Yelmalio Initiate, Militia (Underling)
(Generated 22 times)
Namelist | Byzantine males (View names) |
Tags | Fantasy Glorantha Pavis Prax
Rank | Skilled |
Race | Human |
Cult rank | Dedicated |
Notes | ***Total 5 Hitpoints*** |
Creator | hkokko |
Amount: 1Cult | Prob. |
Yelmalio Initiate, Lower Rank | 10 |
Additional features
Feature | Probability | |
Yelmalio Geas | 100% | View items |
Yelmalio Gift | 100% | View items |
Non-random features
List | Feature |
Level | ***Underling*** ***Ignore the location specific hit points*** ***Two injuries they cease fighting*** and withdraw yelling or cursing. ***If damage > HP*** endurance roll is automatically failed - suffer effect of serious Wound. ***If damage 2x HP*** die in gruesome manner. ***Once half of them are dead or wounded*** - rest withdraw |
Standard skills
Athletics | STR+DEX+4D6 | Brawn | STR+SIZ+4D10 | Endurance | CON+CON+6D10 |
Evade | DEX+DEX+4D10 | Influence | CHA+CHA | Insight | INT+POW |
Locale | INT+INT | Perception | INT+POW+5D10 +10 | Ride | DEX+POW+2D6+35 |
Stealth | DEX+INT+20+2D10 | Willpower | POW+POW+35 |
Magic skills
Devotion | POW+CHA+4D10 | Exhort | INT+CHA+4D10 | Folk Magic | POW+CHA+4D10 |
Custom skills
Native Tongue | INT+CHA | Language: Firespeech | INT+CHA+30 | Lore (Human) | INT+INT+2D10 |
Oratory | INT+INT+2D10 | Lore(cult) | INT+INT+20+2D10 |
Combat styles
Light Warrior of Yelmalio | STR+DEX+30+1D10 |
Weapon options
1-handed weaponsAmount: 1
2-handed weaponsAmount: 1
Ranged weaponsAmount: 1
ShieldsAmount: 1
Folk spells
Amount: 4Spell | Prob. | Spell | Prob. | Spell | Prob. | Spell | Prob. | Avert | 10 | Bladesharp | 10 | Coordination | 1 | Find | 1 |
Light | 1 | Magnify | 1 | Repair | 1 | Lantern | 1 |
Lightwall | 1 | Seek Sun Dome Temple | 1 |
Theism spells
Amount: 0Spell | Prob. | Spell | Prob. | Spell | Prob. | Spell | Prob. |
Soul Sight | 1 | Spirit Block | 1 | Awaken | 1 | Catseye | 1 |
Cloud Clear | 1 | Dismiss Magic | 1 | Divination | 1 | Divine Intervention | 1 |
Find Enemy | 1 | Find Gold | 1 | Mindlink | 1 | Sanctify | 1 |
Spellteaching | 1 | Sunbright | 1 | Warding | 1 | Worship Yelmalio | 1 |