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Hobgoblin's have thick hide that give them 1 AP of natural armor
Ulwai in my version is a bard, and also conforms to CF hobgoblins. stats have been necessarily altered
Possessions combat gear plus gloves of Dexterity +4, mithral jewelry (necklace, earrings, bracelets, rings, and anklets) worth a total of 1,000 gp.
Combat Gear staff of stormclouds* (26 charges), shortbow with +1 shock arrows, whip
Rank 3 Arcane Bard
Cantrips (Arcane): Arcane bards are taught to cast cantrips as per magic-users. See the magic-user write-up for additional information.
Artful Dodger: This talent requires you to be Unburdened (ENC less than STRx2) and wearing nothing more restrictive than light armour. You possess fast reflexes and gain 1 extra Action Point, which may only be used to Parry or Evade. In addition, you may use the Evade skill to dodge a melee attack without falling prone. Against a ranged attack, you only end up prone if you fail the roll.
Language (Thieves’ Cant) (Arcane): Arcane bards know a secret form of communication called thieves’ cant. This Language skill con- sists of slang and implied meanings and is used between thieves as a way to discuss pursuits of an illicit nature in public, without giving away information to other interested parties. This communication is limited to discussions about breaking and entering, con games, mug- ging, and other illegal behaviour, and cannot be used to discuss items of a more mundane nature. Like all Languages, it is a Professional Skill and starts at Base Level +40%.
Charm: With this talent, you have a chance of charming those within 18 metres (60 feet) that are listening to you sing or play an instrument. You must attempt to charm all within range; you cannot select individual targets; however, friends and allies are immune to your charm. If you succeed at an Opposed test using Sing or Musi- cianship vs. the audience’s Willpower, they will remain entranced during the performance and for 1 minute after you finish. The audi- ence will find it 1 grade easier to resist if they are distracted, such as being overly hungry or having been previously attacked. This ability will automatically fail if attempted in combat. Those that successfully resist the charm are aware of the attempt and will react accordingly.
Those under the effects of charm may have a suggestion implanted, as per the spell of the same name. The suggestion allows those tar- geted an additional Willpower roll to resist and requires the normal expenditure of Magic Points. If the suggestion is included as part of the performance, the audience will find the effects of the charm to be 1 grade more difficult to resist. Those that successfully resist
the suggestion remain entranced, but are no longer susceptible to further suggestion attempts.
The charm is instantly negated by physical attack or from any form of loud noise, and cannot be used on the same creature more than once in a 24-hour period.
Inspiration: With this talent, you may, through the use of word, music, or song, inspire your companions to great deeds, decreasing the Difficulty of all skill rolls by 1 grade for 1 Scene at a cost of 3 Magic Points. You must perform for 2 consecutive Combat Rounds and then succeed at a skill roll with any of the following skills: Influ- ence, Oratory, Musicianship, or Sing. There is no need to continue performing throughout the entire Scene and you yourself are unaf- fected by the effects of your own inspiration. Scenes are detailed fully in Mythras.
This may be done before combat to boost courage and morale, after combat to bolster the efforts of the healers, or even in the midst of combat to inspire greater effort and confidence. This act of inspira- tion can, therefore, take the form of a tale of heroism, a tragic poem, a fiery speech, a haunting tune played on a harp, mandolin, or lute, or even shouts of encouragement during melee combat.
Counter Song: With this talent, you may counter the magical effects of a haunting background melody, the charming song or music of an opposing bard, or the audible abilities of monsters, such as a siren’s song or a harpy’s scream. The effects of counter song will last 1 Scene and requires an Opposed skill roll of Sing or Musi- cianship versus an appropriate skill roll by the opponent. Counter song assumes you continue to perform throughout the full Scene. If successful, those within earshot (approx. 18 metres or 60 feet) are immune to audible enchantments.
Magic Items: Arcane bards can read scrolls normally useable only by magic-users and are able to use miscellaneous magic items that are permitted to fighters and thieves. They may not use rods, staves, or wands that are not permitted by fighters, thieves, or designated as any class. The following magic items (dealt with in the ClassiC Fan- tasy Unearthed Companion) are superior when used by a bard:
• Drums of Panic- Resistance roll is 1 grade more difficult • Horn of Blasting - Damage x1.5
• Lyre of Building - Double effects
• Pipes of the Sewer - Double number of rats
armor - elven chain (3AP everywhere, no armor penalty)
Whip of submission
20 arrows +1 of shock (treat any hit as an intensity 1 shocking grasp, 1d6 electrical to a single location, armor does not help)
This staff allows its user (usually a druid) to command the very clouds, either on a local scale or on a grand scale to influence the weather for miles around. It allows use of the following spells.
• Fog cloud (1 charge)
• Call lightning (2 charges)
• Control weather (4 charges)
Control Weather
Cost: 3, +1/Intensity
Area: 1d4x1.5 km (1d4 square miles)/Intensity Casting Time: 10 Minutes
Duration: 1d6 Hours/Intensity
Range: 0
Resist: NA
This spell allows the caster to alter the current weather in a signifi- cant and noticeable way. Once cast, another 1d4x10 Minutes must pass for the effects to completely manifest. The caster can alter the Precipitation, Temperature, and Wind by up to plus or minus two grades as detailed on the tables on page 85 of Mythras. See the Temperature Table on page 327 of ClassiC Fantasy to translate from Celsius to Fahrenheit. The duration of any change is calcu- lated according to the spell’s Intensity, as opposed to that noted on the tables.
Ring of Spell Reflection: The wearer of this ring will reflect back upon the caster most offensive spells of which the wearer is a target. This only applies to spells specifically targeting the wearer, not area of effect spells that the wearer happens to be caught up in, nor does it have any effect on Touch spells. Finally, spells and spell-like effects that are produced without a spell casting roll, such as those produced by magical traps and most magic items are not affected by a Ring of Spell Reflection. Roll 1d10 and multiply the result by 10 to determine the percentage of the spell that is reflected back upon the caster, with the percentage rolled rebounding. The target takes any remaining as normal. Where a spell is generally all-or-nothing with regards to its effect, the individual hit by the larger percentage takes the full effects. However, if the roll results in a 50%, the spell instead affects both caster and the target equally. Therefore, if the caster was using Polymorph Other to turn the target into a hamster, both would end up turning into small rodents. Both the caster and target are allowed any normal rolls to resist. Beneficial spells are affected as per the above rules, requiring the wearer of the ring to remove it to receive the effects unhindered. This ring has no effect on psychic attacks. |