
(Generated 66 times)
Namelist Pseudo Greek/Assyrian females (View names)
Classic fantasy
Rank Veteran
Race Hag
Cult rank None
Notes Fraonth are evil witches born of the dark musings of an evil god. They are bone-thin, with arms and legs that look little different than the leafless limbs of some long-dead tree. Their legs are four to five feet long with knobby knees, and their torsos are almost as long. Their arms are long, as thin as their legs, and drag along the ground when the creature walks. Their faces are lost in a mess of tangled, dark hair with long chins and sunken eyes. Their mouths are tiny and offer the only color in the creature’s otherwise dark visage. Red as freshly spilled blood they cackle and mew as they wander. ATTRIBUTES & ABILITIES HEIGHT-SIZ+5 DESPAIR AURA If the save fails, that victim is paralyzed by the fraonth’s presence, and remains so for 1d4 rounds. There is safety and security in numbers, however. The sight of a fraonth unnerves opponents, with the effect being identical to the spell . In addition, a wisdom save is required by all opponents. All individuals in a group of two or more that actually see the fraonth gain a +1 bonus. UNNATURAL AURA: Animals, whether wild or domesticated, can sense the unnatural presence of a fraonth at a distance of 30 feet. They will not willingly approach nearer than that, and panic if forced to do so; they remain panicked as long as they are within that range. WILL/Formidable TERRIFYING MAW: Once every for rounds the fraonth is able to open its mouth wide, exposing the utter madness of its being. Anyone looking into the red-cake toothless pulp that is the maw must make a successful WILLPOWER/Difficult save or be stricken with a crippling madness for 5-8 rounds. An individual stricken by this madness crumples into a heap, terrified of what they saw. The terrors are usually individual in nature, where one might see the gates of hell, another might see a festering wound SADISTIC | These witches are particularly evil and enjoy tormenting the innocent, in particular children and widows. They move quickly on their long, stilt-like legs, peering into windows or over hedgerows to terrify people. They snatch up the unwary. If adults, the creature wrings their necks, pulling the head and torso apart and stretching the tissues near to the breaking point. Children they keep longer, oftentimes for weeks. For some demented reason, the creature mothers them, tormenting them with food, candy, and toys. The fraonth will torment her victims for days or weeks until an opportunity presents itself to snatch or slay a victim, or until boredom overcomes them. When they attack they use their claws to deadly effect while they pick a victim to use their terrifying maw attack on. Once an individual is prone and unable to defend themselves the fraonth strangles the life out of them. SOLITARY | OUTCASTS They are always hunting for new victims to torment. To this end they dwell on the edges of the kingdoms of men, living in abandoned fields, forests, old wood sheds, barns, and the like. They are solitary and they never travel with others of their own kind, though they do speak a broken form of the common tongue and are able to converse with others. On rare occasions, usually during some celestial event of some import, a dozen or more of the fraonth gather together to exchange news and tales of happy hunting grounds. The fraonth are hated by any and all, good and evil, for these creatures are not discerning and can see nothing beyond their own desires.
STR 6d6+2
CON 3d6+6
SIZ 4d4+10
DEX 3d6+4
INT 2d6+7
POW 2d6+10
CHA 2d6+2
D20Hit locationArmor
01-03 Right leg 3
04-06 Left leg 3
07-09 Abdomen 6
10-12 Chest 7
13-15 Right Arm 4
16-18 Left Arm 4
19-20 Head 4
Movement 7
Natural armor Yes

Non-random features

Ability ***Camouflaged*** Attempts to spot suffer a penalty to Perception of two difficulty grades.
Ability ***Terrifying*** Unopposed Willpower roll. Success -- - shaken for one round and cannot act offensively. Failure - flee in terror. Fumble collapse unconscious from the shock. Critical success - act unhindered. Once per encounter.
Ability ***Passion*** Increase all relevant skills by one grade per 2 points of intensity when the passion is relevant in situation. For example Hate Darjeeni Usurpers spirit provides skill increase only when both parts of the name exist at the same time ("Hate") and "Darjeeni Usurper"
Ability ***Uz*** ***Dark Sight*** ' see’ normally in any level of limited light, even its complete absence. ***Earth Sense*** Perfect sense of direction, depth and orientation beneath ground and suffers no penalties to Perception rolls for underground environments. ***Hate the Sunlight*** Demoralised under sunlight - all skill rolls are one grade harder. ***Reaction to Iron*** Increase all damage that penetrates by 50%. If wearing any form of iron skills reduced by one difficulty grade, resisting magic one grade easier, casting one grade harder.
Ability ***Savage*** If grip succeeds on bite it continues to tear the wound open. Spend an Action Point on its turn to automatically roll damage and also gone any negative damage modifier.

Standard skills

Athletics STR+DEX+4d6+15 Brawn STR+SIZ+2d6+25 Conceal DEX+POW+25
Deceit INT+CHA+2d6+40 Endurance CON+CON+4d6+20 Evade DEX+DEX+4d6+15
Influence CHA+CHA+2d6+10 Insight INT+POW+15 Locale INT+INT+7d6
Perception INT+POW+4d6+6 Stealth DEX+INT+3d6+25 Swim STR+CON
Unarmed STR+DEX+40 Willpower POW+POW+2d6+30

Magic skills

Folk Magic POW+CHA+5d6+15

Custom skills

Survival CON+POW+3d6+25

Combat styles

Fraonth's Claw & MawSTR+DEX+4d6+30

Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 2
Claws (100)
Over-Wide Mouth (100)

2-handed weapons

Amount: 0

Ranged weapons

Amount: 0


Amount: 0

Custom weapons

Name Type Damage Size Reach Range SpecialFX Dam.
Claws 1h-melee 1d4 M S - Bleed, Grip Y Y 0 0
Over-Wide Mouth 1h-melee 1d6 M T - Bleed, Grip Y Y 0 0

Folk spells

Amount: 1d3
SpellProb.   SpellProb.   SpellProb.   SpellProb.   
Mimic 2 Mobility 3 Phantasm 3 Slow 1
Spiritshield 2 Tire 2 Vigour 1