Warhammer Chaos Spawn

(Generated 55 times)
Namelist None
Rank Novice
Race Chaos Hybrid
Cult rank None
Notes Chaos Spawn Origins and Nature: Creation: Chaos Spawn are the result of horrific mutations caused by the influence of Chaos. They are often former mortals who have been twisted into these monstrous forms due to their worship of Chaos or exposure to its energies. Appearance: Chaos Spawn have highly variable and grotesque appearances, with their forms often being monstrous and mutated in unpredictable ways. They can have multiple limbs, eyes, and other bizarre features. Behavior: They are typically mindless and driven by pure instinct, serving as chaotic horrors that spread destruction and corruption. Their behavior can be erratic and uncontrolled. Characteristics: Mutations: Chaos Spawn have numerous mutations that grant them various physical abilities and traits. They are highly resistant to damage but can have unpredictable and chaotic powers. Abilities: They possess enhanced resilience, strength, and regeneration due to their chaotic nature. They are also often used as shock troops or monstrous beasts in the service of Chaos. Positive Racial Abilities for Chaos Spawn 1. Chaos Resilience Description: Chaos Spawn are highly resilient due to their twisted forms. Mechanics: Chaos Spawn gain a bonus to Fortitude saves and have increased hit points, reflecting their ability to withstand physical damage. 2. Mutated Strength Description: Chaos Spawn possess unnatural strength from their mutations. Mechanics: Chaos Spawn gain a bonus to Strength checks and attacks, allowing them to deal more damage and perform feats of physical power. 3. Enhanced Senses Description: Their chaotic forms grant Chaos Spawn heightened senses. Mechanics: Chaos Spawn gain a bonus to Perception checks related to smell, hearing, or other non-visual senses, reflecting their mutated sensory abilities. 4. Regeneration Description: Chaos Spawn have a limited ability to regenerate wounds over time. Mechanics: Chaos Spawn can recover a small number of hit points each hour, reflecting their regenerative capabilities. 5. Chaotic Adaptation Description: Chaos Spawn can adapt to various threats through their mutations. Mechanics: Chaos Spawn gain a bonus to resist various environmental hazards and poisons, reflecting their ability to adapt to different conditions. 6. Unpredictable Attacks Description: Their chaotic nature makes their attacks erratic and difficult to predict. Mechanics: Chaos Spawn gain a bonus to attack rolls with melee weapons or natural attacks, as their erratic strikes can catch enemies off guard. 7. Aura of Dread Description: The presence of Chaos Spawn instills fear in those around them. Mechanics: Chaos Spawn impose a penalty to Willpower saves of nearby enemies, causing fear and hesitation. 8. Chaos Mutation Description: Chaos Spawn have a range of random mutations that grant them various abilities. Mechanics: Chaos Spawn can randomly generate an additional minor ability or effect from a table of chaotic mutations, providing unique advantages in different situations. Negative Racial Abilities for Chaos Spawn 1. Instability Description: The chaotic nature of their mutations makes Chaos Spawn unstable. Mechanics: Chaos Spawn suffer a penalty to Stability checks and may have difficulties maintaining focus in stressful or complex situations. 2. Mutated Vulnerabilities Description: Their mutations can create specific weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Mechanics: Chaos Spawn have specific weaknesses to certain types of damage or attacks, such as fire or silver, depending on their mutations. 3. Uncontrollable Rage Description: Chaos Spawn often struggle to control their rage and aggression. Mechanics: Chaos Spawn must make Willpower saves to avoid attacking indiscriminately when enraged or provoked, which can lead to unintended consequences. 4. Distorted Appearance Description: Their chaotic mutations cause them to have a horrifying and unsettling appearance. Mechanics: Chaos Spawn suffer a penalty to Social checks and may provoke fear or disgust in those who encounter them, affecting interactions with others. 5. Chaotic Influence Description: The presence of Chaos Spawn can lead to corruption and instability in their surroundings. Mechanics: Chaos Spawn impose a penalty to Willpower saves of allies within a certain range, causing increased susceptibility to corruption and chaos-related effects. 