Quill Wolf

(Generated 36 times)
Namelist None
Classic fantasy
Rank Novice
Race Wolf
Cult rank None
Notes "A large wolf steps out of the clearing and growls menacingly. You freeze at the sight of it until realizing it is not quite the size of a dire wolf. Then the beast takes a step towards you and shakes its shoulders and head once-twice and you see the long quills that had been lying flat begin to bristle around its head, shoulders and haunches... Why couldn't it have been a dire wolf?" The Quillwolf owes its name to, wait for it, the quills that are embedded within their fur and hide. The quills are long, thick and hollow--though quite sharp at the end--with tiny back-facing barbs like a porcupine. When a Quillwolf becomes excited/scared the quills stand out on its body like the hackles of a dog. Otherwise, the quills can be hard to see until a person is in combat (PERCEPTION/Average in day/Difficult at night). Quillwolves engage foes in much the same way as their wolf counterparts. A pack will circle an enemy and attack in small groups from all directions simultaneously, then retreat to the safety of the circle. The presence of their quills simply makes them more effective. Although quillwolves can discharge their quills at multiple targets, they normally use this ability when trying to dissuade a dangerous foe from attacking or when attempting to flee from combat. Normally, one or two pack members will shake off their quills to provide cover for the other quillwolves as they make their escape. During particularly lean hunting seasons, however, quillwolves have been known to use their quill bursts in attempts to take down prey. NO. APPEARING: Solitary (resting/hunting), pack 3-12 (2d5+1) (hunting) QUILL BURST The quillwolf may shake itself vigorously, causing a number of quills to be ejected from its body in random directions. Roll 1d4 to see how many attacks on enemies (the remainder go in other directions). Max Range-15ft GRIP/TRIP/STICK If one quill wolf has Grip on a character, the other wolves will attempt to trip them by body slamming into them--this also incurs contact with their quills. Once enemy is immobilized, other wolves jump into bite and roll on them--slamming quills into their body at every twist. QUILL IN THE FACE--A GM may want to make the 'size' of the quill count as one bigger if the quill hits the face and penetrates any armor. YMMV. ABILITIES Night Sight, (RQ6: pg 312-316) , Usually hunts in packs of 12-30. Prefers to select Grip and Choose location. Gripped victim sustains biting damage every round AND suffer a possible quill attack for their trouble. Rq6 pg 396. From Creature Collection III, Savage Beasts (IMAGE: https://www.deviantart.com/thedustmen/art/SpiritBeast-Spineback-Wolf-II-1023445149)
STR 1d6+6
SIZ 1d8+6
DEX 2d6+5
INT 1d3+2
POW 2d6
CHA 1d4
D20Hit locationArmor
01-02 Right Hind leg 1
03-04 Left Hind Leg 1
05-07 Hindquarters 1
08-10 Forequarters 2
11-13 Right Front Leg 1
14-16 Left Front Leg 1
17-20 Head 1
Movement 8
Natural armor Yes

Non-random features

Ability ***Grappler*** Successful attack = Grapple + damage. Parried attack = Grip vs opponent limb or Pin Weapon on weapon. Uses brawn to resist victim breaking free. (Mythras Core 214-218)
Ability ***Spiny*** Spines automatically inflict the creature’s Damage Modifier against the body part used to strike them with unarmed attacks. Bigger or longer spines can also damage armed attackers, providing the spines are equal to the length of the weapon used. In such cases, it is the limb holding the weapon which gets injured.
Ability ***Night Sight*** Partial darkness as illuminated and darkness as partial darkness.(Mythras Core 214-218)
Ability ***Perceptive (Smell) *** extremely perceptive. can roll one Difficulty Grade easier when using perception skill involving sight

Standard skills

Athletics STR+DEX+40 Brawn STR+SIZ+30 Endurance CON+CON+60
Evade DEX+DEX+30 Perception INT+POW+35 Stealth DEX+INT+30
Swim STR+CON+5 Unarmed STR+DEX Willpower POW+POW+15

Combat styles

Pack SavageSTR+DEX+3d6+30

Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 3
Pack Savage (Bite) (100)
Quills (Contact) (100)
Body Slam (100)

2-handed weapons

Amount: 0

Ranged weapons

Amount: 1
Quill Burst (100)


Amount: 0

Custom weapons

Name Type Damage Size Reach Range SpecialFX Dam.
Pack Savage (Bite) 1h-melee 1d4 S T - Grip, Bleed, SPECIAL Y Y 0 0
Quills (Contact) 1h-melee 1d3 S T - None Y Y 0 0
Quill Burst ranged 1d3+1 S M - Impale Y Y 0 0
Body Slam 1h-melee 1d2-1 M T - Trip Y Y 0 0