
(Generated 101 times)
Namelist None
Monster island
Rank Veteran
Race Dudreyas
Cult rank None
Notes Abilities: Formidable natural Weapons(Stigma), Immunity (impaling weapons),Psychic Emanations (Enthrallment), Regeneration (1hp/day). (RQ6: pg 312-316) MI pg 189, MI pg 211. rootbrain has 6 AP and same HP than Stigma.
STR 4d6+12
CON 3d6+10
SIZ 4d6+12
INT 2d6+1
POW 2d6
D20Hit locationArmor
01-06 Leaf Base 2
07-10 Bowl 4
11-14 Stem 4
15-20 Stigma 4
Movement 0
Natural armor Yes

Non-random features

Ability ***Engulfing*** The max size of victim is figured as half the creature’s own SIZ, but may be less than this depending on the creature’s physiology. Engulfed victim suffers at least one damage roll based on the creature’s bite attack before being swallowed – the time spent chewing depends on the creature and how sensitive its innards are. If still alive a swallowed victim will begin to suffocate. Often victim lacks the mobility to move inside the digestive tract or the creature is so large that he will die long before he can cut its way out.
Ability ***Formidable Natural Weapons*** - Can actively parry or deflect attacks using its natural weapons. (Mythras Core 214-218)
Ability ***Life Sense*** Aware of any form of within a Willpower number of metres. Perception roll and touch - learns injuries, Fatigue level and if poisoned or diseased
Ability ***Psychic Emanations*** Affect all sapient targets within a radius equal to the plant or creature’s POW x10 in metres. Resisting either with opposed Willpower roll or if attacker no Willpower then with Hard Willpower.
Ability ***Regenerate*** The creature is able to regenerate Hit Points lost to damage. The speed of regeneration varies depending upon the creature. Default is 1 HP / Location / Round (not turn). Unless specifically noted, regeneration does not replace lost limbs, and the severing of a vital location (head, chest or abdomen) will still result in death
Ability ***Flora*** Immune to the side effects of Fatigue and severe injuries. Whilst a Serious Wound prevents the limb or location from functioning, the plant does not suffer any other debility. Likewise a Major Wound does not incapacitate.

Standard skills

Athletics 0 Brawn STR+SIZ+15 Endurance CON+CON+42
Evade 0 Perception INT+POW+33 Willpower 0

Combat styles

Feed Me All Night Long (Stigma)STR+DEX+44

Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 2
Bite (engulfing) (1)
Bludgeon (1)

2-handed weapons

Amount: 0

Ranged weapons

Amount: 0


Amount: 0

Custom weapons

Name Type Damage Size Reach Range SpecialFX Dam.
Bite (engulfing) 1h-melee 1d8 L L - Y N 4 10
Bludgeon 1h-melee 1d6 L L - Y N 4 10