
(Generated 12 times)
Namelist None
Rank Veteran
Race Geyser
Cult rank None
Notes "Large intelligent whirlpool. " HIGV1 pg 220 If caught in a whirlpool will need to make Brawn or Athletics roll vs Whirlpool otherwise drawn under and engulfed with drowning starting soon... Seamanship at Hard will let a vessel to escape - if failing then damage to seaworthiness
STR 11+4d6
CON 18+4d6
SIZ 16+4d6
INT 3d6+6
POW 3d6+9
D20Hit locationArmor
01-20 Body 2
Movement 6
Natural armor Yes

Non-random features

Ability ***Resilience*** Max damage after armor from impaling weapons is 1 and from crushing weapons weapon's minimum damage.
Ability ***Asphyxiation*** Target can hold their breath for a seconds x Endurance if prepared, if not then halved in passive or 20% if strenuous activity. After holding: Endurance crit no change. successful 1 Fatigue level. Fail 1d2 Fumble 1d3
Ability ***Area Attack*** Creature or plant of suitable size can sweep or stomp multiple foes, its attack roll being simultaneously applied to everyone within reach of the body part used to make the attack.
Ability ***Resistant to damage of normal weapons*** Reduce the damage dice of weapons by two steps. Magic affects normally.
Ability ***Swimmer*** Automatically succeeds in everyday moving and manoeuvring whilst swimming unless attempting an unusually difficult task. May substitute the Swim skill for Athletics and Evade rolls whilst in water (Mythras Core 214-218)
Ability ***Passion*** Increase all relevant skills by one grade per 2 points of intensity when the passion is relevant in situation. For example Hate Darjeeni Usurpers spirit provides skill increase only when both parts of the name exist at the same time ("Hate") and "Darjeeni Usurper"
Ability ***Engulfing*** The max size of victim is figured as half the creature’s own SIZ, but may be less than this depending on the creature’s physiology. Engulfed victim suffers at least one damage roll based on the creature’s bite attack before being swallowed – the time spent chewing depends on the creature and how sensitive its innards are. If still alive a swallowed victim will begin to suffocate. Often victim lacks the mobility to move inside the digestive tract or the creature is so large that he will die long before he can cut its way out.

Standard skills

Athletics STR+DEX Brawn STR+SIZ Endurance CON+CON
Evade DEX+DEX Perception INT+POW Swim STR+CON+40+2D10
Willpower POW+POW+40+2D10

Custom skills

Passion: Hate Women STR+INT+20+2D10

Combat styles


Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 1
Water Jet (1)

2-handed weapons

Amount: 0

Ranged weapons

Amount: 1


Amount: 0

Custom weapons

Name Type Damage Size Reach Range SpecialFX Dam.
Water Jet 1h-melee 0 H L - Engulfing N Y 0 0 Body