6. Difficulty in Communication Description: Their mutated forms and chaotic nature make coherent communication challenging. Mechanics: Chaos Spawn suffer a penalty to Communication checks and may struggle to convey ideas or understand others. 7. Erratic Behavior Description: Chaos Spawn's chaotic nature leads to unpredictable and erratic behavior. Mechanics: Chaos Spawn suffer a penalty to Initiative and may have difficulty planning and executing coordinated actions. 8. Increased Vulnerability to Magic Description: Chaos Spawn are highly susceptible to magical influences due to their unstable nature. Mechanics: Chaos Spawn suffer a penalty to Willpower saves against magical effects and are more easily affected by spells and enchantments. Mutation! Roll Mutation Effect Traits 01 - 03 Fur A random location on your body gets covered with a layer of thick fur. Roll for Hit Location. Increase the Natural armour of that location by 1. Concealable, Stacks 04 - 06 Shrink Decrease your SIZ by 1d3. Once your SIZ is significantly past your species minimum, it is no longer Invisible. Invisible, Stacks 07 - 09 Horn A horn will constantly grow out from your head if not filed down frequently. It deals 1d4 damage and has the Impale effect. Range Small and Size Small. Add +1 damage per stack. Concealable, Stacks 10 - 12 Agile Your body becomes sleek and your movements have a graceful, almost liquid, quality. Gain +1d10 to Evade. Invisible, Stacks 13 - 15 Claws Your fingernails will constantly grow out as sharp claws if not filed down frequently. They deal 1d4 damage and have the Bleed effect. Range Touch and Size Small. Add +1 damage per stack. Concealable, Stacks 16 - 18 Growth Increase your SIZ by 1d3. Once your SIZ is significantly past your species maximum, it is no longer Invisible. Invisible, Stacks 19 - 21 Fangs Your incisors will constantly grow out and sharpen if not filed down frequently. They deal 1d4 damage and have the Impale effect. Range Touch and Size Small. Add +1 damage per stack. Concealable, Stacks 22 - 24 Fast You develop uncanny speed. Gain +2 Movement. Invisible, Stacks 25 - 27 Scales A random location on your body gets covered with a layer of scales. Roll for Hit Location. Increase the Natural armour of that location by 1. Concealable, Stacks 28 - 30 Poison Bite When you bite someone, your teeth release a dangerous poison. Causing 1 Debility each Round the victim fails to pass a Standard (+0) Endurance Test. Additional stacks increase the difficulty of the test by 1 degree. Concealable, Stacks 31 - 33 Foul Stench Your body produces a terrible odour, each stack increases the intensity of the smell and you suffer one degree of difficulty per stack in social tests. Invisible, Stacks 34 - 36 Regeneration At the start of each Round every location on your body recovers 1 Health Point if you pass a Standard (+0) Endurance Test. Additional Stacks increase the Healing by +1. Concealable, Stacks 37 - 39 Extra Mouth You gain another mouth on a random Hit Location. You gain the Perform (Ventriloquism) skill if you didn’t have it. Tests using it are one degree easier per stack. Gain an additional mouth per stack. Concealable, Stacks 40 - 42 Corrosive Vomit Once per day you may spray your toxic and corrosive stomach acids. Use your Endurance skill to attack, and gain a +20 bonus against opponents that do not expect it or are very close. Deals 1d6 per stack, ignores armor, and temporarily blinds opponents hit in the face. Concealable, Stacks 43 - 45 Iron Hard Skin A random location on your body gets covered with a layer of hardened metal skin. Roll for Hit Location. Increase the Natural armour of that location by 2. Concealable, Stacks 46 - 48 Evil Eye One of your eyes turns completely black. Anyone that stares directly at it, must pass a Standard (+0) Willpower Test or gain +1 Debility while in your presence. Concealable, Removable 49 - 51 Piercing Tongue Your tongue transforms into a long, sinuous, sharp monstrosity. It deals 1d4 damage and has the Impale effect. Range Medium and Size Small. Stacks increase damage by +1. Concealable, Stacks 52 - 54 Additional Eye A new eye sprouts on you. Roll Hit Location to see where. Can be concealed. If uncovered, you have a bonus +5% perception. This effect stacks with multiple eyes. Concealable, Removable, Stacks 55 - 57 Telepathy Can cast the Telepathy spell with Intensity 7 using Willpower. You can only spend Tenacity when