Raahkan Royal Alchemist

(Generated 14 times)
Namelist Glorantha - Orlanthi females (View names)
Rank Master
Race Human
Cult rank None
STR 3d6
CON 3d6
SIZ 2d6+6
DEX 3d6
INT 2d6+6
POW 3d6+2
CHA 3d6
D20Hit locationArmor
01-03 Right leg 1
04-06 Left leg 1
07-09 Abdomen 1
10-12 Chest 1
13-15 Right arm 1
16-18 Left arm 1
19-20 Head 1
Movement 6
Natural armor No

Additional features

Background Events 50% View items
Combat Style Trait- Unarmed POW+POW% View items
Connections 100% View items
Reputation 100% View items
Siblings 20% View items
Social Class - Civilized 100% View items

Non-random features

Combat Style Trait- Ranged ***Longbow*** +1 to Longbow damage (this represents both the real superiority of the longbow as a field weapon and the fact that it required a dedicate training)
Combat Style Trait- Ranged ***Crack Shot*** Attacks with crossbows or firearms at a target within 50 yards are one difficulty grade easier.
Combat Style Trait- Unarmed ***Blade Catcher*** Cult/Brotherhood gift: Permits the character access to the pin weapon special effect both as a offensive and defensive special effect with their unarmed natural hand to hand weapons
Combat Style Trait- Ranged ***On the Fly*** On the Fly. Reduce ranged attack penalties for a fast moving target by one grade
Combat Style Trait- Ranged ***Throw Weapons*** Any nominal melee weapon in the style can also be thrown at no penalty to skill, but when used in this way a weapon’s damage roll is halved. Mythras pg 89
Combat Style Trait- Ranged ***Windage*** Reduce the difficulty imposed by wind strength by one grade
Passions - Loyalty - Civilised Loyalty to City
Combat Style Trait- Unarmed ***Unarmed Prowess*** Permits the user to treat his Unarmed blocks and parries as ‘Medium’ sized, enabling him to better defend himself from armed opponents. Mythras pg 89
Combat Style Trait- Close Combat ***Blade Grappler*** When fighting with a weapon of the combat style and a free hand on medium or shorter reach, the Entangle special effect is available as if they were using an entangling weapon.
Combat Style Trait- Close Combat ***Dagger Prowess*** Permits the user to treat his knfie and dagger blocks and parries as ‘Medium’ sized, enabling him to better defend himself from armed opponents.

Standard skills

Athletics STR+DEX+30 Brawn STR+SIZ+30 Conceal DEX+POW+2d6+30
Deceit INT+CHA+2d6+30 Endurance CON+CON+2d6+45 Evade DEX+DEX+30
First Aid DEX+INT+2d6+45 Influence CHA+CHA+2d6+30 Insight INT+POW+4d6+45
Locale INT+INT+4d6+45 Perception INT+POW+4d6+30 Unarmed STR+DEX+30
Willpower POW+POW+4d6+45

Magic skills

Folk Magic POW+CHA+75

Professional skills

Art POW+CHA+30 Bureaucracy INT+INT+30 Commerce INT+CHA+4d6+30
Courtesy INT+CHA+2d6+30 Engineering INT+INT+30 Healing INT+POW+2d6+45
Mechanisms DEX+INT+30 Oratory POW+CHA+30 Streetwise POW+CHA+4d6+30

Custom skills

Tradetalk INT+CHA+70 Customs INT+INT+2d6+70 Art(any) POW+CHA+2d6+30
Craft(Any) DEX+INT+2d6+30 Language(any) INT+CHA+4d6+30 Lore(Politics) INT+INT+2d6+30
Native Tongue INT+CHA+70 Loyalty to Clan POW+CHA+60 Craft(Alchemy) DEX+INT+2d6+45
Literacy INT+INT+2d6+45 Lore(Alchemic Specialty) INT+INT+2d6+45

Combat styles

Elvish Deadly PacifistSTR+DEX+30

Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 2
Dagger (1)

2-handed weapons

Amount: 0

Ranged weapons

Amount: 3
Light crossbow (1)
Long bow (1)
Dagger (1)
Dart (1)
Short Bow (1)
Sling (1)


Amount: 2
Hoplite Shield (1)

Folk spells

Amount: 5
SpellProb.   SpellProb.   SpellProb.   SpellProb.   
Alarm 1 Appraise 1 Bladesharp 1 Calculate 1
Calm 1 Glamour 1 Heal 1 Lock 1
Perfume 1 Repair 1