Gelatinous Mass

(Generated 125 times)
Namelist None
Classic fantasy
Rank Novice
Race Gelatinous Mass
Cult rank None
Notes Gelatinous masses are difficult to see, requiring a Perception roll to notice a mobile specimen, while an idle mass is 1 grade of difficulty harder. They are immune to Paralysation, Electricity, Hold, Fear, Polymorph, and Sleep-based attacks. However, fire and blows from cutting and crushing weapons have their normal effects while pierc- ing weapons do minimum damage. If a mass fails a Resistance Roll against a cold-based spell or attack, it is slowed 50% (1 Action Point every other Round) and inflicts only 1d2 points of digestive damage. Paralytic Slime The mass attacks by moving into its victim and touching it with its coating of anesthetising slime, which acts as a contact paralytic poison. Unless a target is somehow sealed from all outside environments, this highly viscous slime will seep through clothing and armour with ease, paralysing the victim. Application: Contact Potency: 80 Resistance: Endurance Onset time: Instantaneous Duration: 3d6 Rounds Conditions: A victim that fails an Opposed Resistance Roll comparing their Endurance vs. the Potency of the slime is paralysed for 3d6 Rounds. At the beginning of the next Round, the cube may expend 1 Action Point to absorb its prey, pulling it within and secreting fluids to digest its victim. An ally can attempt to pull the victim free of the cube before this transpires with a successfully Opposed Brawn roll. Once absorbed, further Action Points are not required to continue the digestive process. Armour will protect for a number of Rounds equal to its Armour Points, after which the fluids have seeped in and begin to digest the wearer. These digestive fluids are treated as strong acid, doing 1d4 points of damage every Round, though they have no effect on non-organic material. In addition, those caught in the mass suffer the effects detailed in Asphyxiation, Drowning, and Suffocation in Mythras. Antidote/Cure: None, short of pulling the victim free of the cube.
STR 2d6+20
CON 2d6+15
SIZ 4d6+30
DEX 1d3
INT 2d6+1
POW 1d6
D20Hit locationArmor
01-05 Back 2
06-09 Right Side 2
10-13 Left Side 2
14-17 Front 2
18-20 Top 2
Movement 3
Natural armor No

Non-random features

Ability ***Elasticity*** Can stretch body parts to unusual proportions

Standard skills

Brawn STR+SIZ+10 Endurance CON+CON+30 Willpower POW+POW+30

Combat styles

Paralytic Slime80

Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 0
Slime (1)

2-handed weapons

Amount: 0

Ranged weapons

Amount: 0


Amount: 0

Custom weapons

Name Type Damage Size Reach Range SpecialFX Dam.
Slime 1h-melee 0 - - - 3d6 round paralysis Y N 0 0