Ancestor Spirit, Lesser - Sage

(Generated 6 times)
Namelist None
Rank Skilled
Race Spirit
Cult rank Dedicated
Notes Core 146-147. 2 point ancestral spirit. Knows twice the amount of ancestor skills
INT 3d6
POW 6+1d6
CHA 3d6
D20Hit locationArmor
Movement 6
Natural armor No

Additional features

Ancestor Skill 100% View items
Ancestor Skill 100% View items
Ancestor Skill POW+POW% View items
Ancestor Skill POW+POW% View items
Ancestor Skill POW+POW% View items

Non-random features

Spirit Ability Eternal - The spirit has Recurring trait (page 138), which enables it to return after being dissipated.
Spirit Ability - Ancestor Sagacity -Possesses a skill at a value equal to the spirit’s 100% + (INTx2). See pg 145

Standard skills

Spectral combat POW+CHA+50 Willpower POW+POW+50

Magic skills

Binding POW+CHA+40+2D10 Folk Magic POW+CHA+50 Trance POW+CON+40+2D10

Custom skills

Lore (Local) INT+INT+100 Culture(Local) INT+INT+100 Ancestor Skill INT+INT+100

Folk spells

Amount: 0
SpellProb.   SpellProb.   SpellProb.   SpellProb.   
Bludgeon 1 Curse 1 Demoralise 1 Disruption 1
Extinguish 1 Heal 1 Heat 1 Ignite 1
Mindspeech 1 Mobility 1 Protection 1 Shock 1
Tire 1 Warmth 1