(Generated 37 times)
Namelist | None |
Tags | Knife of the necromancer Spider god's bride
Rank | Skilled |
Race | Human |
Cult rank | None |
Notes | Possessions: Leather shirt and pants, short sword, 4 SP. Small carved ivory handled eating knife, which cannot be used for combat. (worth 1 SP) Description: Slightly overweight yet surprisingly nimble, Jahwar has dark hair and a few missing teeth. He claims to have been a gladiator in his youth. Tactics: Jahwar tries to work with his henchmen to get into a good flanking position. He prefers to employ sneak tactics and often bides his time picking the right moment to strike. Notes: Jahwar does not own a dagger or an axe, but due to his time as a gladiator he possesses the skills to use both. |
Creator | raleel |
Standard skills
Athletics | 51 | Brawn | 45 | Dance | 27 |
Endurance | 53 | Evade | 60 | First Aid | 27 |
Influence | 44 | Insight | 43 | Locale | 54 |
Perception | 48 | Ride | 31 | Sing | 23 |
Stealth | 57 | Swim | 28 | Unarmed | 31 |
Willpower | 42 |
Professional skills
Mechanisms | 57 | Sleight | 67 | Streetwise | 53 |
Survival | 73 | Track | 24 |
Custom skills
Gladiator (axe, javelin,shield,shortsword) | 67 |
Combat styles
Thug (knife,club, dagger, garrote, stone) | 75 |
Weapon options
1-handed weaponsAmount: 1d2
2-handed weaponsAmount: 1d2-1
Ranged weaponsAmount: 1d2-1
ShieldsAmount: 1d2-2 |