casting this spell. Stacks increase the Intensity of this spell by 2. Concealable, Stacks 58 - 60 Blood Replacement You feel a tingling sensation inside as your blood is replaced with maggots which pour out writhing whenever you are cut. Increase your Endurance by 1d10. Concealable 61 - 63 Vampire You now can only subsist on human blood. You must spend 1 downtime activity satiating yourself. After one week without blood, you gain 1 Debility per day. You have no other vampire qualities. In addition, gain the Fangs mutation. Stacks with the Fangs mutation. Concealable, Stacks 64 - 66 Pincer Hand Your hand splits down the middle and transforms into a crab-like claw. It deals 1d4 damage and has the Grip effect. Range Small and Size Small. Removable 67 - 69 Teleport Can cast the Teleport spell on yourself with Intensity 7 using Willpower. You can only spend Tenacity when casting this spell. Stacks increase the Intensity of this spell by 2. Concealable, Stacks 70 - 72 Thorns Thorns begin to grow out of your hands unless they are filed down. They increase your unarmed damage by 1 per stack. Concealable, Stacks 73 - 75 Extra Limb An extra limb grows out of your body. Roll on the Hit Location to see where. It adds a degree of difficulty on tests where the extra limb is a nuisance. Removable 76 -78 Hypnotic Gaze One of your eyes turns completely white. Granting you use of the Dominate (Humanoids) spell with an Intensity of 7 using Willpower. You can only spend Tenacity when casting this spell. Stacks increase the Intensity of this spell by 2. Concealable, Stacks 79 - 81 Tentacle One of your arms is replaced by a large tentacle. It deals 1d4 damage and has the Grip and Take Weapon effects. Range Medium, Size Medium. Concealable, Removable 82 - 84 Tail You grow a tail that helps with your balance. Increase your Dex by 1. Can also be used to attack, causing 1d4 damage and has the Bash Effect. Range Medium, Size Medium. Additional stacks increase the Dex bonus by 1 and the damage by 1. Once you have 3 stacks, it is no longer Concealable. Concealable, Stacks 85 - 87 Acid Excretion When you’re under pressure you must pass a Standard (+0) Willpower test, otherwise a foul, green, caustic liquid leaks from the pores of your skin. The ichor eats through organic and inorganic materials, destroying any clothes or armour you’re wearing. Any weapons that hit you automatically take 1d6 damage which ignores armour. Increase the damage by +1 per stack. Concealable, Stacks 88 - 90 Wings You begin to grow a pair of wings. Granting you a flying speed of 0. Each additional stack increases your flying speed by 2. Effectively letting you fly once you have 2 stacks. Once you have 3 stacks, they are no longer concealable. Concealable, Removable, Stacks 91 - 92 Animalistic Nose Your nose turns into a snout or trunk. Perception tests based on smell are one degree easier. Removable 93 - 94 Skull Face The flesh from your face melts off leaving only a bare white skull. When your face is visible you have the Terrifying trait. Concealable. 95 - 96 Animalistic Legs Your legs transform into that of a deer, increasing your movement by 2. Removable 97 - 98 Eye Stalks Your eyes extend out of your sockets on stalks. Gain 1d10 to your Perception per stack. Additional stacks make more eyes sprout out. Removable, Stacks 99 - 00 Spider Limbs Spider legs sprout out of your back, enabling you to climb on walls. They are thick and sharp and can also be used as a weapon. They deal 1d6 damage and have the Impale effect. Range Long, Size Large. 1 AP and 6 HP. Removable
STR 2d6+6
CON 2d6+6
SIZ 2d6+6
DEX 2d6+6
INT 2d6+6
POW 2d6+6
CHA 2d6+6
D20Hit locationArmor
01-03 Right leg 0
04-06 Left leg 0
07-09 Abdomen 0
10-12 Chest 0
13-15 Right arm 0
16-18 Left arm 0
19-20 Head 0
Movement 6
Natural armor No

Standard skills

Athletics STR+DEX+4d10+15 Boating STR+CON+4d10 Brawn STR+SIZ+4d10+15
Conceal DEX+POW+4d10 Dance DEX+CHA+4d10 Deceit INT+CHA+4d10
Endurance CON+CON+4d10+15 Evade DEX+DEX+4d10+15 First Aid DEX+INT+4d10
Influence CHA+CHA+4d10 Locale INT+INT+4d10 Perception INT+POW+4d10
Ride DEX+POW+4d10 Sing CHA+POW+4d10 Stealth DEX+INT+4d10
Swim STR+CON+4d10 Unarmed STR+DEX+4d10+15 Willpower POW+POW+4d10

Magic skills

Invocation INT+CHA+4d10+15 Shaping INT+POW+4d10+15

Combat styles

Primary Combat StyleSTR+DEX+4d10+15

Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 0

2-handed weapons

Amount: 0

Ranged weapons

Amount: 0


Amount: 0