Guard-Captains of Zul-Bazzir
(Generated 149 times)
Namelist | Byzantine males (View names) |
Tags | Human Spider god's bride
Rank | Rabble |
Race | Human |
Cult rank | None |
Notes | The guard-captains are powerful and broad-shouldered, hand-picked soldiers of the Khazistani army, clad in gleaming armour and gilded helmets. They are often assigned to guard duty in the palace and as officers on special missions, and are fiercely loyal to their noble superiors. __Possessions__: Chainmail, falchion, Khazistani Short bow. __Tactics__: The officers stand and fight as a matter of personal honour, and often refuse to summon help even if defeat seems imminent. |
Creator | raleel |
Standard skills
Athletics | STR+DEX+30 | Brawn | STR+SIZ+50 | Endurance | CON+CON+40 |
Evade | DEX+DEX+40 | First Aid | DEX+INT | Insight | INT+POW+20 |
Perception | INT+POW+30 | Ride | DEX+POW+10 | Stealth | DEX+INT |
Swim | STR+CON | Unarmed | STR+DEX | Willpower | POW+POW+20 |
Professional skills
Courtesy | INT+CHA+20 | Streetwise | POW+CHA+30 |
Custom skills
Lore (Strategy and Tactics) | INT+INT+40 |
Combat styles
Palace Guard Captain (Falchion, Khazistani Short bow, Mancatcher, Dagger) | STR+DEX+40 |
Weapon options
1-handed weaponsAmount: 2
2-handed weaponsAmount: 0 |
Ranged weaponsAmount: 1
ShieldsAmount: 1 |