Warrior Drow
(Generated 243 times)
Namelist | None |
Tags | |
Rank | Novice |
Race | Elf |
Cult rank | None |
Notes | Darkness sight. One grade of dificulty when they fight with illumination. |
Creator | Arglindel |
Non-random features
List | Feature |
Basic Poison | Hallucinations - Condition: Victim experiences delusions and cannot differentiate between real and imaginary experiences. His skill and abilities are unaffected but his ability to relate to the real world is seriously impaired. Under its effects the sufferer tends to experience visions related to his strongest Passions and any skeletons kept in the cupboard, often leading to irrational acts. Mythras pg 75 |
Standard skills
Athletics | STR+DEX+15+15 | Deceit | INT+CHA+15+15 | Evade | DEX+DEX+15+15 |
Influence | CHA+CHA+15+15 | Insight | INT+POW+15+15 | Perception | INT+POW+15+15 |
Ride | DEX+POW+15+15 | Willpower | POW+POW+15+15 |
Custom skills
Survival | CON+POW+15+15 | Acrobatics | DEX+DEX+15+15 | Lore (faery) | INT+INT+15+15 |
Combat styles
Shades of darkness | STR+DEX+15+15 |
Weapon options
1-handed weaponsAmount: 2
2-handed weaponsAmount: 0 |
Ranged weaponsAmount: 1
ShieldsAmount: 0 |