Human Rabble Mob
(Generated 2 times)Namelist | Glorantha - Orlanthi males and females (View names) |
Tags | Fantasy Glorantha
Rank | Rabble |
Race | Human |
Cult rank | None |
Notes | ***Total 5 Hitpoints*** |
Creator | hkokko |
Non-random features
List | Feature |
Combat Style Trait- Formation | ***Street Mob*** (Permits a group of three or more fellow citizens to utilise the Intimidate creature ability (mythras page 216), but only before combat starts or when they have their opponents at a severe disadvantage).pponents must make an unopposed Willpower roll to hold their ground; a success allows a character to stand his ground, whereas a failure indicates that they must spend the next round instinctively placing distance between themselves and the creature. If he fumbles the Willpower roll, then the character flees at maximum speed. A critical success allows the character to ignore any further intimida- tion attempts by the creature or its brethren during that encounter. |
Level | ***Rabble*** ***Cannot use Special Effects***. Once they receive damage - ***they cease fighting***. ***Ignore the location specific hit points*** ***If damage < HP*** they flee cursing or yelling in fear. ***If damage =>HP*** the collapse clutching the wounded location and weeping or screaming in agony. ***If damage is 2x hit points*** they die in a spectacular fashion. Once one third of them are dead or wounded they take flight ***Once one third of them are dead or wounded*** they take flight |
Standard skills
Athletics | STR+DEX | Brawn | STR+SIZ | Endurance | CON+CON |
Evade | DEX+DEX | Perception | INT+POW | Unarmed | STR+DEX |
Willpower | POW+POW |
Combat styles
Madness of the Crowd | STR+DEX |
Weapon options
1-handed weaponsAmount: 1
2-handed weaponsAmount: 1d2-1
Ranged weaponsAmount: 0 |
ShieldsAmount: 1d2-2