Mummy Servant
(Generated 6 times)
Namelist | None |
Tags | |
Rank | Novice |
Race | Mummy |
Cult rank | None |
Notes | Abilities: Immunity(Poison, Disease), Life Sense, Undead (RQ6: pg 312-316) RQ6 pg 377-378. Suspectible to fire (damage rolled as % -> fire - continues damage each fire on that hitloc). This one is animated by intensity 3 undeath spirit. Tries to grapple and strangle. |
Creator | LarsTorvak |
Standard skills
Athletics | STR+DEX | Brawn | STR+SIZ | Endurance | CON+CON |
Evade | DEX+DEX | Perception | INT+POW | Unarmed | STR+DEX |
Willpower | POW+POW |
Combat styles
Primary Combat Style | STR+DEX+10 |
Weapon options
1-handed weaponsAmount: 1
2-handed weaponsAmount: 0 |
Ranged weaponsAmount: 0 |
ShieldsAmount: 0 |