Notes |
"These creatures are able to assume the shape of humans, non-hu- mans, and humanoids alike through a form of shape changing mim- icry, transforming their bodies even into the weapons, armour, or clothing possessed by their victims. For this reason, they are unable to drop or otherwise discard ‘carried’ items, but if out of sight may absorb them back into their bodies to convey the appearance of having discarded them.The natural form of the doppelganger is generally humanoid, with frail bodies, thick grey hairless skin, and large bulging cat-like yellow eyes. able to read minds as per the Read Thoughts spell at will, and uses this ability to gather information about its vic- tim before assuming its form. It does not gain any skills possessed by the subject, instead attempting to fool others using the Acting skill to mimic the mannerisms of the individual in question. A successful Insight roll used on the target during the use of telepathy makes all Acting skill rolls 1 grade easier.
The doppelganger is able to take the form of any humanoid target between half and twice its SIZ, duplicating both its form and any equipment carried or worn, after which it will attempt to kill the original and assume its place. If this proves unsuccessful, it will cre- ate as much confusion as possible, causing doubt as to which is the original." Classic Fantasy |