Chaos Ogre

(Generated 293 times)
Namelist Generic fantasy names (View names)
Rank Master
Race Ogre, Gloranthan
Cult rank None
Notes Chaos Ogre
STR 4d6+6
CON 3d6+12
SIZ 3d6+12
DEX 2d6
INT 2d6+6
POW 1d6
CHA 1d6
D20Hit locationArmor
01-03 Right leg 1
04-06 Left leg 1
07-09 Abdomen 7
10-12 Chest 7
13-15 Right Arm 1
16-18 Left Arm 1
19-20 Head 1
Movement 8
Natural armor No

Additional features

Chaotic feature POW+POW+50% View items
Disease POW+POW+50% View items

Non-random features

Berserk Fighting Style ***Shield Splitter*** Permits clubs and axes to roll the weapon’s damage twice and pick the best result, but only when using the Damage Weapon special effect against shields. Rq6 pg 135
Berserk Fighting Style ***Do or Die*** Allows dual weapon combinations to use the Flurry special effect, provided that each subsequent attack utilises the alternating weapon. RQ& pg 135
Combat Style Trait- Close Combat ***Intimidating Scream*** Style encourages frequent yells and bellows in combat to intimidate foes, making any psychological resistance rolls inflicted on an opponent one grade harder. Mythras pg 89
Ability ***Frenzy*** When wounded or exposed to a particular substance Willpower roll or enter a frenzy. Duration = CON rounds. Combat actions only on attack or move towards combat - no spells, parries,evades. No fatigue, immune to mental control, no detrimental effects of Serious Wounds, although a Major Wound will still incapacitate.Press Advantage has no effect on it. If still alive, once the frenzy finishes the creature automatically gains a fatigue level of Exhausted.

Standard skills

Athletics STR+DEX+40 Brawn STR+SIZ+40 Endurance CON+CON+40
Evade DEX+DEX Locale INT+INT Perception INT+POW
Stealth DEX+INT-30 Swim STR+CON Unarmed STR+DEX+30
Willpower POW+POW

Combat styles

Primary Combat StyleSTR+DEX+40

Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 1
Flail (5)
Falchion (5)

2-handed weapons

Amount: 1
Great axe (6)
Great Sword (3)

Ranged weapons

Amount: 0


Amount: 1
Scutum Shield (1)