List | Feature |
Ability |
***Diving Strike*** Increases both the Size of the attack and the creature’s Damage Modifier by one step, for this attack only. Once per round. Must be at least one full round of Movement above its target (or possibly below if submerged) in order to use the diving strike. |
Ability |
***Grappler*** Successful attack = Grapple + damage. Parried attack = Grip vs opponent limb or Pin Weapon on weapon. Uses brawn to resist victim breaking free. (Mythras Core 214-218) |
Ability |
***Flyer*** May substitute the Fly skill for Evade whilst fighting aloft. Only rolls Fly skill when attempting unusually difficult task |
Ability |
***Formidable Natural Weapons*** - Can actively parry or deflect attacks using its natural weapons. (Mythras Core 214-218) |
Ability |
***Intimidate*** May intimidate opponents as a prelude to combat or to avoid it altogether. Unopposed Willpower roll - a failure - spend the next round moving farther from creature. Fumble - flee at max speed. A critical ignore intimidation during that encounter. Continues for as long as the creature continues to act in a threatening manner |