Superior Warrior Trollkin

(Generated 334 times)
Namelist Glorantha - Scorpion Men (View names)
Rank Skilled
Race Trollkin
Cult rank None
STR 2d6+3
CON 3d6
SIZ 1d6+6
DEX 3d6+3
INT 3d6
POW 3d6
CHA 2d6
D20Hit locationArmor
01-03 Right leg 1
04-06 Left leg 1
07-09 Abdomen 1
10-12 Chest 1
13-15 Right arm 1
16-18 Left arm 1
19-20 Head 1
Movement 6
Natural armor No

Non-random features

Ability ***Hate the Sunlight*** Demoralised under sunlight - all skill rolls are one grade harder.
Ability ***Earth Sense*** Perfect sense of direction, depth and orientation beneath ground and suffers no penalties to Perception rolls for underground environments.
Ability ***Dark Sight*** ' see’ normally in any level of limited light, even its complete absence.
Ability ***Reaction to Iron*** Double all damage that penetrates.

Standard skills

Athletics STR+DEX+10 Brawn STR+SIZ+20+D10 Endurance CON+CON+20+D10
Evade DEX+DEX+10+20+D10 First Aid DEX+INT+10 Perception INT+POW+20+D10
Unarmed STR+DEX+20+D10 Willpower POW+POW+10+D10

Magic skills

Folk Magic POW+CHA+20+D10

Custom skills

Lore(Region) INT+INT+10

Combat styles

Trollkin SkirmishingSTR+DEX+20+2D10

Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 1
Club (1)
Shortspear (1)

2-handed weapons

Amount: 0

Ranged weapons

Amount: 1
Sling (1)


Amount: 1d3-2
Target Shield (1)

Folk spells

Amount: 1d3
SpellProb.   SpellProb.   SpellProb.   SpellProb.   
Avert 1 Darkness 1 Heal 1 Slow 1
Speedart 1