Beetle Swarm (Barrowmaze)

(Generated 170 times)
Namelist None
Classic fantasy
Monster island
Rank Novice
Race Insect Swarm
Cult rank None
Notes It is almost impossible to kill a swarm: there are simply too many individuals. The only hope is to either outrun it or find a way of taking cover (water is not always an effective way of evading a swarm of insects, since they often wait about for the victim to surface). A swarm may decide to cease an attack if it collectively feels a threat has been neutralized: after 1d3 rounds of combat, make a Willpower roll for the swarm. If the roll is successful then the swarm abates its attacks and returns to its nest or previous activity. A swarm can be harmed if an attack – magical or mundane – which inflicts area damage can be directed at the swarm, engulfing at least 75% of it. In such cases the swarm has a number of Hit Points equal to its SIZ, and any damage reduces the size of the swarm commensurately. The normal characteristics for creatures are not applicable to swarms. Instead, only one char- acteristic is given: SIZ. This is used to gauge the volume of the swarm in comparison with an average human. A swarm of SIZ 6 is enough to engulf one half of the body. A swarm of 12 is enough to engulf the entire body. A swarm of SIZ 24 could engulf two opponents simultane- ously. The potency of the attack is based on SIZ, as follows: ***Hitpoints*** = SIZ ***Damage*** SIZ/Damage/CA 1-5/ 1 / 1 6-11/ 1d2 / 2 12-18/ 1d3 / 3 19-25/ 1d4 / 4 26-33/ 1d6 / 5 The damage from stings and bites are applied simultaneously to every location covered by the swarm. Worn armour initially counts against this damage, but is reduced by 1 point for each successful attack, as the insects begin to crawl inside gaps in the clothing. For example, a victim wearing brigandine armour who stumbles into a swarm of SIZ 6, will be immune to the swarm’s first three attacks but eventually the insects will find a way in. Normal clothing provides no pro- tection, unless especially thick – for example winter wear. Swarms do not generate Special Effects and neither do they use Combat Actions to parry or evade unless attacked with an area affect assault. On the other hand a victim can use Evade to temporarily avoid a swarm. Otherwise they must flee, hide or seek cover. Swarms fly at a base Movement Rate of 4, but can augment this rate by using their Athletics skill. RQ6 pg 365
SIZ 2d6+8
D20Hit locationArmor
01-20 Right leg 0
Movement 4
Natural armor No

Standard skills

Athletics STR+DEX+30+6D10 Brawn STR+SIZ Perception INT+POW+4D10
Willpower POW+POW+6D10

Custom skills

Fly STR+DEX+30+6D10

Combat styles

Swarm Attack (Stings or bites)STR+DEX+30+6D10

Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 1
Sting (special) (1)

2-handed weapons

Amount: 0

Ranged weapons

Amount: 0


Amount: 0

Custom weapons

Name Type Damage Size Reach Range SpecialFX Dam.
Sting (special) 1h-melee 0 M M - Y N 0 0