Slime Broo - Stinking
(Generated 48 times)
Namelist | None |
Tags | Chaos Dorastor Glorantha
Rank | Veteran |
Race | Broo |
Cult rank | None |
Notes | Dorastor pg 43. Left arm is actually head. Chaotic Feature - his Disruption spell always overcome the opponent defense. Smells vile. |
Creator | hkokko |
Additional features
Feature | Probability | |
Chaotic feature | POW+POW+POW% | View items |
Chaotic feature | POW+POW+POW% | View items |
Chaotic feature | POW+POW+POW% | View items |
Disease | POW+POW+POW+POW+POW% | View items |
Non-random features
List | Feature |
Chaotic feature | Disturbing - Creature is covered with unsettling forms, such as miniature arms, multiple eyes or mouths, writhing pseudopods, etc. Viewers must succeed in an unopposed Willpower test or be helpless with horror until they can make the roll successfully. |
Chaotic feature | Stench - Releases nauseating odours that sicken inhalers, who must succeed in an unopposed Endurance roll to avoid uncontrollable vomiting for 1d3 Combat Rounds. |
Standard skills
Athletics | STR+DEX+20+D10+D10 | Brawn | STR+SIZ+20+D10+D10+10 | Endurance | CON+CON+20+D10+D10 |
Evade | DEX+INT+20+D10+D10 | Perception | INT+POW+20+D10+D10 | Stealth | DEX+INT+20+D10+D10 |
Unarmed | STR+DEX+20+D10+D10 | Willpower | POW+POW+20+D10+D10 |
Magic skills
Devotion | POW+CHA+D10+D10 | Exhort | INT+CHA+D10+D10 | Folk Magic | POW+CHA+20+D10+D10+10 |
Combat styles
Beastly Broo Bash | STR+DEX+INT+25+D10+10 |
Weapon options
1-handed weaponsAmount: 3
2-handed weaponsAmount: 1
Ranged weaponsAmount: 1
ShieldsAmount: 1
Custom weapons
Name | Type | Damage | Size | Reach | Range | SpecialFX | Dam. mod. |
Natural weapon |
AP | HP |
Broo headbutt | 1h-melee | d6 | L | T | - | Y | N | 0 | 0 |
Folk spells
Amount: 1D5Spell | Prob. | Spell | Prob. | Spell | Prob. | Spell | Prob. | Alarm | 3 | Avert | 4 | Bladesharp | 3 | Chill | 3 |
Curse | 3 | Demoralise | 2 | Fanaticism | 3 | Find | 2 |
Ironhand | 3 | Might | 2 | Mobility | 3 | Pet | 1 |
Protection | 3 | Repugnance | 2 | Sleep | 2 | Spiritshield | 2 |
Tire | 3 |
Theism spells
Amount: 0Spell | Prob. | Spell | Prob. | Spell | Prob. | Spell | Prob. |
Consecrate | 1 | Corruption | 2 | Dismiss Magic | 2 | Fear | 1 |
Reflection | 2 | Shield | 1 | Sneeze | 1 |
Sorcery spells
Amount: 1d3-1Spell | Prob. | Spell | Prob. | Spell | Prob. |
Chaos : Acidic | 1 | Chaos: Alluring | 1 | Chaos: Asymmetric | 1 |
Chaos: Boneless | 1 | Chaos: Brainless | 1 | Chaos: Burning | 1 |
Chaos: Chameleon | 1 | Chaos: Climbing | 1 | Chaos: Climbing | 1 |
Chaos: Contagious | 1 | Chaos: Corroding | 1 | Chaos: Dampener | 1 |
Chaos: Deathly | 1 | Chaos: Disturbing | 1 | Chaos: Domineering | 1 |
Chaos: Draining | 1 | Chaos: Droning | 1 | Chaos: Entangle | 1 |
Chaos: Frightening | 1 | Chaos: Icy | 1 | Chaos: Intangible | 1 |
Chaos: Leaper | 1 | Chaos: Levitating | 1 | Chaos: Mimic | 1 |
Chaos: Mournful | 1 | Chaos: Mutated | 1 | Chaos: Nerveless | 1 |
Chaos: Neutralising | 1 | Chaos: Obfuscating | 1 | Chaos: Oversized | 1 |
Chaos: Paralysing | 1 | Chaos: Perceptive | 1 | Chaos: Poisonous | 1 |
Chaos: Polymorph | 1 | Chaos: Projector | 1 | Chaos: Quick | 1 |
Chaos: Reflecting | 1 | Chaos: Regenerating | 1 | Chaos: Roaring | 1 |
Chaos: Scintillating | 1 | Chaos: Shadowy | 1 | Chaos: Shocking | 1 |
Chaos: Silent | 1 | Chaos: Slimy | 1 | Chaos: Stench | 1 |
Chaos: Sticky | 1 | Chaos: Teleporter | 1 | Chaos: Transmuter | 1 |
Chaos: Vampiric | 1 | Chaos: Warded | 1 | Chaos: Weakening | 1 |