Umathelan Warrior Underling

(Generated 148 times)
Namelist Glorantha - Orlanthi males and females (View names)
Rank Rabble
Race Human
Cult rank None
Notes ***Total hit points = 5***
STR 3d6
CON 3d6
SIZ 2d6+6
DEX 3d6
INT 2d6+6
POW 3d6
CHA 3d6
D20Hit locationArmor
01-03 Right leg 3
04-06 Left leg 3
07-09 Abdomen 3
10-12 Chest 3
13-15 Right arm 3
16-18 Left arm 3
19-20 Head 3
Movement 6
Natural armor No

Non-random features

Combat Style Trait- Close Combat ***Intimidating Scream*** Style encourages frequent yells and bellows in combat to intimidate foes, making any psychological resistance rolls inflicted on an opponent one grade harder. Mythras pg 89
Combat Style Trait- Formation ***Shield Wall*** Allows a group of three or more shield users to overlap their protection, adding one to the number of locations which can be protected with passive blocking, and resisting Knockback, Leaping attacks and Bash as if using the Brace action. Mythras pg 89 All of the characters need to have this.
Combat Style Trait- Close Combat ***Batter Aside*** If the fighter’s Damage Modifier is two or more steps greater than his opponent’s, his weapon is considered one size larger for the purposes of bypassing parries Mythras pg 89
Level ***Underling*** ***Ignore the location specific hit points*** ***Two injuries they cease fighting*** and withdraw yelling or cursing. ***If damage > HP*** endurance roll is automatically failed - suffer effect of serious Wound. ***If damage 2x HP*** die in gruesome manner. ***Once half of them are dead or wounded*** - rest withdraw

Standard skills

Athletics STR+DEX+2d4+1d8+2d6+11 Brawn STR+SIZ+2d4+1d8+1d6+11 Endurance CON+CON+2d4+1d8+1d6+11
Evade DEX+DEX+2d6+1d8+1 First Aid DEX+INT+2d4+1d8+11 Locale INT+INT+2d4+1d8+11
Perception INT+POW+2d4+1d8+1d6+11 Ride DEX+POW+2d4+1d8+11 Unarmed STR+DEX+2d6+1d8+1
Willpower POW+POW+1d8+1

Magic skills

Folk Magic POW+CHA+1d8+31

Professional skills

Engineering INT+INT+2d6+1d8+1 Gambling INT+POW+2d6+1d8+1 Healing INT+POW+1d8+1
Navigation INT+POW+1d8+1 Oratory POW+CHA+2d6+1d8+1 Seamanship INT+CON+1d8+1
Survival CON+POW+2d6+1d8+1 Track INT+CON+1d8+1

Custom skills

Craft(pick one) DEX+INT+2d6+1d8+1 Lore(pick one) INT+INT+1d8+1 Musicianship(instrument) DEX+CHA+1d8+1
Loyalty to Clan Chieftain POW+CHA+30 Love Freedom POW+CHA+30 Hate(opposing clan) POW+CHA+30
Hate Lunars POW+CHA+30 Theyalan Language INT+CHA+40 Customes(own tribe) INT+INT+40
Tradetalk INT+CHA+30 Combat Style(specialty) STR+DEX+2d6+1d8+1 Lore(Military History) INT+INT+2d6+1d8+1
Lore(Strategy and Tactics) INT+INT+2d6+1d8+1

Combat styles

Loyal Housecarl(Intimidating Scream)STR+DEX+31

Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 2
Broadsword (1)
Shortspear (1)
Axe (1)

2-handed weapons

Amount: 1d2-1
Great axe (1)

Ranged weapons

Amount: 1
Javelin (1)


Amount: 1
Orlanthi Scutum (1)

Folk spells

Amount: 1d3
SpellProb.   SpellProb.   SpellProb.   SpellProb.   
Avert 1 Beastcall 1 Bladesharp 1 Coordination 1
Fanaticism 1 Find 1 Mindspeech 1 Mobility 1
Pet 1 Protection 1