
(Generated 6 times)
Namelist None
Rank Skilled
Race Snake, Issal
Cult rank None
Notes Souffle empoisonné (Ext) Le souffle d'un tazlwyrm est empoisonné, mais rarement mortel. Lorsqu'il a agrippé un ennemi, au lieu de porter une attaque de morsure ou de pattes arrière, un tatzlwyrm peut envoyer un souffle empoisonné dans le visage de la victime. Le tazlwyrm doit commencer son tour en ayant déjà agrippé une victime pour pouvoir utiliser cette capacité ; il ne peut pas agripper et utiliser son souffle empoisonné au cours du même tour. Poison du tatzlwyrm : souffle — inhalé ; JdS Vigueur DD 12 ; fréquence 1/round pendant 2 rounds ; effet 1d2 Con ; guérison 1 réussite. Le DD dépend de la Constitution. Immunités paralysie, sommeil Vision nocturne
Creator[email protected]
STR 3d6+24
CON 3d6+6
SIZ 5d6
DEX 2d6+6
INT 2d6+3
POW 3d6
D20Hit locationArmor
01-04 Tail 4
05-10 Mid-Length 4
11-16 Fore-Length 4
17-20 Head 4
Movement 8
Natural armor Yes

Non-random features

Chaotic feature Chameleon - Naturally blends with its surroundings and has an effective Stealth skill of 100%+POW.
Ability ***Construct*** Immune to fatigue effects. No detrimental effects of serious and major wounds even though can lose locations. Major Wound to head or chest (choose) will destroy the construct. Require no breath, food, water or any other requirement of life to function. No Willpower skill- immune to any form of mental or emotional domination. (Mythras Core 214-218)
Spit Snake subtype Acid - d4+2 damage to location struck - dissolving armor on the way.
Ability ***Camouflaged*** Attempts to spot suffer a penalty to Perception of two difficulty grades.
Ability ***Constrict*** The first attack against a surprised or helpless target (if it generates a Special Effect) will target the chest or abdomen. No damage is inflicted but the attack automatically establishes a grapple. On the snake’s next turn, it inflicts its Damage Modifier by tightening its coils applying the damage to the Chest or Abdomen area directly: armour does not protect against this constriction damage.

Standard skills

Endurance CON+CON+40 Perception INT+POW+20

Custom skills

Discrétion POW+100 Athlétisme STR+DEX+40 Esquive DEX+DEX+40
Force brute STR+SIZ+40 Bagarre STR+DEX+1d10

Combat styles

Mort de cristalSTR+DEX+1d10+20

Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 2
Constriction (1)
Morsure (1)

2-handed weapons

Amount: 0

Ranged weapons

Amount: 1
Crache-feu (1)


Amount: 0

Custom weapons

Name Type Damage Size Reach Range SpecialFX Dam.
Constriction 1h-melee 1d8 L T - grapple Y Y 0 0 body
Morsure 1h-melee 1d6+2 L M - Y Y 0 0 Head
Crache-feu ranged 1d4+1 - - - acid N Y 0 0 head