Hobgoblin (Classic Fantasy) Template 5493
(Generated 12 times)
Namelist | Pseudo Greek/Assyrian males (View names) |
Tags | |
Rank | Novice |
Race | Hobgoblin (Classic Fantasy) |
Cult rank | None |
Notes | Hobgoblin's have thick hide that give them 1 AP of natural armor |
Creator | Tanper |
Additional features
Feature | Probability | |
Chaotic feature | 100%% | View items |
Rune | 50%% | View items |
Standard skills
Athletics | STR+DEX+3d6 | Brawn | STR+SIZ+3d6 | Endurance | CON+CON+3d6 |
Evade | DEX+DEX+3d6 | Perception | INT+POW+3d6 | Ride | DEX+POW+3d6 |
Stealth | DEX+INT+3d6 | Unarmed | STR+DEX+3d6 | Willpower | POW+POW+3d6 |
Combat styles
Hobgoblin smasher'n'basher | STR+DEX+3d6 |
Weapon options
1-handed weaponsAmount: 0 |
2-handed weaponsAmount: 1
Ranged weaponsAmount: 0 |
ShieldsAmount: 0 |