Civilized Assassin
(Generated 45 times)
Namelist | Generic fantasy names (View names) |
Tags | Core codex
Rank | Master |
Race | Human |
Cult rank | None |
Notes | The civilized assassin is a ghost among the living, blending seamlessly into the fabric of urban life while concealing deadly intent. They are masters of subtlety and disguise, their faces as forgettable as their footsteps are silent. A dagger hidden beneath a cloak, a vial of poison in a ring—every tool they carry is a weapon of precision, designed to deliver swift and certain death. They stalk their targets with unerring patience, striking only when the moment is perfect, then vanishing into the night without a trace. Cold, calculating, and disciplined, they kill not out of fury, but for coin, revenge, or the cold satisfaction of completing their mission. |
Creator | hkokko |
Additional features
Feature | Probability | |
Combat Styles - Assassin | POW+POW+POW% | View items |
Combat Styles - Assassin | 100% | View items |
Non-random features
List | Feature |
Combat Style Trait- Close Combat | ***Assassination*** Allows the user access to the normally restricted 'Kill Silently' special effect. |
Standard skills
Athletics | STR+DEX+4d10 | Brawn | STR+SIZ+2d10 | Conceal | DEX+POW+6d10 |
Deceit | INT+CHA+6d10+20 | Endurance | CON+CON+2d10 | Evade | DEX+DEX+6d10 |
First Aid | DEX+INT+4d10 | Influence | CHA+CHA+2d10 | Insight | INT+POW+6d10+10 |
Locale | INT+INT+2d10 | Perception | INT+POW+6d10+20 | Stealth | DEX+INT+6d10+20 |
Swim | STR+CON+2d10 | Unarmed | STR+DEX+2d10 | Willpower | POW+POW+2d10 |
Magic skills
Folk Magic | POW+CHA+2d10+30 |
Professional skills
Disguise | INT+CHA+6d10 | Sleight | DEX+CHA+4d10 | Streetwise | POW+CHA+6d10 |
Track | INT+CON+6d10+10 |
Custom skills
Customs | INT+INT+2d10 | Native Tongue | INT+CHA+2d10 | Passion: Loyalty to the Contract | POW+INT+2d10+30 |
Passion: Perfection in the Kill | POW+INT+2d10+30 | Passion: Power Thru Fear | POW+INT+2d10+30 | Culture(any) | INT+INT+4d10 |
Combat styles
Kill With Finesse | STR+DEX+6d10+30 |
Weapon options
1-handed weaponsAmount: 2
2-handed weaponsAmount: 2
Ranged weaponsAmount: 2
ShieldsAmount: 1d2-1
Folk spells
Amount: 1d4+2Spell | Prob. | Spell | Prob. | Spell | Prob. | Spell | Prob. | Alarm | 1 | Befuddle | 1 | Bladesharp | 1 | Bypass | 1 |
Find | 1 | Incognito | 1 | Knock | 1 | Mimic | 1 |
Ventriloquism | 1 |