SRM00-02A Troll Guard

(Generated 40 times)
Namelist Celt males (View names)
Rank Novice
Race Human
Cult rank None
Notes Never let it be said that DocWagon isn’t an equal- opportunity employer. This security guard is normally present in the basement, using his strength to move supplies around as needed. Since there are no security monitors in the basement, this means that if intruders are unaware of his location, the troll guard can ambush the player characters if they come downstairs. Again, he isn’t stupid; he will use available cover, take time to aim, and if the intruders seem unarmored, will switch to the flechette rounds and let them have it with a full burst. As the troll is rather large and relies on this in his personal psychology, he is an intimidator rather than a negotiator; he loves scaring an opponent into backing down. *Cyberware*: ARFE, Hearing Damper Modification, Datajack, Reusable Auto-injector* [*include notes for Auto-injector] *Weapons*: Enfield AS-7 Shotgun (Conc. 3, Ammo 10(c), Mode SA/BF, Damage 8S) with internal Smartgun System; 2 clips slug ammo; 2 clips shot (flechette) ammo [making damage 8D(f)] (2,000¥ value) *Other Gear*: 1 dose Jazz in auto-injector; Transceiver Rating 1 with Broadcast Encryption Rating 2 (2,500¥ value); standard medkit (200¥ value); Stim 3 Slap Patch (75¥), Trauma Patch (500¥) **Augmented Reality Firearm Enhancement (ARFE)** An integral part of certain advanced firearms, this gives control of mechanical actions of the firearm, as well as access to balance, direction, and other sensors inside of the gun. With cybereyes, it allows the gun wielder to access information about how many rounds are left, temperature of the barrel, and form a virtual crosshair that allows for better aiming. The benefits are: * The wielder can control the firing mode mentally. Switch Fire Mode becomes a Free Action. * A virtual crosshair appears in the field of vision with those wielders with a cybereyes, allowing aiming in 1 turn instead of 1 round. (Note, these guards do not have this) * The wielder can trigger the dropping of the magazine mentally. Reduce the Load rating of the weapon by 1 action for weapons with detachable magazines. **Scatter** The weapon or round is made of tiny shot, fléchettes, or pellets that spread before they strike, reducing any range penalties by one step and inflicting damage to 1d3 adjacent Hit Locations. This comes at a cost however. Firstly, the weapon damage roll for each location is halved; secondly, any armour, natural or worn, doubles its Armour Point value against the damage. **Hearing Dampener** These monitor the nerve impulses and sound waves to prevent damage and stunning. Makes defense against sonic attacks that rely on hearing one step easier. **Stim Patch** For the rest of the scene, all Fatigue effects gained from laborious activity are ignored. Once the scene ends, all Fatigue returns, and the character gains an additional level. **Trauma Patch** Will instantly stop all bleeding and stabilize a location. It does not heal the wound, and it is possible to further aggravate it or have another wound cause bleeding in that location. This patch must be applied directly to the location **Bonus Equipment** In the break room, there is a large, circular table, six chairs, two vending machines, and a security case containing two AK-97 Assault Rifles and ten pre-loaded clips of normal ammunition for them. The Assault Rifles are equipped with Gas-Vent III recoil compensation systems and shock pads (treat as Brace action), low-light imaging scopes, and modified with internal smartgun systems. (Note: 3,800¥ value each) It requires one Complex Action to unlock the security case, which is keyed to the guards’ credsticks.
STR 1d6+18
CON 1d6+21
SIZ 1d6+26
DEX 1d6+9
INT 12
POW 11
CHA 11
D20Hit locationArmor
01-03 Right leg 0
04-06 Left leg 0
07-09 Abdomen 6
10-12 Chest 6
13-15 Right arm 6
16-18 Left arm 6
19-20 Head 0
Movement 6
Natural armor No

Standard skills

Athletics STR+DEX+25 Brawn STR+SIZ+30 Conceal DEX+POW+30
Endurance CON+CON+30 Evade DEX+DEX+30 Influence CHA+CHA+20
Insight INT+POW+20 Locale INT+INT+30 Perception INT+POW+30
Stealth DEX+INT+20 Unarmed STR+DEX+25 Willpower POW+POW+30

Professional skills

Streetwise POW+CHA+20

Custom skills

Electronics INT+DEX+20 Computers INT+INT+20 Biotech INT+INT+20

Combat styles

DocWagon Guard TrainingSTR+DEX+30

Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 0

2-handed weapons

Amount: 0

Ranged weapons

Amount: 2
AK-97 (1)
AS-7 (1)


Amount: 0

Custom weapons

Name Type Damage Size Reach Range SpecialFX Dam.
AK-97 ranged 2d6+1 - - - manstopper N N 0 0
AS-7 ranged 3d6 - - 20/100/200 manstopper or scatter N N 0 0