Tiora Cleric of Pharasma

(Generated 37 times)
Namelist None
Rank Novice
Race Human
Cult rank None
Notes once a cutpurse, now a Cleric of Pharasma. trapfinding, sneak attack (+1d2), Channel Energy 1d2+1 (x day) Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds, scroll of cure light wounds Other Gear +1 studded leather, masterwork daggers (4), thieves’ tools, Wooden holy symbol Rebuke Death: You can touch a living creature as an action, healing it for 1d4 points of damage plus 1 for every two cleric levels you possess. You can only use this ability on a creature that is below 0 hit points. You can use this ability 5 times per day. Icicle: As an action, you can fire an icicle from your finger, targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The icicle deals 1d6 points of cold damage + 1 point for every two cleric levels you possess. You can use this ability a 5 times per day. Spells 2nd Cure serious wounds (D), False Life, Grace, Status 1st Cure minor wounds (D), bless, Command, Detect Undead, Frost fingers, Positive pulse 0 Petty healing, guidance, light, awaken, calm
STR 14
CON 13
SIZ 12
DEX 17
INT 13
POW 15
CHA 14
D20Hit locationArmor
01-03 Right leg 4
04-06 Left leg 4
07-09 Abdomen 4
10-12 Chest 4
13-15 Right arm 4
16-18 Left arm 4
19-20 Head 4
Movement 6m (20´)
Natural armor No

Standard skills

Athletics STR+DEX+15 Brawn STR+SIZ+10 Endurance CON+CON+25
Evade DEX+DEX+35 First Aid DEX+INT+30 Perception INT+POW+30
Stealth DEX+INT+30 Unarmed STR+DEX+10 Willpower POW+POW+25

Custom skills

Channel INT+POW+35 Piety INT+INT+40

Combat styles

Quiet the deadSTR+DEX+15

Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 1
Dagger (1)

2-handed weapons

Amount: 0

Ranged weapons

Amount: 0


Amount: 0
Target Shield (1)