
(Generated 253 times)
Namelist None
Rank Novice
Race Lizardfolk Male
Cult rank None
Notes The Ratkin, in terms of physical appearance, look almost exactly like large bipedal rats; roughly man-sized, with the typical specimen being between four and five feet tall on average. Their body posture is often hunched, a trait that was developed from the cramped conditions of their natural habitat. Though physically weaker than most races, Ratkin are naturally faster, more agile, and natural diggers. As such, a Ratkin can never truly go head to head with a human, and due to their cowardly nature, they will more likely run than engage in direct conflict. Only when cornered will a Ratkin fight with a reckless sense of rage. The skeletal structure of a Ratkin is generally light-weight, giving them a greater degree of speed, movement, and natural reflexes than a typical human. This is further aided by possessing extremely strong back legs that help to propel a Ratkin at twice the speed of a normal man. The skeleton itself is also highly flexible, enabling them to slide through even the most cramped environment with relative ease. However, due to their physiology, the typical Ratkin is often weaker in terms of physical strength in comparison to other intelligent races within the known world, so much so that a healthy human male often can easily outweigh and outmatch a Ratkin in terms of sheer physical strength alone. Like similar animals, Ratkin have acute hearing that allows them to hear sounds at a greater distance and range of frequencies than humans. Ratkin also have excellent noses, which can detect smells from a greater range then those of humans. Due to their subterranean lifestyle, a Ratkin has naturally poor eyesight during the day-time, but when in the darkness, Ratkin can see in almost complete darkness. Most have brown, often dirty or matted fur (often flea ridden carrying sewer shakes), with large fangs in the upper jaw structure, red blood-shot eyes, over-grown claws, and a naked tail growing to the size of its body length. The loss of its tail will not typically cause a Serious Wound, but will cause the Ratkin flee the area. Filth bomb Application: contact. 5’ splatter radius uses athletics A direct hit covers location hit plus 1d4+2 locations, a near miss 1d3) range and damage as rock. Potency: 50 Resistance: Endurance (and willpower) Onset time: instant Duration: until cleaned or clothing removed. Conditions: Nausea: Victim cannot eat, and must roll against his Endurance every time he performs a stressful physical action to avoid being physically sick. Vomiting/retching lasts for 1d3 rounds during which he cannot act and Mania: get clean: the victim has to make a willpower roll each time the endurance roll fails or attempt to move to nearest water source, rip off armour and clothing etc. 1 item can be removed per round of vomiting/retching Antidote/Cure: removing all effected clothing and washing in clean water for several minutes will reduce the smell to bearable, an odour-nade will clean it instantly. (see below: not Ratkin invention) Odour-nade Application: Inhaled Potency: 50 Resistance: Endurance Onset time: instant Duration: 5 minutes (cleaning effect permanent, until made dirty again) Conditions: RATKIN ONLY Nausea Victim cannot eat, and must roll against his Endurance every time he performs a stressful physical action to avoid being physically sick. Vomiting lasts for 1d3 rounds during which he cannot act. Resistance is needed every 15 seconds (3 rounds) in cloud. ELVES ONLY: violent sneezing: Victim must roll against his Endurance every time he performs an action to avoid sneezing. it lasts for 1d3 rounds during which he cannot act and has similar effects to confusion, deafness and dumbness. Resistance is needed every 15 seconds (3 rounds) in cloud. sewer shakes Application: injected by flea/tick bite Potency: 85 Resistance: Endurance Onset time: 1d4+2 hours Duration: 1d6+5 days Conditions: Exhaustion Victim gains an extra level of Fatigue, on top of any they are currently suffering from per day Shaking Fever Victim’s body temperature fluctuates wildly – from hot to cold – and muscles ache. All skills suffer a difficulty grade of formidable. Antidote/Cure: Can be cured by the Healing skill. Each effect needs to be treated as a separate effect.
STR 1d6+4
CON 3d6
SIZ 1d6+4
DEX 3d6+6
INT 2d6+6
POW 3d6
CHA 1d6
D20Hit locationArmor
01-03 Tail 0
04-05 Right leg 1
06-07 Left leg 1
08-10 Abdomen 1
11-14 Chest 1
15-16 Left Arm 1
17-18 Right Arm 1
19-20 Head 1
Movement 12
Natural armor Yes

Non-random features

Ability ***Hate the Sunlight*** Demoralised under sunlight - all skill rolls are one grade harder.
Ability ***Dark Sight*** ' see’ normally in any level of limited light, even its complete absence.
Ability ***Perceptive (Hearing) *** extremely perceptive. can roll one Difficulty Grade easier when using perception skill involving sight
Ability ***Swimmer*** Automatically succeeds in everyday moving and manoeuvring whilst swimming unless attempting an unusually difficult task. May substitute the Swim skill for Athletics and Evade rolls whilst in water (Mythras Core 214-218)
Ability ***Perceptive (Smell) *** extremely perceptive. can roll one Difficulty Grade easier when using perception skill involving sight

Standard skills

Athletics STR+DEX+20 Brawn STR+SIZ+20 Endurance CON+CON+20
Evade DEX+DEX+40 Perception INT+POW+40 Stealth DEX+INT+40
Swim STR+CON+40 Unarmed STR+DEX+20 Willpower POW+POW+20

Custom skills

Passion: Evil (Cannibalistic) POW+POW+30

Combat styles

For the swarm!STR+DEX+30

Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 3
Shortspear (1)
Shortsword (1)
Bite (100)

2-handed weapons

Amount: 0

Ranged weapons

Amount: 2
Javelin (1)
Filth bomb (1)


Amount: 1
Target Shield (1)

Custom weapons

Name Type Damage Size Reach Range SpecialFX Dam.
Bite 1h-melee 1d4 S T - None Y Y 0 0 head
Filth bomb ranged - - - 5/10/20 see text N N 0 1