Dwarf rogue (Thrangull)

(Generated 74 times)
Namelist None
Rank Skilled
Race Dwarf
Cult rank None
Notes Hardness of Body: Dwarves rarely fall ill. And are also highly resistant to poison, with Endurance Rolls that relate to poisoning and disease being 1 grade easier. Magic Resistance: Dwarves are highly resistant to Arcane magic; their Willpower Checks 1 grade easier when used to resist. Healthy: Dwarves receive a bonus of +20% to their skill when undertaking any rolls to resist weariness for any reason. Resistance: All Dwarves gain +30% to their skill and characteristic rolls made when enduring against either flame or ice attacks. Fire and ice attacks will do damage normally however, with the Dwarves worn armour protecting against this damage. Artful Dodger: The Artful Dodger talent requires you to be Unburdened (ENC less than STRx2), and wearing nothing more restrictive than light armour. You possess fast reflexes and gain 1 extra Action Point, which may only be used to Parry or Evade. In addition, you may use the Evade skill to dodge a melee attack without falling prone. Against a ranged attack, you only end up prone if you fail the roll. Backstab: Backstab Because the attacker is typically able to strike without hindrance, like Surprise, the first attack on the target gains a bonus Special Effect if successful. In addition, the thief can shift their Damage Modifier by one step for every two Ranks they have in Thief or Thief-Acrobat.It is not necessary for the thief to gain surprise on her victim, however the attack must be made from outside the victim’s field of vision. Therefore, many thieves will wait for an opponent to become engaged with an ally, then take advantage of the distraction to strike from behind. Agile: The thief gains superb reflexes. When calculating Initiative the character adds one tenth of his or her Athletics skill to the Initiative 1d10 roll. Climb Walls: You are very good at climbing anything up to and including sheer surfaces. As long as you are Unburdened (ENC less than STRx2) and wearing nothing more restrictive than light armour, you may ignore 1 grade of difficulty to your Athletics roll. Hide in Shadows: All Perception rolls to spot you are 1 difficulty grade harder. +2 chain, +2 hammer, +2 shield (+10 to parry) Daggers are coated with sleep toxin potency: 125; hand axes are coated in blade venom potency: 65; 2 x extra healing potions
STR 21
CON 17
SIZ 12
DEX 17
INT 15
POW 11
D20Hit locationArmor
01-03 Right leg 7
04-06 Left leg 7
07-09 Abdomen 7
10-12 Chest 7
13-15 Right arm 7
16-18 Left arm 7
19-20 Head 7
Movement 4
Natural armor No

Non-random features

Ability ***Earth Sense*** Perfect sense of direction, depth and orientation beneath ground and suffers no penalties to Perception rolls for underground environments.
Ability ***Dark Sight*** ' see’ normally in any level of limited light, even its complete absence.
Basic Poison Agony. Condition: Victim is hindered by intense pain. Whether in a location or the entire body, any skill roll involving use of the affected area must also be less or equal to the character’s Willpower, otherwise the attempt fails and they moan or scream in pain.
Basic Poison Unconscious - Condition: Victim loses consciousness for a period specified in the description. When consciousness is regained the victim suffers a level of Fatigue. Mythras pg 75

Standard skills

Athletics STR+DEX+25 Brawn STR+SIZ+45 Conceal DEX+POW+30
Deceit INT+CHA+20 Endurance CON+CON+40 Evade DEX+DEX+35
Insight INT+POW+25 Perception INT+POW+25 Stealth DEX+INT+30
Unarmed STR+DEX+40 Willpower POW+POW+40

Professional skills

Engineering INT+INT+35 Lockpicking DEX+DEX+40 Mechanisms DEX+INT+45
Track INT+CON+20

Custom skills

Craft (gimmickry) STR+DEX+45

Combat styles

Dwarven backstabberSTR+DEX+65

Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 2
Hatchet (1)
Warhammer (1)

2-handed weapons

Amount: 0
Great Sword (1)

Ranged weapons

Amount: 4
Dagger (1)
Hatchet (1)
Disorder keg (1)
Fling bomb (1)


Amount: 1
Cross shield (1)

Custom weapons

Name Type Damage Size Reach Range SpecialFX Dam.
Warhammer 1h-melee 1d8+3 M M - Stun Location Y N 13 12
Fling bomb ranged 1d6x3 - S 20 metres impale, stun location, to 3 locations random N N 1 2
Cross shield shield 1d4 L S - Ranged Parry; Passive Block 4 Y N 14 16

Folk spells

SpellProb.   SpellProb.   SpellProb.   SpellProb.   
Demoralise 1