead body within its radius. This ability is usable at will. No other components of the specific spell are affected. MI pg 152 RQ pg 291
***Insightful*** The character is immediately aware of the enemies of the cult and those who would directly harm him. RQ pg 291
***Invulnerability*** Character is invulnerable to damage from one specified source: weapons, falling, poison, fire or something similar. RQ pg 291
***Juncture*** Allows the user to take a one way jump through time, either into the past or future. There are no limits to when they may go, save that usually (unsuspected by the user) some form of great cataclysm occurs soon after, as the chronological time line shifts about to minimise paradoxes. If the sorcerer survives they remain in that time ever after, unless of course they purchase and use the Gift again. MI pg 153 RQ pg 291
***Lichdom*** Transforms the taker into a permanent undead being with the basic Characteristics and Abilities of a Mummy (with or without bandaging), the lich form gaining a bonus to STR and CON equal to one tenth of the Invocation skill associated with the cult. Unlike the normal mummies of dead sorcerers, which are temporarily reanimated by the sorcerer’s spirit in order to protect their tomb or teach dire secrets of their art, a lich continuously inhabits its old body, returning from apparent destruction as per the Resurrection gift. If dismembered or even burned and the ashes scattered, the body parts will reform bit by bit until whole again – although it might take 1d6 weeks, months or even years depending on how thoroughly the remains are annihilated. MI pg 152 RQ pg 291
***Lucky*** When rolling for any skill test, the character can choose which way to read the d100 result. For example, a roll of 90 could be read as 09. Note: if double digits, such as 00, 11, 22, and so forth, are rolled, the result cannot be reinterpreted. RQ pg 291
***Matrix*** Part of the fundamental philosophy of technological sorcery, a matrix embeds a sorcery spell into an object or device – similar to the Enchant spell - but powered by an alternate source, rather than the creator of the object. In most cases this energy comes either from the Magic Points of its wielder or from applied science, such as pellets of cursed gold. The primary advantage of a matrix is that it does not continuously drain the potency of the crafting sorcerer, freeing their personal energies for other spells. Each incidence of Matrix allows the development of a blue- print to create a single type of artefact. The Gift must be purchased again to create further designs. MI pg 152 RQ pg 291
***Mighty*** The character’s Damage Modifier is recalculated, based on the sum of STR, SIZ and POW. RQ pg 291
***Oracle*** The recipient is capable of appraising, with reasonable accuracy, the likely fate of someone he meets. He does not gain a detailed view of the future, but gains a general impression as to whether the individual will be prosperous, lead a full life, die peacefully, and so on. RQ pg 291
***Pact*** Forms a pact with a supernatural entity which performs a mighty deed or service in return for some dreadful price. Such bargains can be on a scale which can doom a city or help overturn a kingdom. Depending on the effort required on the part of the otherworld entity, its aid may last for a single night or extend for the remainder of the sorcerer’s life. For example, a paramount sorcerer could be granted an army of living shadows to conquer Kapala, remaining at his side for a single hour for each finger he personally sac- rifices to the demon lord of darkness; whereas requesting a cat familiar which can polymorph into a huge burning tiger might last whilst the sorcerer continues to feed it weekly with a large bowl of virgin’s blood. MI pg 152
***Perfection*** Raise a characteristic by 1d6 up to the species maximum. RQ pg 291
***Pirate Sense*** Cannot be surprised while on any ship or boat
***Polyglot*** The character can understand any language spoken to him – but not read or write it. RQ pg 291
***Prison*** As per the Sanctuary gift, but creates a place of eter- nal imprisonment for a creature or creatures who cannot leave once they enter; kept alive until the prison is some- how destroyed. Allies of those interned cannot locate or pass the prison’s threshold, but must use more subtle tricks – for example, subverting clueless innocents – to perform any rescue for them.MI pg 152 RQ pg 291
***Reincarnation*** If killed then the character’s soul is reborn in the body of a suitable creature 1d6 days after death. RQ pg 291
***Resilience*** The character can endure any pain. He never needs to check Endurance to prevent unconsciousness when wounded, and is immune to torture. RQ pg 291
***Resurrect Loved One*** A loved one or favoured companion is brought back from death. This Gift can only be applied to each individual once. RQ pg 291
***Resurrection*** If killed then the character rises from the dead 1d6 days after death, their body completely healed of any and all damage done to it. RQ pg 291
***Robust*** The character’s Hit Points are recalculated, based on the sum of CON, SIZ and POW. RQ pg 291
***Sagacity*** Raise one cult skill to 100%. RQ pg 291
***Sanctuary*** The character is gifted a special residence that is always safe from the cult’s enemies. This residence is usually no larger than a villa and can take many forms (a tower, a small cave complex and so on). Enemies of the cult – but not necessarily of the character – cannot pass the sanctuary’s threshold. RQ pg 291
***Sense Parallels*** Aware of weaknesses in the fabric of reality. Can spot gates and portals to other planes of existence on a successful Perception roll. RQ pg 291
***Summon*** Some cults have a specific creature from the Creatures chapter that can be summoned, acting much like a familiar. This gift allows one creature of the particular type mentioned to be summoned once per adventure. The creature performs one specific action, as directed by the character, and then departs. RQ pg 291
***Swiftness*** The character gains one additional Combat Action. RQ pg 291
***Transcend*** Turns the recipient into a transcendent being, a free roaming soul without need of a body, which generally dis- integrates or spontaneously combusts at the moment of apotheosis. In this state it is effectively a Wraith but with- out the psychotic disposition, and can freely wander every- where, back and forth between the material world and Spirit Plane, invisible and intangible to everything except magic. The recipient may make itself visible or physically interact, but each effort costs it a Magic Point. MI pg 153 RQ pg 291
***Transform*** Permanently changes the species of the user so that they assume the body and innate abilities of the new form. All physical Characteristics are re-rolled using dice normal to that species, but INT, POW and CHA are preserved. MI pg 153 RQ pg 291
***Verity*** Those gifted automatically discern the truth with their primary sense, allowing them to perceive the reality behind illusions, disguises, shapechanges, magical concealment, and anything else which would normally confuse that par- ticular sense. The gift can be taken again for other senses. MI pg 153 RQ pg 291
***Vivify*** Gives a mechanical device or an animated statue its own artificial sapience in mockery of life, granting it a limited ability to reason and overcome problems; such as a stone door which can open itself for those known to it, or slam itself shut in the face of hostility. This Gift is normally used to give self-awareness to sentinels or even entire buildings. Similarly to the Matrix gift, each incidence of Vivify gift allows the development of blueprints for a single type of self-aware device or construction. MI pg 153 RQ pg 291
***Weapon*** The character is gifted a weapon of the cult. The weapon is always of a special nature, be it magical (having enhanced damage, or enhancing a Combat Style), unbreakable, or having a particular effect against certain cult enemies. Games Masters will need to define the details. RQ pg 291
***Wellspring*** Magic Points are regenerated at twice the usual rate. RQ pg 291
***Youth*** Return to a young body, reversing all ageing effects. RQ pg 291